class ASHRAE901PRM < Standard # @!group AirLoopHVAC # Shut off the system during unoccupied periods. # During these times, systems will cycle on briefly if temperature drifts below setpoint. # If the system already has a schedule other than Always-On, no change will be made. # If the system has an Always-On schedule assigned, a new schedule will be created. # In this case, occupied is defined as the total percent occupancy for the loop for all zones served. # For stable baseline, schedule is Always-On for computer rooms and when health and safety exception is used # # @param air_loop_hvac [OpenStudio::Model::AirLoopHVAC] air loop # @param min_occ_pct [Double] the fractional value below which the system will be considered unoccupied. # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def air_loop_hvac_enable_unoccupied_fan_shutoff(air_loop_hvac, min_occ_pct = 0.05) if air_loop_hvac.additionalProperties.hasFeature('zone_group_type') zone_group_type = air_loop_hvac.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsString('zone_group_type').get else zone_group_type = 'None' end if zone_group_type == 'computer_zones' # Computer rooms are exempt from night cycle control return false end # Check for user data exceptions for night cycling # If any zone has the exception, then system will not cycle health_safety_exception = false air_loop_hvac.thermalZones.each do |thermal_zone| if thermal_zone.additionalProperties.hasFeature('has_health_safety_night_cycle_exception') exception = thermal_zone.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsBoolean('has_health_safety_night_cycle_exception').get return false if exception == true end end # Set the system to night cycle # The fan of a parallel PIU terminal are set to only cycle during heating operation # This is achieved using the CycleOnAnyCoolingOrHeatingZone; During cooling operation # the load is met by running the central system which stays off during heating # operation air_loop_hvac.setNightCycleControlType('CycleOnAny') if air_loop_hvac_has_parallel_piu_air_terminals?(air_loop_hvac) avail_mgrs = air_loop_hvac.availabilityManagers if !avail_mgrs.nil? avail_mgrs.each do |avail_mgr| if avail_mgr.to_AvailabilityManagerNightCycle.is_initialized avail_mgr_nc = avail_mgr.to_AvailabilityManagerNightCycle.get avail_mgr_nc.setControlType('CycleOnAnyCoolingOrHeatingZone') zones = air_loop_hvac.thermalZones avail_mgr_nc.setCoolingControlThermalZones(zones) avail_mgr_nc.setHeatingZoneFansOnlyThermalZones(zones) end end end end model = air_loop_hvac.model # Check if schedule was stored in an additionalProperties field of the air loop air_loop_name = if air_loop_hvac.hasAdditionalProperties if air_loop_hvac.additionalProperties.hasFeature('fan_sched_name') fan_sched_name = air_loop_hvac.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsString('fan_sched_name').get fan_sched = model.getScheduleRulesetByName(fan_sched_name).get air_loop_hvac.setAvailabilitySchedule(fan_sched) return true end end # Check if already using a schedule other than always on avail_sch = air_loop_hvac.availabilitySchedule unless avail_sch == air_loop_hvac.model.alwaysOnDiscreteSchedule OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.AirLoopHVAC', "For #{}: Availability schedule is already set to #{}. Will assume this includes unoccupied shut down; no changes will be made.") return true end # Get the airloop occupancy schedule loop_occ_sch = air_loop_hvac_get_occupancy_schedule(air_loop_hvac, occupied_percentage_threshold: min_occ_pct) flh = schedule_ruleset_annual_equivalent_full_load_hrs(loop_occ_sch) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.AirLoopHVAC', "For #{}: Annual occupied hours = #{flh.round} hr/yr, assuming a #{min_occ_pct} occupancy threshold. This schedule will be used as the HVAC operation schedule.") # Set HVAC availability schedule to follow occupancy air_loop_hvac.setAvailabilitySchedule(loop_occ_sch) air_loop_hvac.supplyComponents.each do |comp| if comp.to_AirLoopHVACUnitaryHeatPumpAirToAirMultiSpeed.is_initialized comp.to_AirLoopHVACUnitaryHeatPumpAirToAirMultiSpeed.get.setSupplyAirFanOperatingModeSchedule(loop_occ_sch) elsif comp.to_AirLoopHVACUnitarySystem.is_initialized comp.to_AirLoopHVACUnitarySystem.get.setSupplyAirFanOperatingModeSchedule(loop_occ_sch) end end return true end # Determine if the system is a multizone VAV system # # @return [Bool] Returns true if required, false if not. def air_loop_hvac_multizone_vav_system?