require 'capistrano' require 'net/http' require 'uri' require 'sshkit' require 'sshkit/dsl' set :local_user, ENV['USER'] class GraphiteInterface def self.events_enabled(action) if fetch(:graphite_enable_events).to_i == 1 # We only post an event if graphite_enable_events was set to 1 return 1 elsif fetch(:graphite_enable_events).to_i == 0 return 0 else return -1 end end def post_event(action) uri = URI::parse("#{fetch(:graphite_url)}") req = req.basic_auth(uri.user, uri.password) if uri.user req.body = "{\"what\": \"#{action} #{fetch(:application)} in #{fetch(:stage)}\", \"tags\": \"#{fetch(:application)},#{fetch(:stage)},#{release_timestamp},#{action}\", \"data\": \"#{fetch(:local_user)}\"}" Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) do |http| http.request(req) end end end namespace :deploy do desc 'notify graphite that a deployment occured' task :graphite_deploy do on roles(:all) do |host| action = "deploy" if GraphiteInterface.events_enabled(action) == 1 info("#{action.capitalize} event posted to graphite.") elsif GraphiteInterface.events_enabled(action) == 0 info("No event posted: graphite_enable_events set to 0.") else warn("No event posted: graphite_enable_events set to invalid variable.") end end end desc 'notify graphite that a rollback occured' task :graphite_rollback do on roles(:all) do |host| action = "deploy" if GraphiteInterface.events_enabled(action) == 1 info("#{action.capitalize} event posted to graphite.") elsif GraphiteInterface.events_enabled(action) == 0 info("No event posted: graphite_enable_events set to 0.") else warn("No event posted: graphite_enable_events set to invalid variable.") end end end # Set the order for these tasks after 'deploy:updated', 'deploy:graphite_deploy' after 'deploy:reverted', 'deploy:graphite_rollback' end namespace :load do task :defaults do set :graphite_enable_events, 1 end end