require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper.rb') require ENV['SEQUEL_MSSQL_SPEC_REQUIRE'] if ENV['SEQUEL_MSSQL_SPEC_REQUIRE'] unless defined?(MSSQL_DB) MSSQL_URL = 'jdbc:sqlserver://localhost;integratedSecurity=true;database=sandbox' unless defined? MSSQL_URL MSSQL_DB = Sequel.connect(ENV['SEQUEL_MSSQL_SPEC_DB']||MSSQL_URL) end INTEGRATION_DB = MSSQL_DB unless defined?(INTEGRATION_DB) def MSSQL_DB.sqls (@sqls ||= []) end logger = def logger.method_missing(m, msg) MSSQL_DB.sqls << msg end MSSQL_DB.logger = logger MSSQL_DB.create_table! :test do text :name integer :value, :index => true end MSSQL_DB.create_table! :test2 do text :name integer :value end MSSQL_DB.create_table! :test3 do integer :value timestamp :time end MSSQL_DB.create_table! :test4 do varchar :name, :size => 20 varbinary :value end context "A MSSQL database" do before do @db = MSSQL_DB end cspecify "should be able to read fractional part of timestamp", :odbc do rs = @db["select getutcdate() as full_date, cast(datepart(millisecond, getutcdate()) as int) as milliseconds"].first rs[:milliseconds].should == rs[:full_date].usec/1000 end cspecify "should be able to write fractional part of timestamp", :odbc do t = Time.utc(2001, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 997000) (t.usec/1000).should == @db["select cast(datepart(millisecond, ?) as int) as milliseconds", t].get end specify "should not raise an error when getting the server version" do proc{@db.server_version}.should_not raise_error proc{@db.dataset.server_version}.should_not raise_error end specify "should work with NOLOCK" do @db.transaction{@db[:test3].nolock.all.should == []} end end context "MSSQL Dataset#join_table" do specify "should emulate the USING clause with ON" do MSSQL_DB[:items].join(:categories, [:id]).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM ITEMS INNER JOIN CATEGORIES ON (CATEGORIES.ID = ITEMS.ID)' MSSQL_DB[:items].join(:categories, [:id1, :id2]).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM ITEMS INNER JOIN CATEGORIES ON ((CATEGORIES.ID1 = ITEMS.ID1) AND (CATEGORIES.ID2 = ITEMS.ID2))' MSSQL_DB[:items___i].join(:categories___c, [:id]).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM ITEMS AS I INNER JOIN CATEGORIES AS C ON (C.ID = I.ID)' end end context "MSSQL Dataset#output" do before do @db = MSSQL_DB @db.create_table!(:items){String :name; Integer :value} @db.create_table!(:out){String :name; Integer :value} @ds = @db[:items] end after do @db.drop_table(:items) @db.drop_table(:out) end specify "should format OUTPUT clauses without INTO for DELETE statements" do @ds.output(nil, [:deleted__name, :deleted__value]).delete_sql.should =~ /DELETE FROM ITEMS OUTPUT DELETED.(NAME|VALUE), DELETED.(NAME|VALUE)/ @ds.output(nil, [:deleted.*]).delete_sql.should =~ /DELETE FROM ITEMS OUTPUT DELETED.*/ end specify "should format OUTPUT clauses with INTO for DELETE statements" do @ds.output(:out, [:deleted__name, :deleted__value]).delete_sql.should =~ /DELETE FROM ITEMS OUTPUT DELETED.(NAME|VALUE), DELETED.(NAME|VALUE) INTO OUT/ @ds.output(:out, {:name => :deleted__name, :value => :deleted__value}).delete_sql.should =~ /DELETE FROM ITEMS OUTPUT DELETED.(NAME|VALUE), DELETED.(NAME|VALUE) INTO OUT \((NAME|VALUE), (NAME|VALUE)\)/ end specify "should format OUTPUT clauses without INTO for INSERT statements" do @ds.output(nil, [:inserted__name, :inserted__value]).insert_sql(:name => "name", :value => 1).should =~ /INSERT INTO ITEMS \((NAME|VALUE), (NAME|VALUE)\) OUTPUT INSERTED.