/* * jQuery UI menubar * * backported from Michael Lang's fork: http://www.nexul.com/prototypes/toolbar/demo.html */ (function($) { // TODO take non-menubar buttons into account $.widget("ui.menubar", { options: { buttons: false, menuIcon: false }, _create: function() { var self = this; var items = this.items = this.element.children("button, a"); items.slice(1).attr("tabIndex", -1); var o = this.options; this.element.addClass('ui-menubar ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix'); this._focusable(items); this._hoverable(items); items.next("ul").each(function(i, elm) { $(elm).menu({ select: function(event, ui) { ui.item.parents("ul:last").hide() self.options.select.apply(this, arguments); } }).hide().keydown(function(event) { var menu = $(this); if (menu.is(":hidden")) return; event.stopPropagation(); switch (event.keyCode) { case $.ui.keyCode.LEFT: self._left(event); event.preventDefault(); break; case $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT: self._right(event); event.preventDefault(); break; }; }).blur(function( event ) { self._close( event ); }); }); items.each(function() { var input = $(this), menu = input.next("ul"); input.bind("click focus mouseenter", function(event) { // ignore triggered focus event if (event.type == "focus" && !event.originalEvent) { return; } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if (event.type == "click" && menu.is(":visible") && self.active && self.active[0] == menu[0]) { self._close(); return; } if (self.open || event.type == "click") { self._open(event, menu); } }) .bind( "keydown", function( event ) { switch ( event.keyCode ) { case $.ui.keyCode.SPACE: case $.ui.keyCode.UP: case $.ui.keyCode.DOWN: self._open( event, $( this ).next() ); event.preventDefault(); break; case $.ui.keyCode.LEFT: self._prev( event, $( this ) ); event.preventDefault(); break; case $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT: self._next( event, $( this ) ); event.preventDefault(); break; } }) .addClass("ui-button ui-widget ui-button-text-only ui-menubar-link") .wrapInner(""); if (o.menuIcon) { input.addClass("ui-state-default").append(""); input.removeClass("ui-button-text-only").addClass("ui-button-text-icon-secondary"); } if (!o.buttons) { input.addClass('ui-menubar-link').removeClass('ui-state-default'); }; }); self._bind(document, { click: function(event) { if (self.open && !$(event.target).closest(".ui-menubar").length) { self._close(); } } }) self._bind({ keyup: function(event) { if (event.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE && self.open) { if (self.active.menu("left", event) !== true) { var active = self.active; self.active.blur(); active.prev().focus(); } } } }); }, _close: function() { this.active.menu("closeAll").hide(); this.active.prev().removeClass("ui-state-active").removeAttr("tabIndex"); this.active = null; var self = this; // delay for the next focus event to see it as still "open" self.timer = setTimeout(function() { self.open = false; }, 13); }, _open: function(event, menu) { // on a single-button menubar, ignore reopening the same menu if (this.active && this.active[0] == menu[0]) { return; } // almost the same as _close above, but don't remove tabIndex if (this.active) { this.active.menu("closeAll").hide(); this.active.prev().removeClass("ui-state-active"); } clearTimeout(this.timer); this.open = true; // set tabIndex -1 to have the button skipped on shift-tab when menu is open (it gets focus) var button = menu.prev().addClass("ui-state-active").attr("tabIndex", -1); this.active = menu.show().position({ my: "left top", at: "left bottom", of: button }).focus(); }, _prev: function( event, button ) { button.attr("tabIndex", -1); var prev = button.prevAll( ".ui-button" ).eq( 0 ); if (prev.length) { prev.removeAttr("tabIndex")[0].focus(); } else { this.element.children(".ui-button:last").removeAttr("tabIndex")[0].focus(); } }, _next: function( event, button ) { button.attr("tabIndex", -1); var next = button.nextAll( ".ui-button" ).eq( 0 ); if (next.length) { next.removeAttr("tabIndex")[0].focus(); } else { this.element.children(".ui-button:first").removeAttr("tabIndex")[0].focus(); } }, _left: function(event) { var prev = this.active.prevAll( ".ui-menu" ).eq( 0 ); if (prev.length) { this._open(event, prev); } else { this._open(event, this.element.children(".ui-menu:last")); } }, _right: function(event) { var next = this.active.nextAll( ".ui-menu" ).eq( 0 ); if (next.length) { this._open(event, next); } else { this._open(event, this.element.children(".ui-menu:first")); } } }); }(jQuery));