module Redmineup
module FormTagHelper
# Allows include select2 into your views.
# ==== Examples
# select2_tag 'city_id', '...'
# select2_tag 'city_id', options_for_select(...)
# select2_tag 'tag_list', nil, :multiple => true, :data => [{ id: 0, text: 'deal' }, ...], :tags => true, :include_hidden => false %>
# select2_tag 'tag_list', options_for_select(...), :multiple => true, :style => 'width: 100%;', :url => '/tags', :placeholder => '+ add tag', :tags => true %>
# You may use select_tag options and additional options.
# ==== Additional options
# * :url Allows searches for remote data using the ajax.
# * :data Load dropdown options from a local array if +url+ option not set.
# * :placeholder Supports displaying a placeholder value.
# * :include_hidden Adds hidden field after select when +multiple+ option true. Default value true.
# * :allow_clear Provides support for clearable selections. Default value false.
# * :min_input_length Minimum number of characters required to start a search. Default value 0.
# * :format_state Defines template of search results in the drop-down.
# * :tags Used to enable tagging feature.
# Note: The HTML specification says when +multiple+ parameter passed to select and all options got deselected
# web browsers do not send any value to server.
# In case if you don't want the helper to generate this hidden field you can specify
# include_hidden: false option.
# Note: Select2 assets must be available on a page.
# To include select2 assets to a page, you need to use the helper select2_assets.
# For example:
# <% content_for :header_tags do %>
# <%= select2_assets %>
# <% end %>
# Also aliased as: select2
# select2 'city_id', options_for_select(...)
def select2_tag(name, option_tags = nil, options = {})
s = select_tag(name, option_tags, options)
if options[:multiple] && options.fetch(:include_hidden, true)
s << hidden_field_tag("#{name}[]", '')
s + javascript_tag("select2Tag('#{sanitize_to_id(name)}', #{options.to_json});")
alias select2 select2_tag
# Transforms select filters of +type+ fields into select2
# ==== Examples
# transform_to_select2 'tags', url: auto_complete_tags_url
# transform_to_select2 'people', format_state: 'formatStateWithAvatar', min_input_length: 1, url: '/managers'
# ==== Options
# * :url Defines URL to search remote data using the ajax.
# * :format_state Defines template of search results in the drop-down.
# * :min_input_length Minimum number of characters required to start a search. Default value 0.
# * :width Sets the width of the control. Default value '60%'.
# * :multiple Supports multi-value select box. If set to false the selection will not allow multiple choices. Default value true.
# Note: Select2 assets must be available on a page.
# To include select2 assets to a page, you need to use the helper select2_assets.
# For example:
# <% content_for :header_tags do %>
# <%= select2_assets %>
# <% end %>
def transform_to_select2(type, options = {})
javascript_tag("setSelect2Filter('#{type}', #{options.to_json});") unless type.empty?
def format_datetime(time)
formated_time = format_time(time, false)
formated_date = ::I18n.l(time.to_date, format: '%Y-%m-%d')
"#{formated_date} #{formated_time}"
def format_datetime_date(time)
formated_date = ::I18n.l(time.to_date, format: '%Y-%m-%d')