Feature: Rake tasks Background: Given I generate a new rails application And I run a rails generator to generate a "User" scaffold with "name:string" And I run a paperclip generator to add a paperclip "attachment" to the "User" model And I run a migration And I add the paperclip rake task to a Rails 2.3 application And I add this snippet to the User model: """ has_attached_file :attachment, :path => ":rails_root/public/system/:attachment/:style/:filename" """ Scenario: Paperclip refresh thumbnails task When I modify my attachment definition to: """ has_attached_file :attachment, :path => ":rails_root/public/system/:attachment/:style/:filename", :styles => { :medium => "200x200#" } """ And I upload the fixture "5k.png" Then the attachment "medium/5k.png" should have a dimension of 200x200 When I modify my attachment definition to: """ has_attached_file :attachment, :path => ":rails_root/public/system/:attachment/:style/:filename", :styles => { :medium => "100x100#" } """ When I successfully run `bundle exec rake paperclip:refresh:thumbnails CLASS=User --trace` Then the attachment "original/5k.png" should exist And the attachment "medium/5k.png" should have a dimension of 100x100 Scenario: Paperclip refresh metadata task When I upload the fixture "5k.png" And I swap the attachment "original/5k.png" with the fixture "12k.png" And I successfully run `bundle exec rake paperclip:refresh:metadata CLASS=User --trace` Then the attachment should have the same content type as the fixture "12k.png" And the attachment should have the same file size as the fixture "12k.png" Scenario: Paperclip refresh missing styles task When I upload the fixture "5k.png" Then the attachment file "original/5k.png" should exist And the attachment file "medium/5k.png" should not exist When I modify my attachment definition to: """ has_attached_file :attachment, :path => ":rails_root/public/system/:attachment/:style/:filename", :styles => { :medium => "200x200#" } """ When I successfully run `bundle exec rake paperclip:refresh:missing_styles --trace` Then the attachment file "original/5k.png" should exist And the attachment file "medium/5k.png" should exist Scenario: Paperclip clean task When I upload the fixture "5k.png" And I upload the fixture "12k.png" Then the attachment file "original/5k.png" should exist And the attachment file "original/12k.png" should exist When I modify my attachment definition to: """ has_attached_file :attachment, :path => ":rails_root/public/system/:attachment/:style/:filename" validates_attachment_size :attachment, :less_than => 10.kilobytes """ And I successfully run `bundle exec rake paperclip:clean CLASS=User --trace` Then the attachment file "original/5k.png" should exist But the attachment file "original/12k.png" should not exist