### dev-lxc.yml Config Files dev-lxc uses a YAML configuration file named `dev-lxc.yml` to define a cluster. The `init` command generates sample config files for various server types. You can run `dl help init` to see the many types of server configurations that can be generated. The `--base-container` option can be used to set the type of base container you want used in the generated configuration. The `--product-versions` option can be used to set the package channel and version to use for multiple products. If a version is not specified then it will default to `latest`. If `none` is used then that product will be removed from the generated configuration. For example, the following command will generate a configuration for a standalone Chef Server that uses the `b-centos-7` base container and install chef-server 12.13.0 from the `stable` channel, the latest version of manage from the `current` channel and remove the reporting product. ``` dl init --chef --base-container b-centos-7 --product-versions chef-server:stable:12.13.0 manage:current reporting:none ``` Let's generate a config for a cluster with a standalone Chef Server, Supermarket server, Compliance server, Chef Automate server and a Job Dispatch Runner and remove the "reporting" product from the generated configuration. ``` dl init --chef --compliance --supermarket --automate --runners --product-versions reporting:none > dev-lxc.yml ``` We can easily append additional configurations to this file. For example, the following command appends an infrastructure node. ``` dl init --nodes -a >> /root/work/clusters/automate/dev-lxc.yml ``` The contents of `dev-lxc.yml` should look like this. ``` # enable_build_snapshots automatically makes container snapshots at key times during the build process # default value is `true` #enable_build_snapshots: true # base_container must be the name of an existing container base_container: b-ubuntu-1404 # memory_per_server sets the maximum amount of user memory (including file cache) for each server. # dev-lxc will set the `memory.limit_in_bytes` cgroup for each server to apply this limit. # If no units are specified, the value is interpreted as bytes. # You can use suffixes to represent larger units - k or K for kilobytes, m or M for megabytes, and g or G for gigabytes. # The default behavior is that no limit is set. #memory_per_server: 4G # list any host directories you want mounted into the servers #mounts: # - /root/clusters root/clusters # list any SSH public keys you want added to /home/dev-lxc/.ssh/authorized_keys #ssh-keys: # - /root/clusters/id_rsa.pub # DHCP reserved (static) IPs must be selected from the IP range - 254 chef-server: users: # a user's password will be the same as its username - mary-admin - joe-user orgs: demo: admins: - mary-admin non-admins: - joe-user servers: chef.lxc: ipaddress: products: chef-server: channel: stable version: latest manage: channel: stable version: latest push-jobs-server: channel: stable version: latest compliance: admin_user: admin # the password will be the same as the username servers: compliance.lxc: ipaddress: products: compliance: channel: stable version: latest supermarket: servers: supermarket.lxc: ipaddress: products: supermarket: channel: stable version: latest automate: servers: automate.lxc: ipaddress: products: automate: channel: stable version: latest license_path: ../delivery.license chef_org: automate enterprise_name: default runners: servers: runner-1.lxc: products: chefdk: # downloaded only channel: stable version: latest nodes: chef_server_url: https://chef.lxc/organizations/demo validation_client_name: demo-validator # comment out or remove the validation_key path to use chef-server keys generated by dev-lxc validation_key: # /path/for/ORG-validator.pem servers: node-1.lxc: products: chef: channel: stable version: latest ``` The dev-lxc.yml config file is very customizable. You can add or remove mounts, products or servers, change ip addresses, server names, the base_container and more. As you can see there are six server types represented by six servers. 