#Welcomme to Restcomm #The examples below will help you get started using Restcomm-ruby wraper # examples version 1.2.0 # You must make sure the @account_sid, @auth_token and @host variables are correctly filled # #The @host is the IP address on which Restcomm is running (This could be a local install or a remote) # # # ####### Account Settings ######### require 'restcomm-ruby' @account_sid = 'ACae6e420f425248d6a26948c17a9e2acf' @auth_token = 'YourPassWord' # @host = '' #IP address of your Restcomm instance # set up a client @client = Restcomm::REST::Client.new(@account_sid, @auth_token, @host) ################ ACCOUNTS ################ # shortcut to grab your account object (account_sid is inferred from the client's auth credentials) @account = @client.account #list of all accounts and (sub)accounts @client.accounts.list.each do |x| puts "Account name: " + x.friendly_name + " Account Sid: " + x.sid end # grab an account instance resource of a given account and display the friendly_name puts @client.accounts.get(@account_sid).friendly_name # grab an account instance resource of a given account and display the sid puts @client.accounts.get(@account_sid).sid # update an account's friendly name @client.accounts.get(@account_sid).update(friendly_name: 'A Super Cool Name') ################ CALLS ################ # print a list of calls (without parameters) @account.calls.list().each do |x| puts "Call Sid " + x.sid + " Call Status: " + x.status end # print a list of calls (with some optional parameters) @account.calls.list(page: 0, page_size: 1000,).each do |x| puts x.sid end # get a particular call and list its status puts @account.calls.get('CAb358e7b349924ece8a968f7089222039').status # get a particular call and list its start time puts @account.calls.get('CAb358e7b349924ece8a968f7089222039').start_time # get a particular call and list its recording URI puts @account.calls.get('CAb358e7b349924ece8a968f7089222039').subresource_uris["recordings"] #################### RECORDINGS ################################## #get a list of recordings linked to the current account and output the call SID and date created @account.recordings.list.each do |x| puts "Recording SID: " + x.call_sid + " **** " + "Date Created: " + x.date_created end #get a list of recordings URLs with ext .wav #use ext .mp3 to get the corresponding mp3 list @account.recordings.list.each do |r| puts r.wav end #################### MAKING CALLS ################################## # make a new outgoing call. returns a call object just like calls.get @call = @account.calls.create( from: 'sip:+32145687', to: 'sip:+1111@', url: '' ) # cancel the call if not already in progress @account.calls.get(@call.sid).update(status: 'canceled') # or equivalently @call.update(status: 'canceled') ####### Terminate a call that is currently in-progress ######## @account.calls.get(@call.sid).update(status: 'completed') # redirect and then terminate a call @call.update(url: '') @call.update(status: 'completed') # or, use the aliases... @call.redirect_to('') @call.hangup ################ SMS MESSAGES ################ # print a list of messages @account.messages.list(date_sent: '2010-09-01').each do |message| puts message.body end # print a particular sms message puts @account.messages.get('SMXXXXXXXX').body # send an sms @account.messages.create( from: '+14159341234', to: '+16105557069', body: 'Hey there!' ) # send an mms the from DID should be a number from your DID provider @account.messages.create( from: '+14159341234', to: '+16105557069', media_urls: 'http://example.com/media.png' ) ################ PHONE NUMBERS ################ # get a list of supported country codes @account.available_phone_numbers.list # print some available numbers @numbers = @account.available_phone_numbers.get('US').local.list( AreaCode: '305' ) @numbers.each { |num| puts num.phone_number } # buy the first one @account.incoming_phone_numbers.create(phone_number: @numbers[0].phone_number) # update an existing phone number's voice url number = @account.incoming_phone_numbers.get('PNdba508c5616a7f5e141789f44f022cc3') number.update(voice_url: 'http://example.com/voice') # decommission an existing phone number numbers = @account.incoming_phone_numbers.list( friendly_name: 'A Fabulous Friendly Name' ) numbers[0].delete ################ CONFERENCES ################ # get a particular conference's participants object and stash it conference = @account.conferences.get('CFbbe46ff1274e283f7e3ac1df0072ab39') @participants = conference.participants # list participants @participants.list.each do |p| puts p.sid end # update a conference participant @participants.get('CA386025c9bf5d6052a1d1ea42b4d16662').update(muted: 'true') # or an easier way @participants.get('CA386025c9bf5d6052a1d1ea42b4d16662').mute # and, since we're lazy loading, this would only incur one http request @account.conferences.get('CFbbe46ff1274e283f7e3ac1df0072ab39').participants .get('CA386025c9bf5d6052a1d1ea42b4d16662').update(muted: 'true') ################ QUEUES ################### # create a new queue @queue = @account.queues.create(friendly_name: 'MyQueue', max_size: 50) # get a list of queues for this account @queues = @account.queues.list # get a particular queue and its members @queue = @account.queues.get("QQb6765b0458714964970a73dcaf55efd1") @members = @queue.members #list members @members.list.each do |m| puts m.wait_time end # dequeue a particular user and run twiml at a specific url @member = @members.get('CA386025c9bf5d6052a1d1ea42b4d16662') @member.dequeue('http://myapp.com/deque')