require './translationable' root = exports ? @ stampit = require '../../vendor/stampit' observable = require('observable').mixin type = require 'type' # TODO better model require # model = require ... # TODO Add base settings to validation # TODO implement method # model[resource].validators_on 'field' # Get all validators related to this field # TODO use for internal handling messages = blank: (attribute_name) -> attribute_name = @human_attribute_name attribute_name "O campo #{attribute_name} não pode ficar em branco." cpf: (attribute_name) -> attribute_name = @human_attribute_name attribute_name "O campo #{attribute_name} não está válido." confirmation: (attribute_name) -> confirmation_attribute_name = @human_attribute_name attribute_name attribute_name = @human_attribute_name attribute_name.replace '_confirmation', '' "O campo #{attribute_name} não está de acordo com o campo #{confirmation_attribute_name}." associated: (attribute_name) -> attribute_name = @human_attribute_name attribute_name "O registro associado #{attribute_name} não é válido." server: (attribute_name, options) -> # TODO Better checking of base attribute case, better yet remove # checking from here, just like active record if attribute_name == 'base' options.server_message else attribute_name = @human_attribute_name attribute_name "#{attribute_name} #{options.server_message}." type: (attribute_name, options) -> attribute_name = @human_attribute_name attribute_name "O campo #{attribute_name} não está válido." # TODO move to errorsable = stampit add: (attribute_name, message_key, options) -> @push [attribute_name, message_key, options] # TODO Also push to attribute named # @[attribute_name].push message_key, message, options @messages[attribute_name] = '' translator = messages[message_key] if translator? @messages[attribute_name] += @model, attribute_name, options else @messages[attribute_name] += message_key clear: -> if @length @length = 0 @messages[attribute_name] = null for attribute_name of @messages push: Array.prototype.push splice: Array.prototype.splice indexOf: Array.prototype.indexOf , model: null messages: null length: 0 , -> @messages = {} @ initializers = define_triggers: -> # TODO remove the extra inheritance level of model[@resource] @errors = errorsable model: model[@resource] # TODO only add after save when resourceable is included # TODO @after_initialize validate_field_types # TODO only execute save operation if record is valid @before 'save', -> @validate() if @save # TODO move this functionality control to validatable @validated = false @subscribe 'dirty', (value) -> value and @validated = false Object.defineProperty @, 'valid', get: -> @validate() if @validation.state() == 'resolved' !@errors.length else null set: -> throw new TypeError "You can't set the value for the valid property." enumerable: false create_validators: (definitions) -> @validators = [] for name, validator of manager.validators definition = definitions[validator.definition_key] if definition definition = [definition] unless type(definition) == 'array' for validator_options in definition # Parse validation definition validator_options = attribute_name: validator_options unless type(validator_options) == 'object' validator_options.model = @ # Instantiate validator @validators.push validator validator_options # Clear out definition to prevent validators from becoming # attributes delete definitions[validator.definition_key] # Model and Record extensions # TODO Use stampit! extensions = model: validators: null record: validate_attribute: (attribute, doned, failed) -> # TODO better clearing of single attribute error message @errors.messages[attribute] = null results = [@, attribute] # TODO copy validators reference from model object to record object # TODO update json serializer # TODO filter validators for attribute for validator in model[@resource.toString()].validators if validator.attribute_name is attribute results.push validator.validate_each @, validator.attribute_name, @[validator.attribute_name] validation = jQuery.when.apply jQuery, results validation.done doned failed validation validate: (doned, failed) -> return @validation if @validated and not @dirty @errors.clear() results = [@] # TODO copy validators reference from model object to record object # TODO update json serializer for validator in model[@resource.toString()].validators results.push validator.validate_each @, validator.attribute_name, @[validator.attribute_name] @validation = jQuery.when results... @validation.done doned failed # TODO store this callback @validation.done (record) -> record.validated ||= true # Validators management manager = validators: {} # TODO async validator loading # for: (name) -> # builder = @validators[name] ||= require "validations/#{name}" # TODO better stampit integration model.mix (modelable) -> jQuery.extend modelable, extensions.model jQuery.extend modelable.record, extensions.record modelable.after_mix.unshift initializers.create_validators modelable.record.after_initialize.push initializers.define_triggers model.validators = manager.validators # TODO async validator loading manager.validators.confirmation = require './validations/confirmation' manager.validators.associated = require './validations/associated' manager.validators.presence = require './validations/presence' manager.validators.remote = require './validations/remote' manager.validators.type = require './validations/type' manager.validators.cpf = require './validations/cpf'