(air_loop_hvac) return true if'Sys5') ||'Sys6') ||'Sys7') ||'Sys8') return false end # Determine if multizone vav optimization is required. # Not required for stable baseline. # # @param air_loop_hvac [OpenStudio::Model::AirLoopHVAC] air loop # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @return [Bool] returns true if required, false if not def air_loop_hvac_multizone_vav_optimization_required?(air_loop_hvac, climate_zone) multizone_opt_required = false return multizone_opt_required end # Determine whether the VAV damper control is single maximum or dual maximum control. # Defaults to Single Maximum for stable baseline. # # @param air_loop_hvac [OpenStudio::Model::AirLoopHVAC] air loop # @return [String] the damper control type: Single Maximum, Dual Maximum def air_loop_hvac_vav_damper_action(air_loop_hvac) damper_action = 'Single Maximum' return damper_action end # Default occupancy fraction threshold for determining if the spaces on the air loop are occupied def air_loop_hvac_unoccupied_threshold # Use 10% based on PRM-RM return 0.10 end # Determine if the system economizer must be integrated or not. # Always required for stable baseline if there is an economizer # # @param air_loop_hvac [OpenStudio::Model::AirLoopHVAC] air loop # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @return [Bool] returns true if required, false if not def air_loop_hvac_integrated_economizer_required?(air_loop_hvac, climate_zone) return true end # Determine the economizer type and limits for the the PRM # Defaults to 90.1-2007 logic. # # @param air_loop_hvac [OpenStudio::Model::AirLoopHVAC] air loop # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @return [Array] [economizer_type, drybulb_limit_f, enthalpy_limit_btu_per_lb, dewpoint_limit_f] def air_loop_hvac_prm_economizer_type_and_limits(air_loop_hvac, climate_zone) economizer_type = 'NoEconomizer' drybulb_limit_f = nil enthalpy_limit_btu_per_lb = nil dewpoint_limit_f = nil climate_zone_code = climate_zone.split('-')[-1] if ['0B', '1B', '2B', '3B', '3C', '4B', '4C', '5B', '5C', '6B', '7A', '7B', '8A', '8B'].include? climate_zone_code economizer_type = 'FixedDryBulb' drybulb_limit_f = 75 elsif ['5A', '6A'].include? climate_zone_code economizer_type = 'FixedDryBulb' drybulb_limit_f = 70 end return [economizer_type, drybulb_limit_f, enthalpy_limit_btu_per_lb, dewpoint_limit_f] end # Determine if an economizer is required per the PRM. # # @param air_loop_hvac [OpenStudio::Model::AirLoopHVAC] air loop # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @return [Bool] returns true if required, false if not def air_loop_hvac_prm_baseline_economizer_required?(air_loop_hvac, climate_zone) economizer_required = false baseline_system_type = air_loop_hvac.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsString('baseline_system_type').get climate_zone_code = climate_zone.split('-')[-1] # System type 3 through 8 and 11, 12 and 13 if ['SZ_AC', 'PSZ_AC', 'PVAV_Reheat', 'VAV_Reheat', 'SZ_VAV', 'PSZ_HP', 'SZ_CV', 'PSZ_HP', 'PVAV_PFP_Boxes', 'VAV_PFP_Boxes'].include? baseline_system_type unless ['0A', '0B', '1A', '1B', '2A', '3A', '4A'].include? climate_zone_code economizer_required = true end end # System type 3 and 4 in computer rooms are subject to exceptions if baseline_system_type == 'PSZ_AC' || baseline_system_type == 'PSZ_HP' if air_loop_hvac.additionalProperties.hasFeature('zone_group_type') if air_loop_hvac.