Feature: Mirage can be configured to return particular responses conditionally based on if a prescribed pattern is found in
querystring or the body of a request.
Patterns can be either plain text or a regular expression
Background: There is already a default response for 'greeting'
Given I send PUT to 'http://localhost:7001/mirage/templates/greeting' with body 'Hello Stranger' and headers:
| X-mirage-method | POST |
Scenario: A plain text pattern found in the request body
Given I send PUT to 'http://localhost:7001/mirage/templates/greeting' with body 'Hello Leon, how are you?' and headers:
| X-mirage-pattern | leon |
| X-mirage-method | POST |
When I send POST to 'http://localhost:7001/mirage/responses/greeting' with request entity
Then 'Hello Leon, how are you?' should be returned
Scenario: A regex based pattern found in the request body
Given I send PUT to 'http://localhost:7001/mirage/templates/greeting' with body 'Hello Leon, how are you?' and headers:
| X-mirage-pattern | .*?leon<\/name> |
| X-mirage-method | POST |
When I send POST to 'http://localhost:7001/mirage/responses/greeting' with request entity
Then 'Hello Leon, how are you?' should be returned
Scenario: A plain text pattern found in the query string
Given I send PUT to 'http://localhost:7001/mirage/templates/greeting' with body 'Hello Leon, how are you?' and headers:
| X-mirage-pattern | leon |
| X-mirage-method | POST |
When I send POST to 'http://localhost:7001/mirage/responses/greeting' with parameters:
| name | leon |
Then 'Hello Leon, how are you?' should be returned
Scenario: A regex based pattern found in the query string
Given I send PUT to 'http://localhost:7001/mirage/templates/greeting' with body 'Hello Leon, how are you?' and headers:
| X-mirage-pattern | name=[L\|l]eon |
| X-mirage-method | POST |
When I send POST to 'http://localhost:7001/mirage/responses/greeting' with parameters:
| name | leon |
Then 'Hello Leon, how are you?' should be returned
Scenario: The pattern is not matched
Given I send PUT to 'http://localhost:7001/mirage/templates/greeting' with body 'Hello Leon, how are you?' and headers:
| X-mirage-pattern | .*?leon<\/name> |
| X-mirage-method | POST |
When I send POST to 'http://localhost:7001/mirage/responses/greeting' with request entity
Then 'Hello Stranger' should be returned