What is it? =========== [Dreamy][1] is Ruby library and command line tool for interfacing with [DreamHost's API][2]. The API itself is still very young so this is by no means a comprehensive library. Please fork and contribute! Install ======= Grab the gem from GitHub gem sources -a http://gems.github.com gem install sant0sk1-dreamy Library Usage ============= DreamHost requires a username (email or webID) and API key (available from your DH Panel) to make API requests. When creating a Dreamy instance you'll need to provide this data. The Dreamy command line tool (dh) gathers the necessary info from a configuration file or environment variables, but you can do it however you'd like. To get started with the library, just require the gem: require 'rubygems' require 'dreamy' Create a new object using your username and API key. account = Dreamy::Base.new(username,api_key) Fetch an array of Dreamy::Domain objects: account.domains Now that you have an array you can have your way with the data: account.domains.each do |d| puts d.home puts d.user puts d.www_or_not end Same goes with Users, DNS records and announcement list subscribers # fetch an array of Dreamy::User objects account.users # fetch an array of Dreamy::Dns objects account.dns # fetch an array of Dreamy::Subscribers to an announcement list account.announce_list(listname,domain) You can interact with announcement lists by adding and removing subscribers # add a new subscriber to an announcement list account.announce_add(listname,domain,email) # remove a subscriber from an announcement list account.announce_remove(listname,domain,email) More and more functions will be added as time allows. If there's something missing that you want in, please: fork -> commit -> pull request Command Line Usage ================== The Dreamy gem will install an executable called "dh". In order to use it, you'll need to set your DreamHost account username and API key. You can acquire an API key from the DreamHost panel. "dh" will fetch your API credentials from 2 places, respectively: 1) A file called .dreamyrc in your $HOME directory with username on line 1, api key on line 2 An example ~/.dreamyrc would look like: dh_user@gmail.com 34TGGGKBRG3YD1EA 2) Environment variables DH\_USER and DH\_KEY. You can set these by typing this in your shell: export DH_USER=dh_user@gmail.com export DH_KEY=34TGGGKBRG3YD1EA If you want to make those environment variables permanent, add those 2 lines to the bottom of your ~/.bashrc Run this from the command line to print the usage: dh help === Commands help # show this usage domains # list domains domains:status # check availability of all domains (pingability) dns # list your DNS records dns # list DNS records for announce:list # lists all subscribers to list (eg - 'my_list@example.com') announce:add # add a subscriber with to announce:remove # remove subscriber with from users # list user accounts That's it for now. New commands should be springing up as Dreamy and the DreamHost API mature! TODO ==== * more tests * add real rdocs [1]:http://github.com/sant0sk1/dreamy [2]:http://wiki.Dreamy.com/API