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsString('zone_group_type').get == 'computer_zones' economizer_required = false end end end # Check user_data in the zones gas_phase_exception = false open_refrigeration_exception = false air_loop_hvac.thermalZones.each do |thermal_zone| if thermal_zone.additionalProperties.hasFeature('economizer_exception_for_gas_phase_air_cleaning') gas_phase_exception = true end if thermal_zone.additionalProperties.hasFeature('economizer_exception_for_open_refrigerated_cases') open_refrigeration_exception = true end end if gas_phase_exception || open_refrigeration_exception economizer_required = false end return economizer_required end # Set fan curve for stable baseline to be VSD with fixed static pressure setpoint # @return [string] name of appropriate curve for this code version def air_loop_hvac_set_vsd_curve_type return 'Multi Zone VAV with VSD and Fixed SP Setpoint' end # Determines if optimum start control is required. # PRM does not require optimum start - override it to false. # # @param air_loop_hvac [OpenStudio::Model::AirLoopHVAC] air loop # @return [Bool] returns true if required, false if not def air_loop_hvac_optimum_start_required?(air_loop_hvac) return false end # Calculate and apply the performance rating method # baseline fan power to this air loop based on the # system type that it represents. # # Fan motor efficiency will be set, and then # fan pressure rise adjusted so that the # fan power is the maximum allowable. # # Also adjusts the fan power and flow rates # of any parallel PIU terminals on the system. # # return [Bool] true if successful, false if not. def air_loop_hvac_apply_prm_baseline_fan_power(air_loop_hvac) # Get system type associated with air loop system_type = air_loop_hvac.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsString('baseline_system_type').get # Find out if air loop represents a non mechanically cooled system is_nmc = false is_nmc = true if air_loop_hvac.additionalProperties.hasFeature('non_mechanically_cooled') # Get all air loop fans all_fans = air_loop_hvac_supply_return_exhaust_relief_fans(air_loop_hvac) allowable_fan_bhp = 0.0 allowable_power_w = 0.0 fan_efficacy_w_per_cfm = 0.0 supply_fan_power_fraction = 0.0 return_fan_power_fraction = 0.0 relief_fan_power_fraction = 0.0 if system_type == 'PSZ_AC' || system_type == 'PSZ_HP' || system_type == 'PVAV_Reheat' || system_type == 'PVAV_PFP_Boxes' || system_type == 'VAV_Reheat' || system_type == 'VAV_PFP_Boxes' || system_type == 'SZ_VAV' || system_type == 'SZ_CV' # Calculate the allowable fan motor bhp for the air loop allowable_fan_bhp = air_loop_hvac_allowable_system_brake_horsepower(air_loop_hvac) # Divide the allowable power based # individual zone air flow air_loop_total_zone_design_airflow = 0 air_loop_hvac.thermalZones.sort.each do |zone| zone_air_flow = zone.designAirFlowRate.to_f air_loop_total_zone_design_airflow += zone_air_flow # Fractions variables are actually power at that point supply_fan_power_fraction += zone_air_flow * zone.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsDouble('supply_fan_w').get return_fan_power_fraction += zone_air_flow * zone.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsDouble('return_fan_w').get relief_fan_power_fraction += zone_air_flow * zone.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsDouble('relief_fan_w').get end if air_loop_total_zone_design_airflow > 0 # Get average power for each category of fan supply_fan_power_fraction /= air_loop_total_zone_design_airflow return_fan_power_fraction /= air_loop_total_zone_design_airflow relief_fan_power_fraction /= air_loop_total_zone_design_airflow # Convert to power fraction total_fan_avg_fan_w = (supply_fan_power_fraction + return_fan_power_fraction + relief_fan_power_fraction) supply_fan_power_fraction /= total_fan_avg_fan_w return_fan_power_fraction /= total_fan_avg_fan_w relief_fan_power_fraction /= total_fan_avg_fan_w else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.ashrae_90_1_prm.AirLoopHVAC', "Total zone design airflow for #{} is 0.") end elsif system_type == 'PTAC' || system_type == 'PTHP' || system_type == 'Gas_Furnace' || system_type == 'Electric_Furnace' # Determine allowable fan power if !is_nmc fan_efficacy_w_per_cfm = 0.3 else # is_nmc fan_efficacy_w_per_cfm = 0.054 end # Configuration is supply fan only supply_fan_power_fraction = 1.0 end supply_fan = air_loop_hvac_get_supply_fan(air_loop_hvac) if supply_fan.