# :stopdoc:
# This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation 
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# :startdoc:

module Wx

  # Styles used by {Wx::TextValidator}.
  # Notice that {Wx::FILTER_EXCLUDE}[_CHAR]_LIST pair can be used to document the purpose of the validator only and are not enforced in the implementation of the {Wx::TextValidator}. Therefore, calling the corresponding member functions: {Wx::TextValidator}::{SetExcludes,SetCharExcludes}(), is enough to create the desired validator.
  class TextValidatorStyle < Wx::Enum
    # No filtering takes place.
    FILTER_NONE = Wx::TextValidatorStyle.new(0)
    # Empty strings are filtered out.
    FILTER_EMPTY = Wx::TextValidatorStyle.new(1)
    # Non-ASCII characters are filtered out. See Wx::String::IsAscii.
    FILTER_ASCII = Wx::TextValidatorStyle.new(2)
    # Non-alpha characters are filtered out.
    FILTER_ALPHA = Wx::TextValidatorStyle.new(4)
    # Non-alphanumeric characters are filtered out.
    FILTER_ALPHANUMERIC = Wx::TextValidatorStyle.new(8)
    # Non-digit characters are filtered out.
    FILTER_DIGITS = Wx::TextValidatorStyle.new(16)
    # Non-numeric characters are filtered out.
    FILTER_NUMERIC = Wx::TextValidatorStyle.new(32)
    # Use an include list.
    FILTER_INCLUDE_LIST = Wx::TextValidatorStyle.new(64)
    # Use an include char list.
    FILTER_INCLUDE_CHAR_LIST = Wx::TextValidatorStyle.new(128)
    # Use an exclude list.
    FILTER_EXCLUDE_LIST = Wx::TextValidatorStyle.new(256)
    # Use an exclude char list.
    FILTER_EXCLUDE_CHAR_LIST = Wx::TextValidatorStyle.new(512)
    # Non-hexadecimal characters are filtered out.
    FILTER_XDIGITS = Wx::TextValidatorStyle.new(1024)
    # A convenience flag for use with the other flags.
    FILTER_SPACE = Wx::TextValidatorStyle.new(2048)
  end # TextValidatorStyle
  # {Wx::TextValidator} validates text controls, providing a variety of filtering behaviours.
  # For more information, please see wxValidator Overview.
  # === 
  # Category:  {Wx::Validators}
  # @see wxValidator Overview
  # @see  Wx::Validator
  # @see  Wx::GenericValidator
  # @see  Wx::IntegerValidator
  # @see  Wx::FloatingPointValidator 
  class TextValidator < Validator
    # Clones the text validator using the copy constructor.
    # @return [Wx::TextValidator]
    def clone; end
    # Returns a copy of the exclude char list (the list of invalid characters).
    # @return [String]
    def get_char_excludes; end
    alias_method :char_excludes, :get_char_excludes
    # Returns a copy of the include char list (the list of additional valid characters).
    # @return [String]
    def get_char_includes; end
    alias_method :char_includes, :get_char_includes
    # Returns a const reference to the exclude list (the list of invalid values).
    # @return [Wx::ArrayString]
    def get_excludes; end
    alias_method :excludes, :get_excludes
    # Returns a const reference to the include list (the list of valid values).
    # @return [Wx::ArrayString]
    def get_includes; end
    alias_method :includes, :get_includes
    # Returns the validator style.
    # @see Wx::TextValidator#has_flag 
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_style; end
    alias_method :style, :get_style
    # Returns true if the given style bit is set in the current style.
    # @param style [Wx::TextValidatorStyle] 
    # @return [Boolean]
    def has_flag(style) end
    alias_method :has_flag?, :has_flag
    # Sets the exclude list (invalid values for the user input).
    # Beware that exclusion takes priority over inclusion.
    # @param stringList [Array<String>] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_excludes(stringList) end
    alias_method :excludes=, :set_excludes
    # Sets the exclude char list (invalid characters for the user input).
    # Beware that exclusion takes priority over inclusion. 
    # This function may cancel the effect of {Wx::TextValidatorStyle::FILTER_SPACE} if the passed in string chars contains the <b>space</b> character.
    # @param chars [String] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_char_excludes(chars) end
    alias_method :char_excludes=, :set_char_excludes
    # Sets the include list (valid values for the user input).
    # @see Wx::TextValidator#is_included 
    # @param stringList [Array<String>] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_includes(stringList) end
    alias_method :includes=, :set_includes
    # Sets the include char list (additional valid values for the user input).
    # Any explicitly excluded characters will still be excluded even if they're part of chars.
    # @param chars [String] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_char_includes(chars) end
    alias_method :char_includes=, :set_char_includes
    # Adds exclude to the list of excluded values.
    # Beware that exclusion takes priority over inclusion.
    # @param exclude [String] 
    # @return [void]
    def add_exclude(exclude) end
    # Adds include to the list of included values.
    # Any explicitly excluded characters will still be excluded.
    # @param include [String] 
    # @return [void]
    def add_include(include) end
    # Adds chars to the list of excluded characters.
    # Beware that exclusion takes priority over inclusion.
    # @param chars [String] 
    # @return [void]
    def add_char_excludes(chars) end
    # Adds chars to the list of included characters.
    # Any explicitly excluded characters will still be excluded even if they're part of chars.
    # @param chars [String] 
    # @return [void]
    def add_char_includes(chars) end
    # Sets the validator style which must be a combination of one or more of the {Wx::TextValidatorStyle} values.
    # Note that not all possible combinations make sense! Also, some combinations have shorter and more idiomatic alternative, e.g. {Wx::TextValidatorStyle::FILTER_ALPHANUMERIC} can be used instead of <code>wxFILTER_ALPHA|wxFILTER_DIGITS</code>.
    # @param style [Integer] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_style(style) end
    alias_method :style=, :set_style
    # Validates the window contents against the include or exclude lists, depending on the validator style.
    # @param parent [Wx::Window] 
    # @return [Boolean]
    def validate(parent) end
    # Returns the error message if the contents of val are invalid or the empty string if val is valid.
    # @param val [String] 
    # @return [String]
    def is_valid(val) end
    alias_method :valid?, :is_valid
  end # TextValidator
