module ArticlesHelper # 'Read on' link to article for index-pages # If external_url_redirect is set and a link_title is given, # display this link title. Otherwise display a generic link title. def read_on(article) if article.redirect_link_title.present? link_to article.redirect_link_title, article.external_url_redirect, class: 'more' else link_to t(:read_on, scope: [:articles]), article.public_url, class: 'more' end end def render_article_content_parts(article) render :partial => "/articles/show", :locals => {:article => article} end def render_article_image_gallery if @article result = "" uploads = Upload.tagged_with(@article.image_gallery_tags.present? ? @article.image_gallery_tags.split(",") : "" ) if uploads && uploads.count > 0 uploads.order(:sorter_number).each do |upload| result << content_tag("li", link_to(image_tag(upload.image.url(:thumb), {alt: upload.alt_text}), upload.image.url(:large), title: raw(upload.description))) end end return content_tag("ul", raw(result), :class => "article_image_gallery") end end def navigation_menu(menu_id, options={}) return "id can't be blank" if menu_id.blank? #0 = unlimited, 1 = self, 2 = self and children 1. grades, 3 = self and up to children 2.grades depth = options[:depth] || 0 class_name = options[:class] || "" id_name = options[:id] || "" if menu_id.class == String master_menu = else master_menu = end if master_menu.present? content = "" do |child| content << navigation_menu_helper(child, depth, 1, options) end if id_name.present? result = content_tag(:ul, raw(content),:id => "#{id_name}", :class => "#{class_name} #{depth} navigation #{master_menu.css_class.to_s.gsub(/\W/,' ')}".squeeze(' ').strip) else result = content_tag(:ul, raw(content), :class => "#{class_name} #{depth} navigation #{master_menu.css_class.to_s.gsub(/\W/,' ')}".squeeze(' ').strip) end end return raw(result) end def breadcrumb(options={}) id_name = options[:id] || "breadcrumb" class_name = options[:class] || "" if @article list = "" @article.path.each do |art| link_name = link_to(art.breadcrumb_name, art.public_url) list << content_tag(:li, raw(link_name)) end content_list = content_tag(:ol, raw(list)) if id_name.present? result = content_tag(:nav, raw(content_list), :id => "#{id_name}", :class => "#{class_name}") else result = content_tag(:nav, raw(content_list), :class => "#{class_name}") end return raw(result) end end def index_of_articles(options={}) if @article && @article.article_for_index_id.present? && master_index_article = Article.find_by_id(@article.article_for_index_id) result_list = "" result_list += content_tag(:h2, raw(" "), class: "boxheader") result_list += content_tag(:h1, "#{master_index_article.title}", class: "headline") dom_element = (options[:wrapper]).present? ? options[:wrapper] : :div master_index_article.descendants.order(:created_at).limit(@article.article_for_index_limit).each do |art| if @article.article_for_index_levels.to_i == 0 || (@article.depth + @article.article_for_index_levels.to_i > art.depth) rendered_article_list_item = render_article_list_item(art) result_list += content_tag(dom_element, rendered_article_list_item, :id => "article_index_list_item_#{}", :class => "article_index_list_item") end end return content_tag(:article, raw(result_list), :id => "article_index_list") end end def render_article_type_content(options={}) if @article && @article.article_type.present? && @article.kind_of_article_type.present? render :partial => "articletypes/#{@article.article_type_form_file.downcase}/#{@article.kind_of_article_type.downcase}" else render :partial => "articletypes/default/show" end end def render_article_widgets(options={}) custom_css = options[:class] || "" tags = options[:tagged_with] || "" default = options[:default] || "false" widget_wrapper = options[:wrapper] || "section" result = "" if @article widgets = if tags.present? && default == "false" widgets = widgets.tagged_with(tags.split(",")) elsif default == true && tags.present? widgets = => true).tagged_with(tags.split(",")) else widgets = widgets.where(:tag_list => "") end widgets = widgets.order(:sorter) widgets.each do |widget| template = Liquid::Template.parse(widget.content) alt_template = Liquid::Template.parse(widget.alternative_content) html_data_options = {"class" => "#{widget.css_name} #{custom_css} rdcms_widget", "id" => widget.id_name.present? ? widget.id_name : "widget_id_#{}", 'data-date-start' => widget.offline_date_start_display, 'data-date-end' => widget.offline_date_end_display, 'data-offline-active' => widget.offline_time_active, 'data-id' => } html_data_options = html_data_options.merge(widget.offline_time_week) result << content_tag(widget_wrapper, raw(template.render(Article::LiquidParser)), html_data_options) result << content_tag(widget_wrapper, raw(alt_template.render(Article::LiquidParser)), class: "#{widget.css_name} #{custom_css} hidden rdcms_widget", id: widget.id_name, 'data-id' => end end return raw(result) end private def render_article_list_item(article_item) result = "" result += content_tag(:div, link_to(article_item.title, article_item.public_url), :class=> "title") result += content_tag(:div, article_item.created_at.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"), :class=>"created_at") if @article.article_for_index_images == true && article_item.images.count > 0 result += content_tag(:div, image_tag(article_item.images.first.image(:thumb)), :class => "article_image") end result += content_tag(:div, raw(article_item.public_teaser), :class => "teaser") result += content_tag(:div, link_to(s("rdcms.article.article_index.link_to_article"), article_item.public_url), :class=> "link_to_article") return raw(result) end def navigation_menu_helper(child, depth, current_depth, options) child_link = content_tag(:a, child.title, :href =>"\"",'')) image_link = child.image.present? ? image_tag(child.image.image(:original)) : "" child_link = child_link + content_tag(:a, image_link, :href =>"\"",''), :class => "navigtion_link_imgage_wrapper") unless options[:show_image] == false child_link = child_link + content_tag(:a, child.description_title, :href =>"\"",''), :class => "navigtion_link_description_title") unless options[:show_description_title] == false template = Liquid::Template.parse(child.description) child_link = child_link + content_tag("div", raw(template.render(Article::LiquidParser)), :class => "navigtion_link_description") unless options[:show_description] == false child_link = child_link + content_tag(:a, child.call_to_action_name, :href =>"\"",''), :class => "navigtion_link_call_to_action_name") unless options[:show_call_to_action_name] == false current_depth = current_depth + 1 if child.children && (depth == 0 || current_depth <= depth) content_level = "" do |subchild| content_level << navigation_menu_helper(subchild, depth, current_depth, options) end if content_level.present? child_link = child_link + content_tag(:ul, raw(content_level), :class => "level_#{current_depth} children_#{}" ) end end return content_tag(:li, raw(child_link),"data-id" => , :class => "#{child.has_active_child?(request) ? 'has_active_child' : ''} #{child.is_active?(request) ? 'active' : ''} #{child.css_class.gsub(/\W/,' ')}".squeeze(' ').strip) end end