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.ashrae_90_1_prm.AirLoopHVAC', "Supply not found on #{}.") end supply_fan_max_flow = if supply_fan.maximumFlowRate.is_initialized supply_fan.maximumFlowRate.get elsif supply_fan.autosizedMaximumFlowRate.is_initialized supply_fan.autosizedMaximumFlowRate.get end # Check that baseline system has the same # types of fans as the proposed model, if # not, create them. We assume that the # system has at least a supply fan. if return_fan_power_fraction > 0.0 && !air_loop_hvac.returnFan.is_initialized # Create return fan return_fan = supply_fan.clone(air_loop_hvac.model) if return_fan.to_FanConstantVolume.is_initialized return_fan = return_fan.to_FanConstantVolume.get elsif return_fan.to_FanVariableVolume.is_initialized return_fan = return_fan.to_FanVariableVolume.get elsif return_fan.to_FanOnOff.is_initialized return_fan = return_fan.to_FanOnOff.get elsif return_fan.to_FanSystemModel.is_initialized return_fan = return_fan.to_FanSystemModel.get end return_fan.setName("#{} Return Fan") return_fan.addToNode(air_loop_hvac.returnAirNode.get) return_fan.setMaximumFlowRate(supply_fan_max_flow) end if relief_fan_power_fraction > 0.0 && !air_loop_hvac.reliefFan.is_initialized # Create return fan relief_fan = supply_fan.clone(air_loop_hvac.model) if relief_fan.to_FanConstantVolume.is_initialized relief_fan = relief_fan.to_FanConstantVolume.get elsif relief_fan.to_FanVariableVolume.is_initialized relief_fan = relief_fan.to_FanVariableVolume.get elsif relief_fan.to_FanOnOff.is_initialized relief_fan = relief_fan.to_FanOnOff.get elsif relief_fan.to_FanSystemModel.is_initialized relief_fan = relief_fan.to_FanSystemModel.get end relief_fan.setName("#{} Relief Fan") relief_fan.addToNode(air_loop_hvac.reliefAirNode.get) relief_fan.setMaximumFlowRate(supply_fan_max_flow) end # Get all air loop fans all_fans = air_loop_hvac_supply_return_exhaust_relief_fans(air_loop_hvac) # Set the motor efficiencies # for all fans based on the calculated # allowed brake hp. Then calculate the allowable # fan power for each fan and adjust # the fan pressure rise accordingly all_fans.each do |fan| # Efficacy requirement if fan_efficacy_w_per_cfm > 0 # Convert efficacy to metric fan_efficacy_w_per_m3_per_s = OpenStudio.convert(fan_efficacy_w_per_cfm, 'm^3/s', 'cfm').get fan_change_impeller_efficiency(fan, fan_baseline_impeller_efficiency(fan)) # Get fan BHP fan_bhp = fan_brake_horsepower(fan) # Set the motor efficiency, preserving the impeller efficiency. # For zone HVAC fans, a bhp lookup of 0.5bhp is always used because # they are assumed to represent a series of small fans in reality. fan_apply_standard_minimum_motor_efficiency(fan, fan_bhp) # Calculate a new pressure rise to hit the target W/cfm fan_tot_eff = fan.fanEfficiency fan_rise_new_pa = fan_efficacy_w_per_m3_per_s * fan_tot_eff fan.setPressureRise(fan_rise_new_pa) end # BHP requirements if allowable_fan_bhp > 0 fan_apply_standard_minimum_motor_efficiency(fan, allowable_fan_bhp) allowable_power_w = allowable_fan_bhp * 746 / fan.motorEfficiency # Breakdown fan power based on fan type if == allowable_power_w *= supply_fan_power_fraction elsif fan.airLoopHVAC.is_initialized if fan.airLoopHVAC.get.returnFan.is_initialized if == allowable_power_w *= return_fan_power_fraction end end if fan.airLoopHVAC.get.reliefFan.is_initialized if == allowable_power_w *= relief_fan_power_fraction end end end fan_adjust_pressure_rise_to_meet_fan_power(fan, allowable_power_w) end end return true unless system_type == 'PVAV_PFP_Boxes' || system_type == 'VAV_PFP_Boxes' # Adjust fan powered terminal fans power air_loop_hvac.demandComponents.each do |dc| next if dc.to_AirTerminalSingleDuctParallelPIUReheat.empty? pfp_term = dc.to_AirTerminalSingleDuctParallelPIUReheat.get air_terminal_single_duct_parallel_piu_reheat_apply_prm_baseline_fan_power(pfp_term) end return true end # Determine the allowable fan system brake horsepower # Per Section G3.1.2.9 # # @return [Double] allowable fan system brake horsepower # units = horsepower def air_loop_hvac_allowable_system_brake_horsepower(air_loop_hvac) # Get design supply air flow rate (whether autosized or hard-sized) dsn_air_flow_m3_per_s = 0 dsn_air_flow_cfm = 0 if air_loop_hvac.autosizedDesignSupplyAirFlowRate.is_initialized dsn_air_flow_m3_per_s = air_loop_hvac.autosizedDesignSupplyAirFlowRate.get dsn_air_flow_cfm = OpenStudio.convert(dsn_air_flow_m3_per_s, 'm^3/s', 'cfm').get OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.ashrae_90_1_prm.AirLoopHVAC', "* #{dsn_air_flow_cfm.round} cfm = Autosized Design Supply Air Flow Rate.") else dsn_air_flow_m3_per_s = air_loop_hvac.designSupplyAirFlowRate.get dsn_air_flow_cfm = OpenStudio.convert(dsn_air_flow_m3_per_s, 'm^3/s', 'cfm').get OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.ashrae_90_1_prm.AirLoopHVAC', "* #{dsn_air_flow_cfm.round} cfm = Hard sized Design Supply Air Flow Rate.") end # Get the fan limitation pressure drop adjustment bhp fan_pwr_adjustment_bhp = air_loop_hvac_fan_power_limitation_pressure_drop_adjustment_brake_horsepower(air_loop_hvac) # Get system type associated with air loop system_type = air_loop_hvac.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsString('baseline_system_type').get # Calculate the Allowable Fan System brake horsepower per Table G3.1.2.9 allowable_fan_bhp = 0.0 case system_type when 'PSZ_HP', 'PSZ_AC' # 3, 4 allowable_fan_bhp = dsn_air_flow_cfm * 0.00094 + fan_pwr_adjustment_bhp when 'PVAV_Reheat', 'PVAV_PFP_Boxes', # 5, 6 'VAV_Reheat', 'VAV_PFP_Boxes', # 7, 8 'SZ_VAV' # 11 allowable_fan_bhp = dsn_air_flow_cfm * 0.0013 + fan_pwr_adjustment_bhp when 'SZ_CV' # 12, 13 allowable_fan_bhp = dsn_air_flow_cfm * 0.00094 + fan_pwr_adjustment_bhp else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.ashrae_90_1_prm.AirLoopHVAC', "Air loop #{} is not associated with a baseline system.") end return allowable_fan_bhp end # Check if an air loop in user model needs to have DCV per air loop related requiremends in ASHRAE 90.1-2019 # # @author Xuechen (Jerry) Lei, PNNL # @param air_loop_hvac [OpenStudio::Model::AirLoopHVAC] air loop # @return [Boolean] flag of whether air loop in user model is required to have DCV def user_model_air_loop_hvac_demand_control_ventilation_required?(air_loop_hvac) # all zones in the same airloop in user model are set with the same value, so use the first zone under the loop dcv_airloop_user_exception = air_loop_hvac.thermalZones[0].additionalProperties.getFeatureAsBoolean('airloop user specified DCV exception').get return false if dcv_airloop_user_exception # check the following conditions at airloop level # has air economizer OR design outdoor airflow > 3000 cfm has_economizer = air_loop_hvac_economizer?(air_loop_hvac) if air_loop_hvac.airLoopHVACOutdoorAirSystem.is_initialized oa_flow_m3_per_s = get_airloop_hvac_design_oa_from_sql(air_loop_hvac) else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.AirLoopHVAC', "For #{}, DCV not applicable because it has no OA intake.") return false end oa_flow_cfm = OpenStudio.convert(oa_flow_m3_per_s, 'm^3/s', 'cfm').get any_zones_req_dcv = false air_loop_hvac.thermalZones.sort.each do |zone| if user_model_zone_demand_control_ventilation_required?(zone) any_zones_req_dcv = true break end end return true if any_zones_req_dcv && (has_economizer || (oa_flow_cfm > 3000)) return false end # Check if a zone in user model needs to have DCV per zone related requiremends in ASHRAE 90.1-2019 # @author Xuechen (Jerry) