require 'forwardable'
require_relative './static_context'
require_relative './executable'
module Saxon
module XPath
# An {XPath::Compiler} turns XPath expressions into executable queries you
# can run against XDM Nodes (like XML documents, or parts of XML documents).
# To compile an XPath requires an +XPath::Compiler+ instance. You can create
# one by calling {Compiler.create} and passing a {Saxon::Processor}, with an
# optional block for context like bound namespaces and declared variables.
# Alternately, and much more easily, you can call {Processor#xpath_compiler}
# on the {Saxon::Processor} instance you're already working with.
# processor = Saxon::Processor.create
# compiler = processor.xpath_compiler {
# namespace a: ''
# variable 'a:var', 'xs:string'
# }
# # Or...
# compiler = Saxon::XPath::Compiler.create(processor) {
# namespace a: ''
# variable 'a:var', 'xs:string'
# }
# xpath = compiler.compile('//a:element[@attr = $a:var]')
# matches = xpath.evaluate(document_node, {
# 'a:var' => 'the value'
# }) #=> Saxon::XDM::Value
# In order to use prefixed QNames in your XPaths, like +/ns:name/+, then you need
# to declare prefix/namespace URI bindings when you create a compiler.
# It's also possible to make use of variables in your XPaths by declaring them at
# the compiler creation stage, and then passing in values for them as XPath run
# time.
class Compiler
# Create a new XPath::Compiler using the supplied Processor.
# Passing a block gives access to a DSL for setting up the compiler's
# static context.
# @param processor [Saxon::Processor] the {Saxon::Processor} to use
# @yield An XPath::StaticContext::DSL block
# @return [Saxon::XPath::Compiler] the new compiler instance
def self.create(processor, &block)
static_context = XPath::StaticContext.define(block)
new(processor.to_java, static_context)
extend Forwardable
attr_reader :static_context
private :static_context
# @api private
# @param s9_processor [net.sf.saxon.s9api.Processor] the Saxon
# Processor to wrap
# @param static_context [Saxon::XPath::StaticContext] the static context
# XPaths compiled using this compiler will have
def initialize(s9_processor, static_context)
@s9_processor, @static_context = s9_processor, static_context
def_delegators :static_context, :default_collation, :declared_namespaces, :declared_variables
# @!attribute [r] default_collation
# @return [String] the URI of the default declared collation
# @!attribute [r] declared_namespaces
# @return [Hash String>] declared namespaces as prefix => URI hash
# @!attribute [r] declared_variables
# @return [Hash Saxon::XPath::VariableDeclaration>] declared variables as QName => Declaration hash
# @param expression [String] the XPath expression to compile
# @return [Saxon::XPath::Executable] the executable query
def compile(expression), static_context)
# Allows the creation of a new {Compiler} starting from a copy of this
# Compiler's static context. As with {.create}, passing a block gives
# access to a DSL for setting up the compiler's static context.
# @yield An XPath::StaticContext::DSL block
# @return [Saxon::XPath::Compiler] the new compiler instance
def create(&block)
new_static_context = static_context.define(block), new_static_context)
def new_compiler
compiler = @s9_processor.newXPathCompiler
declared_namespaces.each do |prefix, uri|
compiler.declareNamespace(prefix, uri)
declared_variables.each do |_, decl|
compiler.declareDefaultCollation(default_collation) unless default_collation.nil?