open Core.Std open OUnit2 open Robot_name let assert_matches_spec name = let is_valid_letter ch = 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' in let is_valid_digit ch = '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' in assert_equal ~printer:Int.to_string 5 (String.length name); assert_bool ("First character must be from A to Z") (is_valid_letter @@ name.[0]); assert_bool ("Second character must be from A to Z") (is_valid_letter @@ name.[1]); assert_bool ("Third character must be from 0 to 9") (is_valid_digit @@ name.[2]); assert_bool ("Fourth character must be from 0 to 9") (is_valid_digit @@ name.[3]); assert_bool ("Fifth character must be from 0 to 9") (is_valid_digit @@ name.[4]);; let basic_tests = [ "a robot has a name of 2 letters followed by 3 numbers" >:: (fun _ctxt -> let n = name (new_robot ()) in assert_matches_spec n ); "resetting a robot's name gives it a different name" >:: (fun _ctxt -> let r = new_robot () in let n1 = name r in reset r; let n2 = name r in assert_bool ("'" ^ n1 ^ "' was repeated") (n1 <> n2) ); "after reset the robot's name still matches the specification" >:: (fun _ctxt -> let r = new_robot () in reset r; let n = name r in assert_matches_spec n ); ] (* Optionally: make this test pass. There are 26 * 26 * 10 * 10 * 10 = 676,000 possible Robot names. This test generates all possible Robot names, and checks that there are no duplicates. It's harder to make pass than the other tests, so it is left as optional. To enable it, uncomment the code in the run_test_tt_main line at the bottom of this module. *) let unique_name_tests = [ "all possible robot names are distinct" >:: (fun _ctxt -> let rs = Array.init (26 * 26 * 1000) ~f:(fun _ -> new_robot ()) in let (repeated, _) = Array.fold rs ~init:(String.Set.empty, String.Set.empty) ~f:(fun (repeated, seen) r -> let n = name r in if Set.mem seen n then (Set.add repeated n, seen) else (repeated, Set.add seen n) ) in let first_few_repeats = Array.slice (Set.to_array repeated) 0 (min 20 (Set.length repeated)) in let failure_message = "first few repeats: " ^ (String.concat_array first_few_repeats ~sep:",") in assert_bool failure_message (Set.is_empty repeated) ); ] let () = run_test_tt_main ("robot-name tests" >::: List.concat [basic_tests (* ; unique_name_tests *)])