module HyperStore class StateWrapper < BaseStoreClass module ArgumentValidator class InvalidOptionError < StandardError; end def validate_args!(klass, *args, &block) name, initial_value, opts = parse_arguments(*args, &block) opts[:scope] ||= default_scope(klass) opts[:initializer] = validate_initializer(initial_value, klass, opts) opts[:block] = block if block if opts[:reader] opts[:reader] = opts[:reader] == true ? name : opts[:reader] end [name, opts] end private def invalid_option(message) raise InvalidOptionError, message end # Parses the arguments given to get the name, initial_value (if any), and options def parse_arguments(*args) # If the only argument is a hash, the first key => value is name => inital_value if args.first.is_a?(Hash) # If the first key passed in is not the name, raise an error if [:reader, :initializer, :scope].include?(args.first.keys.first.to_sym) message = 'The name of the state must be specified first as '\ "either 'state :name' or 'state name: nil'" invalid_option(message) end name, initial_value = args[0].shift # Otherwise just the name is passed in by itself first else name = args.shift end # [name, initial_value (can be nil), args (if nil then return an empty hash)] [name, initial_value, args[0] || {}] end # Converts the initialize option to a Proc def validate_initializer(initial_value, klass, opts) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # If we pass in the name as a hash with a value ex: state foo: :bar, # we just put that value inside a Proc and return that if initial_value dup_or_return_intial_value(initial_value) # If we pass in the initialize option elsif opts[:initializer] # If it's a Symbol we convert to to a Proc that calls the method on the instance if [Symbol, String].include?(opts[:initializer].class) method_name = opts[:initializer] if [:class, :shared].include?(opts[:scope]) -> { klass.send(:"#{method_name}") } else ->(instance) { instance.send(:"#{method_name}") } end # If it is already a Proc we do nothing and just return what was given elsif opts[:initializer].is_a?(Proc) opts[:initializer] # If it's not a Proc or a String we raise an error and return an empty Proc else invalid_option("'state' option 'initialize' must either be a Symbol or a Proc") -> {} end # Otherwise if it's not specified we just return an empty Proc else -> {} end end # Dup the initial value if possible, otherwise just return it # Ruby has no nice way of doing this... def dup_or_return_intial_value(value) value = begin value.dup rescue value end -> { value } end end end end