require File.expand_path("../test_helper", File.dirname(__FILE__)) class HTMLBase < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_dummy; end def self.behaves_as_basic_html # Simple methods ========================================================= test "div should return content with given attributes" do assert_equal %Q{<div class="green">Hello</div>}, @object.div("Hello", :class => "green") end test "div should return content in block with given attributes" do assert_equal %Q{<div class="green">Hello</div>}, @object.div(:class => "green") { "Hello" } end test "div should return non string content" do assert_equal %Q{<div>1234</div>}, @object.div(1234) end test "div should not be self closing" do assert_equal %Q{<div></div>}, @object.div end test "div should not be self closing with nil block" do assert_equal %Q{<div></div>}, @object.div { nil } end test "div should return closing tag without content" do assert_equal %Q{<div class="green"></div>}, @object.div(:class => "green") end test "a should return anchor with given attributes" do assert_equal %Q{<a href="">link</a>}, @object.a("link", :href => "") end test "title should return title with content" do assert_equal %Q{<title>Hello</title>}, @object.title("Hello") end test "h1 should return h1 header" do assert_equal %Q{<h1>Title</h1>}, @object.h1("Title") end test "br should be self closing" do assert_equal %Q{<br/>}, end test "br should not accept block content" do assert_equal %Q{<br/>}, { "foo" } end # Streaming ============================================================== test "html should product stream of strings if object responds to arrows" do @streaming_object.instance_eval do html do head do title "Hi" end end end assert_equal ["<html>", "<head>", "<title>", "Hi", "</title>", "</head>", "</html>"], @streaming_object end # Examples =============================================================== test "complex nested build calls should render correctly" do assert_equal %Q{<html>} + %Q{<head><title>my document</title><link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/></head>} + %Q{<body class="awesome"><div><div><table cellspacing="0">} + %Q{<tr><th>Col 1</th><th>Col 2</th></tr>} + %Q{<tr><td>10000</td><td>content</td></tr>} + %Q{</table></div></div></body>} + %Q{</html>}, @object.instance_eval { html do head do title "my document" link :href => "style.css", :rel => :stylesheet, :type => "text/css" end body :class => :awesome do div { div { table :cellspacing => 0 do tr { th "Col 1" th "Col 2" } tr { td 10_000 td "content" } end } } end end } end # Builders =============================================================== test "builder should build html" do out = do |b| b.html do b.head do b.title "my document" :href => "style.css", :rel => :stylesheet, :type => "text/css" end b.body :class => :awesome do b.div { b.div { b.table :cellspacing => 0 do { "Col 1" "Col 2" } { 10_000 "content" } end } } end end end assert_equal %Q{<html>} + %Q{<head><title>my document</title><link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/></head>} + %Q{<body class="awesome"><div><div><table cellspacing="0">} + %Q{<tr><th>Col 1</th><th>Col 2</th></tr>} + %Q{<tr><td>10000</td><td>content</td></tr>} + %Q{</table></div></div></body>} + %Q{</html>}, out end end end class HTML5Test < HTMLBase def setup @html = html = Crafty::HTML5 @object = { include html::Basic }.new @streaming_object = { include html::Basic }.new end behaves_as_basic_html end class HTML4Test < HTMLBase def setup @html = html = Crafty::HTML4 @object = { include html::Basic }.new @streaming_object = { include html::Basic }.new end behaves_as_basic_html end class HTMLAliasTest < Test::Unit::TestCase test "html should equal html5" do assert_equal Crafty::HTML, Crafty::HTML5 end test "xhtml should equal html4" do assert_equal Crafty::XHTML, Crafty::HTML4 end end