require 'fileutils' require 'colorize' require 'active_support/core_ext/string' require 'thor' require 'bundler' class Jets::Commands::Sequence < Thor::Group include Thor::Actions def self.source_root File.expand_path("templates/skeleton", File.dirname(__FILE__)) end private def clone_project unless git_installed? abort "Unable to detect git installation on your system. Git needs to be installed in order to use the --repo option." end if File.exist?(project_name) abort "The folder #{project_name} already exists." else run "git clone{options[:repo]} #{project_name}" end confirm_jets_project end def confirm_jets_project jets_project = File.exist?("#{project_name}/config/application.rb") unless jets_project puts "It does not look like the repo #{options[:repo]} is a jets project. Maybe double check that it is? Exited.".colorize(:red) exit 1 end end def copy_project puts "Creating new project called #{project_name}." directory ".", project_name, copy_options end def copy_options # list of words to include in the exclude pattern and will not be generated words = %w[ Procfile controllers helpers javascript models/application_ views database.yml dynamodb.yml routes db/ spec yarn public ] if @options[:mode] == 'job' { exclude_pattern:'|')) } else {} end end def git_installed? system("type git > /dev/null") end end