cli blog post Step 1 Figure Out Topic - browse programmable web - notice beer as a category - research various beer related apis -- there are a few of these, who knew??? - find one that works! -- and maybe not old, but I'll accept just working Step 2 Figure Out Approach - realize that student scraper functionality has everything we need - it is so similar I'm recycling the whole thing Step 3 Start Making Things happen - copy entirety student scraper into cli assessment folder -- commit - comment up all the student scraper code -- actually committed here - copy over student scraper specs -- commit - comment up all the student scraper specs! --commit - change over student scraper specs to brewery fetcher specs -- commit - create small tester file to refine api query requests -- commit - do some testing, be wrong -- commit - try and record some video -- get attacked by giant moth, get bothered by SO, accidentally stop recording - while listening to myself, realize what I was doing wrong -- and that my voice sounds like I'm 10 years old - record some more video - pass first tests -- celebrate - get more tests passing - spend all day adjusting the CLI model - get stuck on an obvious bug for 4 hours - get final CLI logic up and running - figure out the actual gem process...hint it's complicated maybe Thoughts: - a blank page is intimidating, drawing parallels between your model and an existing one is not - reusing testing feels great too! - start throwing spaghetti at the wall-something sticks, but don't stay here too long, you might be moving further from the solution - when you find a stubborn bug write down what you try to fix it, that way you won't get stuck chasing your tail for hours - sometimes at the end of it all, you picked an api that goes down right when you're ready to submit - cry a little, hope it goes back up