require 'rest-client' class PingWorker include Sidekiq::Worker sidekiq_options :retry => false, :queue => :pings SEMAPHORE = => 1, :timeout => 5) { true } def perform begin SEMAPHORE.with do |glory| condition = Terminal.condition "Requesting with updated_at: #{Terminal.providers_updated_at}" begin response = RestClient::Request.execute( :method => :post, :url => "#{}/terminal_pings", :timeout => 40, :open_timeout => 60, :headers => { "Content-Type" => "application/json", "Accept" => "application/json" }, :payload => JSON.dump( :terminal => Terminal.keyword, :terminal_ping => condition ) ) rescue Exception => e Sidekiq::Logging.logger.warn e.to_s return end begin response = JSON.parse(response.to_s, :symbolize_names => true) rescue Exception => e Sidekiq::Logging.logger.warn "Unable to parse JSON: #{e.to_s}" return end "Response: #{response.inspect}" # # PROFILE # Terminal.address = response[:address] unless Terminal.modified_at == response[:profile][:modified_at] Terminal.support_phone = response[:profile][:support_phone] Terminal.modified_at = response[:profile][:modified_at] Sync::LogoWorker.perform_async response[:profile][:logo] end # # ORDERS # response[:orders].each do |foreign| existing = Order.find_by_foreign_id(foreign[:id]) unless existing.nil? if existing.foreign_created_at == foreign[:created_at] || # same order, not yet acknowleged !existing.complete? # not completed yet next end existing.destroy end foreign[:foreign_id] = foreign.delete(:id) foreign[:foreign_created_at] = foreign.delete(:created_at) order = Order.create!(foreign) order.acknowledge order.perform end Sync::ProvidersWorker.perform_async if response[:update_providers] # # SESSIONS # last_session = response[:last_session_started_at] || 0 Sync::SessionsWorker.perform_async(last_session )if SessionRecord.exists?([ 'started_at > ?', last_session ]) end rescue Timeout::Error => e Sidekiq::Logging.logger.warn "Semaphore timeout. #{e.to_s}" end end end