################################################################################ # # Author: Zachary Patten # Copyright: Copyright (c) Jove Labs # License: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ################################################################################ module ZTK::DSL # Generic Domain-specific Language Interface # # This module allows you to easily add attributes and relationships to classes # to create a custom DSL in no time. # # You can then access these classes in manners similar to what *ActiveRecord* # provides for relationships. You can easily link classes together; load # stored objects from Ruby rb files (think Opscode Chef DSL). # # I intend the interface to act like ActiveRecord for the programmer and a # nice DSL for the end user. It's not meant to be a database; more like # a soft dataset in memory; extremely fast but highly volitale. As always # you can never have your cake and eat it too. # # You specify the "schema" in the classes itself; there is no data storage at # this time, but I do plan to add support for loading/saving *datasets* to # disk. Keep in mind since you do not specify type constrants in Ruby, one # can assign any object to an attribute. # # At this time if you do not specify an ID; one is auto generated. # # If you wish to create objects in a nested fashion the outer most object must # be started using the class name initializer. Once inside the block you can # start using the relationship names and do not need to call any further # class initializers. # # You can also instantiate classes separately and associate them after the # fact. That is not shown in this example. # # *example code*: # # class Network < ZTK::DSL::Base # has_many :servers # # attribute :name # attribute :gw # attribute :network # attribute :netmask # end # # class Server < ZTK::DSL::Base # belongs_to :network # # attribute :name # end # # Network.new do # id :leet_net # name "leet-net" # gw "" # network "" # netmask "" # # server do # name "leet-server" # end # # server do # id :my_server # name "my-server" # end # # server do # name "dev-server" # end # end # # Network.count # Network.all # Network.find(:leet_net) # # Server.count # Server.all # Server.find(:my_server) # # *pry output*: # # [1] pry(main)> class Network < ZTK::DSL::Base # [1] pry(main)* has_many :servers # [1] pry(main)* # [1] pry(main)* attribute :name # [1] pry(main)* attribute :gw # [1] pry(main)* attribute :network # [1] pry(main)* attribute :netmask # [1] pry(main)* end # => # # [2] pry(main)> class Server < ZTK::DSL::Base # [2] pry(main)* belongs_to :network # [2] pry(main)* # [2] pry(main)* attribute :name # [2] pry(main)* end # => # # [3] pry(main)> Network.new do # [3] pry(main)* id :leet_net # [3] pry(main)* name "leet-net" # [3] pry(main)* gw "" # [3] pry(main)* network "" # [3] pry(main)* netmask "" # [3] pry(main)* # [3] pry(main)* server do # [3] pry(main)* name "leet-server" # [3] pry(main)* end # [3] pry(main)* # [3] pry(main)* server do # [3] pry(main)* id :my_server # [3] pry(main)* name "my-server" # [3] pry(main)* end # [3] pry(main)* # [3] pry(main)* server do # [3] pry(main)* name "dev-server" # [3] pry(main)* end # [3] pry(main)* end # => #:leet_net, :name=>"leet-net", :gw=>"", :network=>"", :netmask=>""}, has_many_references=1> # [4] pry(main)> Network.count # => 1 # [5] pry(main)> Network.all # => [#:leet_net, :name=>"leet-net", :gw=>"", :network=>"", :netmask=>""}, has_many_references=1>] # [6] pry(main)> Network.find(:leet_net) # => [#:leet_net, :name=>"leet-net", :gw=>"", :network=>"", :netmask=>""}, has_many_references=1>] # [7] pry(main)> Server.count # => 3 # [8] pry(main)> Server.all # => [#2, :name=>"leet-server", :network_id=>:leet_net}, belongs_to_references=1>, # #:my_server, :name=>"my-server", :network_id=>:leet_net}, belongs_to_references=1>, # #4, :name=>"dev-server", :network_id=>:leet_net}, belongs_to_references=1>] # [9] pry(main)> Server.find(:my_server) # => [#:my_server, :name=>"my-server", :network_id=>:leet_net}, belongs_to_references=1>] # # @author Zachary Patten class Base include(ZTK::DSL::Core) # @api private def self.inherited(base) # puts("inherited(#{base})") base.send(:extend, ZTK::DSL::Base::ClassMethods) base.instance_eval do attribute :id end end # @api private def self.included(base) # puts("included(#{base})") end # @api private def self.extended(base) # puts("extended(#{base})") end def initialize(id=nil, &block) self.id = (id || self.class.id) self.class.dataset << self block_given? and ((block.arity < 1) ? instance_eval(&block) : block.call(self)) primary_key_count = self.class.dataset.count do |d| # puts("d.id == #{d.id.inspect} / self.id == #{self.id.inspect}") d.id == self.id end # puts("primary_key_count == #{primary_key_count}") raise StandardError, "Primary key '#{self.id}' already exists!" if (primary_key_count > 1) end def inspect details = Array.new details << "attributes=#{attributes.inspect}" if attributes.count > 0 details << "has_many_references=#{@has_many_references.count}" if @has_many_references details << "belongs_to_references=#{@belongs_to_references.count}" if @belongs_to_references "#<#{self.class.to_s} id=#{self.id.inspect} #{details.join(', ')}>" end # @author Zachary Patten module ClassMethods def inspect details = Array.new details << "count=#{self.all.count}" if self.all.count > 0 "#<#{self.class.to_s}:#{self.id} #{details.join(', ')}>" end end end end