1. chef-server - chef.lxc 2. compliance - compliance.lxc 3. supermarket - supermarket.lxc 4. automate - automate.lxc 5. runners - runner-1.lxc 6. nodes - node-1.lxc #### Global Settings The global settings used by each of the server types are `enable_build_snapshots`, the `base_container`, `memory_per_server`, a list of `mounts` and a list of `ssh-keys`. These settings are described in the config comments. Be sure to set `base_container` in the `dev-lxc.yml` to an existing container's name. This container will be cloned to create each container in the cluster. If you don't already have a container to use as a `base_container` then you can follow the instructions in the [Create a dev-lxc Base Container section](https://github.com/jeremiahsnapp/dev-lxc#create-a-dev-lxc-base-container) to create one. #### Server Specific Settings It is possible to define different values for `enable_build_snapshots`, `base_container`, `memory_per_server`, `mounts` or `ssh-keys` for a particular server type or even for a particular server as you can see in the following snippet. ``` nodes: base_container: b-ubuntu-1404 servers: node-1.lxc: base_container: b-centos-6 node-2.lxc: ``` IP addresses from the range - 254 can be assigned to the servers. If an IP address is not specified then a dynamic IP address is assigned when the server starts. #### mixlib-install Library Automatically Manages a Cache of Product Packages dev-lxc uses the [mixlib-install](https://github.com/chef/mixlib-install) library to download Chef products to a cache in `/var/dev-lxc` in the host instance. This cache is automatically mounted into each server when it starts. A list of Chef products to be installed can be defined for each server using [product names that mixlib-install understands](https://github.com/chef/mixlib-install/blob/master/PRODUCT_MATRIX.md). The channel and version of the product can be defined also. Channel can be `current`, `stable` or `unstable` with `stable` as the default. Version can be `latest` or a version number with `latest` as the default. For example, the following specifies the `current` channel and version `0.16.1` of the `chefdk` product. ``` nodes: servers: node-1.lxc: products: chefdk: channel: current version: 0.16.1 ``` The `package_source` setting can be used to specify a package file on disk. ``` nodes: servers: node-1.lxc: products: chefdk: package_source: /root/chefdk_0.16.1-1_amd64.deb ``` #### Chef Server Orgs/Users When defining a Chef Server you can include organizations and users that will be automatically created and associated accordingly. #### Specify Chef Server Predefined Full and Partial Configurations The following options work for a standalone Chef Server, the backend and frontends of a tier Chef Server cluster and the frontends of a chef-backend HA Chef Server cluster. The `chef-server.rb` option can be used to fill a Chef server's chef-server.rb with predefined content from a file. The `chef-server.rb_partials` option can be used to append predefined content from multiple files to a Chef server's chef-server.rb file. ``` servers: chef.lxc: chef-server.rb: /path/to/a/full/configuration/file chef-server.rb_partials: - /path/to/a/partial/configuration/file - /path/to/another/partial/configuration/file ipaddress: products: chef-server: channel: stable version: latest ``` #### Specify Automate Server Predefined Full and Partial Configurations The `delivery.rb` option can be used to fill an Automate server's delivery.rb with predefined content from a file. The `delivery.rb_partials` option can be used to append predefined content from multiple files to an Automate server's delivery.rb file. ``` servers: automate.lxc: delivery.rb: /path/to/a/full/configuration/file delivery.rb_partials: - /path/to/a/partial/configuration/file - /path/to/another/partial/configuration/file ipaddress: products: automate: channel: stable version: latest ``` #### Automatic Integration Between Servers dev-lxc knows how to automatically configure Chef Server standalone, Chef Server tier topology, Chef Server HA 2.0 as well as Chef Automate, Chef Client, Analytics, Compliance and Supermarket. If a Chef Automate server, Compliance server, Analytics server or Supermarket server is defined in the same config file as a Chef Server then each server will automatically be integrated with that Chef Server. If a node server with Chef Client or Chef DK installed is defined in the same config file as a Chef Server then the Chef Client will automatically be configured to use that Chef Server. Alternatively, values for `chef_server_url`, `validation_client_name` and `validation_key` can be set in the config file either for all nodes or for each individual node. ``` nodes: chef_server_url: https://chef.lxc/organizations/demo validation_client_name: demo-validator # comment out or remove the validation_key path to use chef-server keys generated by dev-lxc validation_key: # /path/to/org/validation/key servers: node-1.lxc: products: chef: ```