import org.scalatest.{Matchers, FunSuite} /** @version 1.0.0 */ class RomanNumeralsTest extends FunSuite with Matchers { test("1 is a single I") { RomanNumerals.roman(1) should be ("I") } test("2 is two I's") { pending RomanNumerals.roman(2) should be ("II") } test("3 is three I's") { pending RomanNumerals.roman(3) should be ("III") } test("4, being 5 - 1, is IV") { pending RomanNumerals.roman(4) should be ("IV") } test("5 is a single V") { pending RomanNumerals.roman(5) should be ("V") } test("6, being 5 + 1, is VI") { pending RomanNumerals.roman(6) should be ("VI") } test("9, being 10 - 1, is IX") { pending RomanNumerals.roman(9) should be ("IX") } test("20 is two X's") { pending RomanNumerals.roman(27) should be ("XXVII") } test("48 is not 50 - 2 but rather 40 + 8") { pending RomanNumerals.roman(48) should be ("XLVIII") } test("50 is a single L") { pending RomanNumerals.roman(59) should be ("LIX") } test("90, being 100 - 10, is XC") { pending RomanNumerals.roman(93) should be ("XCIII") } test("100 is a single C") { pending RomanNumerals.roman(141) should be ("CXLI") } test("60, being 50 + 10, is LX") { pending RomanNumerals.roman(163) should be ("CLXIII") } test("400, being 500 - 100, is CD") { pending RomanNumerals.roman(402) should be ("CDII") } test("500 is a single D") { pending RomanNumerals.roman(575) should be ("DLXXV") } test("900, being 1000 - 100, is CM") { pending RomanNumerals.roman(911) should be ("CMXI") } test("1000 is a single M") { pending RomanNumerals.roman(1024) should be ("MXXIV") } test("3000 is three M's") { pending RomanNumerals.roman(3000) should be ("MMM") } }