(NAME|VALUE), INSERTED.(NAME|VALUE) VALUES \((N'name'|1), (N'name'|1)\)/ @ds.output(nil, [:inserted.*]).insert_sql(:name => "name", :value => 1).should =~ /INSERT INTO ITEMS \((NAME|VALUE), (NAME|VALUE)\) OUTPUT INSERTED.* VALUES \((N'name'|1), (N'name'|1)\)/ end specify "should format OUTPUT clauses with INTO for INSERT statements" do @ds.output(:out, [:inserted__name, :inserted__value]).insert_sql(:name => "name", :value => 1).should =~ /INSERT INTO ITEMS \((NAME|VALUE), (NAME|VALUE)\) OUTPUT INSERTED.(NAME|VALUE), INSERTED.(NAME|VALUE) INTO OUT VALUES \((N'name'|1), (N'name'|1)\)/ @ds.output(:out, {:name => :inserted__name, :value => :inserted__value}).insert_sql(:name => "name", :value => 1).should =~ /INSERT INTO ITEMS \((NAME|VALUE), (NAME|VALUE)\) OUTPUT INSERTED.(NAME|VALUE), INSERTED.(NAME|VALUE) INTO OUT \((NAME|VALUE), (NAME|VALUE)\) VALUES \((N'name'|1), (N'name'|1)\)/ end specify "should format OUTPUT clauses without INTO for UPDATE statements" do @ds.output(nil, [:inserted__name, :deleted__value]).update_sql(:value => 2).should =~ /UPDATE ITEMS SET VALUE = 2 OUTPUT (INSERTED.NAME|DELETED.VALUE), (INSERTED.NAME|DELETED.VALUE)/ @ds.output(nil, [:inserted.*]).update_sql(:value => 2).should =~ /UPDATE ITEMS SET VALUE = 2 OUTPUT INSERTED.*/ end specify "should format OUTPUT clauses with INTO for UPDATE statements" do @ds.output(:out, [:inserted__name, :deleted__value]).update_sql(:value => 2).should =~ /UPDATE ITEMS SET VALUE = 2 OUTPUT (INSERTED.NAME|DELETED.VALUE), (INSERTED.NAME|DELETED.VALUE) INTO OUT/ @ds.output(:out, {:name => :inserted__name, :value => :deleted__value}).update_sql(:value => 2).should =~ /UPDATE ITEMS SET VALUE = 2 OUTPUT (INSERTED.NAME|DELETED.VALUE), (INSERTED.NAME|DELETED.VALUE) INTO OUT \((NAME|VALUE), (NAME|VALUE)\)/ end specify "should execute OUTPUT clauses in DELETE statements" do @ds.insert(:name => "name", :value => 1) @ds.output(:out, [:deleted__name, :deleted__value]).delete @db[:out].all.should == [{:name => "name", :value => 1}] @ds.insert(:name => "name", :value => 2) @ds.output(:out, {:name => :deleted__name, :value => :deleted__value}).delete @db[:out].all.should == [{:name => "name", :value => 1}, {:name => "name", :value => 2}] end specify "should execute OUTPUT clauses in INSERT statements" do @ds.output(:out, [:inserted__name, :inserted__value]).insert(:name => "name", :value => 1) @db[:out].all.should == [{:name => "name", :value => 1}] @ds.output(:out, {:name => :inserted__name, :value => :inserted__value}).insert(:name => "name", :value => 2) @db[:out].all.should == [{:name => "name", :value => 1}, {:name => "name", :value => 2}] end specify "should execute OUTPUT clauses in UPDATE statements" do @ds.insert(:name => "name", :value => 1) @ds.output(:out, [:inserted__name, :deleted__value]).update(:value => 2) @db[:out].all.should == [{:name => "name", :value => 1}] @ds.output(:out, {:name => :inserted__name, :value => :deleted__value}).update(:value => 3) @db[:out].all.should == [{:name => "name", :value => 1}, {:name => "name", :value => 2}] end end context "MSSQL dataset" do before do @db = MSSQL_DB @ds = MSSQL_DB[:t] end context "using #with and #with_recursive" do before do @ds1 = @ds.with(:t, @db[:x]) @ds2 = @ds.with_recursive(:t, @db[:x], @db[:t]) end specify "should prepend UPDATE statements with WITH clause" do @ds1.update_sql(:x => :y).should == 'WITH T AS (SELECT * FROM X) UPDATE T SET X = Y' @ds2.update_sql(:x => :y).should == 'WITH T AS (SELECT * FROM X UNION ALL SELECT * FROM T) UPDATE T SET X = Y' end specify "should prepend DELETE statements with WITH clause" do @ds1.filter(:y => 1).delete_sql.should == 'WITH T AS (SELECT * FROM X) DELETE FROM T WHERE (Y = 1)' @ds2.filter(:y => 1).delete_sql.should == 'WITH T AS (SELECT * FROM X UNION ALL SELECT * FROM T) DELETE FROM T WHERE (Y = 1)' end specify "should prepend INSERT statements with WITH clause" do @ds1.insert_sql(@db[:t]).should == 'WITH T AS (SELECT * FROM X) INSERT INTO T SELECT * FROM T' @ds2.insert_sql(@db[:t]).should == 'WITH T AS (SELECT * FROM X UNION ALL SELECT * FROM T) INSERT INTO T SELECT * FROM T' end context "on #import" do before do @db = @db.clone class << @db attr_reader :import_sqls def execute(sql, opts={}) @import_sqls ||= [] @import_sqls << sql end alias execute_dui execute def transaction(opts={}) @import_sqls ||= [] @import_sqls << 'BEGIN' yield @import_sqls << 'COMMIT' end end end specify "should prepend INSERT statements with WITH clause" do @db[:items].with(:items, @db[:inventory].group(:type)).import([:x, :y], [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], :slice => 2) @db.import_sqls.should == [ 'BEGIN', "WITH ITEMS AS (SELECT * FROM INVENTORY GROUP BY TYPE) INSERT INTO ITEMS (X, Y) SELECT 1, 2 UNION ALL SELECT 3, 4", 'COMMIT', 'BEGIN', "WITH ITEMS AS (SELECT * FROM INVENTORY GROUP BY TYPE) INSERT INTO ITEMS (X, Y) SELECT 5, 6", 'COMMIT' ] end end end end context "MSSQL joined datasets" do before do @db = MSSQL_DB end specify "should format DELETE statements" do @db[:t1].inner_join(:t2, :t1__pk => :t2__pk).delete_sql.should == "DELETE FROM T1 FROM T1 INNER JOIN T2 ON (T1.PK = T2.PK)" end specify "should format UPDATE statements" do @db[:t1].inner_join(:t2, :t1__pk => :t2__pk).update_sql(:pk => :t2__pk).should == "UPDATE T1 SET PK = T2.PK FROM T1 INNER JOIN T2 ON (T1.PK = T2.PK)" end end describe "Offset support" do before do @db = MSSQL_DB @db.create_table!(:i){Integer :id; Integer :parent_id} @ds = @db[:i].order(:id) @hs = [] @ds.row_proc = proc{|r| @hs << r.dup; r[:id] *= 2; r[:parent_id] *= 3; r} @ds.import [:id, :parent_id], [[1,nil],[2,nil],[3,1],[4,1],[5,3],[6,5]] end after do @db.drop_table(:i) end specify "should return correct rows" do @ds.limit(2, 2).all.should == [{:id=>6, :parent_id=>3}, {:id=>8, :parent_id=>3}] end specify "should not include offset column in hashes passed to row_proc" do @ds.limit(2, 2).all @hs.should == [{:id=>3, :parent_id=>1}, {:id=>4, :parent_id=>1}] end end describe "Common Table Expressions" do before do @db = MSSQL_DB @db.create_table!(:i1){Integer :id; Integer :parent_id} @db.create_table!(:i2){Integer :id; Integer :parent_id} @ds = @db[:i1] @ds2 = @db[:i2] @ds.import [:id, :parent_id], [[1,nil],[2,nil],[3,1],[4,1],[5,3],[6,5]] end after do @db.drop_table(:i1) @db.drop_table(:i2) end specify "using #with should be able to update" do @ds.insert(:id=>1) @ds2.insert(:id=>2, :parent_id=>1) @ds2.insert(:id=>3, :parent_id=>2) @ds.with(:t, @ds2).filter(:id => @db[:t].select(:id)).update(:parent_id => @db[:t].filter(:id => :i1__id).select(:parent_id).limit(1)) @ds[:id => 1].should == {:id => 1, :parent_id => nil} @ds[:id => 2].should == {:id => 2, :parent_id => 1} @ds[:id => 3].should == {:id => 3, :parent_id => 2} @ds[:id => 4].should == {:id => 4, :parent_id => 1} end specify "using #with_recursive should be able to update" do ds = @ds.with_recursive(:t, @ds.filter(:parent_id=>1).or(:id => 