module Trestle module GridHelper # Renders a row div, one of the building blocks of Bootstrap's grid system. # # # attrs - Hash of attributes that will be passed to the tag (e.g. id, data, class). # # Examples # # <%= row do %> # <%= col do %>Column content<% end %> # <% end %> # # <%= row class: "row-cols-2", id: "my-row" do %> ... # # Returns a HTML-safe String. def row(attrs={}) defaults = ["row"]) options = defaults.merge(attrs) content_tag(:div, options) { yield } end # Renders a column div, one of the building blocks of Bootstrap's grid system. # # # Column divs should always be rendered inside of a row div. # # Examples # # # Standard column - evenly fills available space # <%= col do %>...<% end %> # # # Column spans 4 (out of 12) grid columns (i.e. 1/3 width) at all breakpoints # <%= col 4 do %> ... # # # Column spans 6 grid columns at smallest breakpoint, 4 at md breakpoint # # and above (portrait tablet) and 3 at xl breakpoint and above (desktop) # <%= col 6, md: 4, xl: 3 do %> ... # # Returns a HTML-safe String. def col(columns=nil, breakpoints={}) if columns.is_a?(Hash) breakpoints = columns columns = breakpoints.delete("xs") || breakpoints.delete(:xs) end if columns.nil? && breakpoints.empty? classes = "col" else classes = [] classes << "col-#{columns}" if columns classes += { |breakpoint, span| "col-#{breakpoint}-#{span}" } end content_tag(:div, class: classes) { yield } end # Renders an