# timeframe A Ruby class for describing and interacting with timeframes. ## Real-world usage

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We use `timeframe` for [data science at Brighter Planet](http://brighterplanet.com/research) and in production at * [Brighter Planet's impact estimate web service](http://impact.brighterplanet.com) * [Brighter Planet's reference data web service](http://data.brighterplanet.com) Originally proposed to us by [the awesome programmers at fingertips](http:/fngtps.com) ## Based on ISO 8601 As [documented by wikipedia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Time_intervals), time intervals are like: 1. Start and end, such as `2007-03-01T13:00:00Z/2008-05-11T15:30:00Z` 2. Start and duration, such as `2007-03-01T13:00:00Z/P1Y2M10DT2H30M` 3. Duration and end, such as `P1Y2M10DT2H30M/2008-05-11T15:30:00Z` 4. Duration only, such as `P1Y2M10DT2H30M`, with additional context information [not supported] or more simply / / / [not supported] ## Precision Currently the end result is precise to 1 day, so these are the same: * `2007-03-01T00:00:00Z/2008-05-11T00:00:00Z` * `2007-03-01/2008-05-11` This may change in the future. ## Documentation http://rdoc.info/projects/rossmeissl/timeframe ## Acknowledgements Thanks to @artemk for https://github.com/rossmeissl/timeframe/pull/5 ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2012 Andy Rossmeissl, Seamus Abshere