1), @ds.join(:t, :i=>:parent_id).select(:i1__id, :i1__parent_id), :args=>[:i, :pi]) ds.filter(~{:id => @db[:t].select(:i)}).update(:parent_id => 1) @ds[:id => 1].should == {:id => 1, :parent_id => nil} @ds[:id => 2].should == {:id => 2, :parent_id => 1} @ds[:id => 5].should == {:id => 5, :parent_id => 3} end specify "using #with should be able to insert" do @ds2.insert(:id=>7) @ds.with(:t, @ds2).insert(@db[:t]) @ds[:id => 7].should == {:id => 7, :parent_id => nil} end specify "using #with_recursive should be able to insert" do ds = @ds2.with_recursive(:t, @ds.filter(:parent_id=>1), @ds.join(:t, :i=>:parent_id).select(:i1__id, :i1__parent_id), :args=>[:i, :pi]) ds.insert @db[:t] @ds2.all.should == [{:id => 3, :parent_id => 1}, {:id => 4, :parent_id => 1}, {:id => 5, :parent_id => 3}, {:id => 6, :parent_id => 5}] end specify "using #with should be able to delete" do @ds2.insert(:id=>6) @ds2.insert(:id=>5) @ds2.insert(:id=>4) @ds.with(:t, @ds2).filter(:id => @db[:t].select(:id)).delete @ds.all.should == [{:id => 1, :parent_id => nil}, {:id => 2, :parent_id => nil}, {:id => 3, :parent_id => 1}] end specify "using #with_recursive should be able to delete" do @ds.insert(:id=>7, :parent_id=>2) ds = @ds.with_recursive(:t, @ds.filter(:parent_id=>1), @ds.join(:t, :i=>:parent_id).select(:i1__id, :i1__parent_id), :args=>[:i, :pi]) ds.filter(:i1__id => @db[:t].select(:i)).delete @ds.all.should == [{:id => 1, :parent_id => nil}, {:id => 2, :parent_id => nil}, {:id => 7, :parent_id => 2}] end specify "using #with should be able to import" do @ds2.insert(:id=>7) @ds.with(:t, @ds2).import [:id, :parent_id], @db[:t].select(:id, :parent_id) @ds[:id => 7].should == {:id => 7, :parent_id => nil} end specify "using #with_recursive should be able to import" do ds = @ds2.with_recursive(:t, @ds.filter(:parent_id=>1), @ds.join(:t, :i=>:parent_id).select(:i1__id, :i1__parent_id), :args=>[:i, :pi]) ds.import [:id, :parent_id], @db[:t].select(:i, :pi) @ds2.all.should == [{:id => 3, :parent_id => 1}, {:id => 4, :parent_id => 1}, {:id => 5, :parent_id => 3}, {:id => 6, :parent_id => 5}] end end context "MSSSQL::Dataset#insert" do before do @db = MSSQL_DB @db.create_table!(:test5){primary_key :xid; Integer :value} @db.sqls.clear @ds = @db[:test5] end after do @db.drop_table(:test5) rescue nil end specify "should have insert_select return nil if disable_insert_output is used" do @ds.disable_insert_output.insert_select(:value=>10).should == nil end specify "should have insert_select return nil if the server version is not 2005+" do @ds.meta_def(:server_version){8000760} @ds.insert_select(:value=>10).should == nil end specify "should have insert_select insert the record and return the inserted record" do h = @ds.insert_select(:value=>10) h[:value].should == 10 @ds.first(:xid=>h[:xid])[:value].should == 10 end end context "MSSSQL::Dataset#disable_insert_output" do specify "should play nicely with simple_select_all?" do MSSQL_DB[:test].disable_insert_output.send(:simple_select_all?).should == true end end context "MSSSQL::Dataset#into" do before do @db = MSSQL_DB end specify "should format SELECT statement" do @db[:t].into(:new).select_sql.should == "SELECT * INTO NEW FROM T" end specify "should select rows into a new table" do @db.create_table!(:t) {Integer :id; String :value} @db[:t].insert(:id => 1, :value => "test") @db << @db[:t].into(:new).select_sql @db[:new].all.should == [{:id => 1, :value => "test"}] @db.drop_table(:t) @db.drop_table(:new) end end