#Extend API Reference
## Introduction Welcome to the Extend API Documentation! Our goal is to make your integration as clear and easy as possible, so if you have feedback or suggestions for our API or reference docs, [please let us know](mailto:devs@helloextend.com). If you are implementing the API for the first time, please use the latest \"2019-08-01\" API version. If you have already implemented the API and haven't specified a version, you are on the \"Default\" API version. #### You can get up and running with Extend with just 5 simple steps: * Create an account with Extend, and get an access token from your Extend merchant portal * Sync your store's products to Extend * Get the relevant Extend warranty SKUs and add them to your store * Add the JS SDK snippets to your store's website, which will enable warranty offers to be displayed in your store * Record warranty purchases with Extend so we can create a new contract and deliver it to the customer, or record warranty returns / refunds so we can cancel the contract and account for the refunded amount
Pro Tip! Keep your store's products up to date
To make sure you are selling warranty plans on all eligible products (and not selling them on ineligible ones), it is best to keep your store's products in sync with Extend. If you update your products infrequently, it might be easiest to manually upload or edit products in your merchant portal. If you do update frequently, though, consider integrating with our Products API resource.
Need help? Contact us! We love to help!
The version of the OpenAPI document: Default
Generated by: https://openapi-generator.tech
OpenAPI Generator version: 4.3.1-SNAPSHOT
module HelloextendApiClient
class Configuration
# Defines url scheme
attr_accessor :scheme
# Defines url host
attr_accessor :host
# Defines url base path
attr_accessor :base_path
# Defines API keys used with API Key authentications.
# @return [Hash] key: parameter name, value: parameter value (API key)
# @example parameter name is "api_key", API key is "xxx" (e.g. "api_key=xxx" in query string)
# config.api_key['api_key'] = 'xxx'
attr_accessor :api_key
# Defines API key prefixes used with API Key authentications.
# @return [Hash] key: parameter name, value: API key prefix
# @example parameter name is "Authorization", API key prefix is "Token" (e.g. "Authorization: Token xxx" in headers)
# config.api_key_prefix['api_key'] = 'Token'
attr_accessor :api_key_prefix
# Defines the username used with HTTP basic authentication.
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :username
# Defines the password used with HTTP basic authentication.
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :password
# Defines the access token (Bearer) used with OAuth2.
attr_accessor :access_token
# Set this to enable/disable debugging. When enabled (set to true), HTTP request/response
# details will be logged with `logger.debug` (see the `logger` attribute).
# Default to false.
# @return [true, false]
attr_accessor :debugging
# Defines the logger used for debugging.
# Default to `Rails.logger` (when in Rails) or logging to STDOUT.
# @return [#debug]
attr_accessor :logger
# Defines the temporary folder to store downloaded files
# (for API endpoints that have file response).
# Default to use `Tempfile`.
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :temp_folder_path
# The time limit for HTTP request in seconds.
# Default to 0 (never times out).
attr_accessor :timeout
# Set this to false to skip client side validation in the operation.
# Default to true.
# @return [true, false]
attr_accessor :client_side_validation
### TLS/SSL setting
# Set this to false to skip verifying SSL certificate when calling API from https server.
# Default to true.
# @note Do NOT set it to false in production code, otherwise you would face multiple types of cryptographic attacks.
# @return [true, false]
attr_accessor :verify_ssl
### TLS/SSL setting
# Set this to false to skip verifying SSL host name
# Default to true.
# @note Do NOT set it to false in production code, otherwise you would face multiple types of cryptographic attacks.
# @return [true, false]
attr_accessor :verify_ssl_host
### TLS/SSL setting
# Set this to customize the certificate file to verify the peer.
# @return [String] the path to the certificate file
# @see The `cainfo` option of Typhoeus, `--cert` option of libcurl. Related source code:
# https://github.com/typhoeus/typhoeus/blob/master/lib/typhoeus/easy_factory.rb#L145
attr_accessor :ssl_ca_cert
### TLS/SSL setting
# Client certificate file (for client certificate)
attr_accessor :cert_file
### TLS/SSL setting
# Client private key file (for client certificate)
attr_accessor :key_file
# Set this to customize parameters encoding of array parameter with multi collectionFormat.
# Default to nil.
# @see The params_encoding option of Ethon. Related source code:
# https://github.com/typhoeus/ethon/blob/master/lib/ethon/easy/queryable.rb#L96
attr_accessor :params_encoding
attr_accessor :inject_format
attr_accessor :force_ending_format
def initialize
@scheme = 'https'
@host = 'api-demo.helloextend.com'
@base_path = ''
@api_key = {}
@api_key_prefix = {}
@timeout = 0
@client_side_validation = true
@verify_ssl = true
@verify_ssl_host = true
@params_encoding = nil
@cert_file = nil
@key_file = nil
@debugging = false
@inject_format = false
@force_ending_format = false
@logger = defined?(Rails) ? Rails.logger : Logger.new(STDOUT)
yield(self) if block_given?
# The default Configuration object.
def self.default
@@default ||= Configuration.new
def configure
yield(self) if block_given?
def scheme=(scheme)
# remove :// from scheme
@scheme = scheme.sub(/:\/\//, '')
def host=(host)
# remove http(s):// and anything after a slash
@host = host.sub(/https?:\/\//, '').split('/').first
def base_path=(base_path)
# Add leading and trailing slashes to base_path
@base_path = "/#{base_path}".gsub(/\/+/, '/')
@base_path = '' if @base_path == '/'
def base_url
"#{scheme}://#{[host, base_path].join('/').gsub(/\/+/, '/')}".sub(/\/+\z/, '')
# Gets API key (with prefix if set).
# @param [String] param_name the parameter name of API key auth
def api_key_with_prefix(param_name)
if @api_key_prefix[param_name]
"#{@api_key_prefix[param_name]} #{@api_key[param_name]}"
# Gets Basic Auth token string
def basic_auth_token
'Basic ' + ["#{username}:#{password}"].pack('m').delete("\r\n")
# Returns Auth Settings hash for api client.
def auth_settings
'ExtendAccessToken' =>
type: 'api_key',
in: 'header',
key: 'X-Extend-Access-Token',
value: api_key_with_prefix('X-Extend-Access-Token')
# Returns an array of Server setting
def server_settings
url: "https://api-demo.helloextend.com",
description: "No description provided",
# Returns URL based on server settings
# @param index array index of the server settings
# @param variables hash of variable and the corresponding value
def server_url(index, variables = {})
servers = server_settings
# check array index out of bound
if (index < 0 || index >= servers.size)
fail ArgumentError, "Invalid index #{index} when selecting the server. Must be less than #{servers.size}"
server = servers[index]
url = server[:url]
# go through variable and assign a value
server[:variables].each do |name, variable|
if variables.key?(name)
if (server[:variables][name][:enum_values].include? variables[name])
url.gsub! "{" + name.to_s + "}", variables[name]
fail ArgumentError, "The variable `#{name}` in the server URL has invalid value #{variables[name]}. Must be #{server[:variables][name][:enum_values]}."
# use default value
url.gsub! "{" + name.to_s + "}", server[:variables][name][:default_value]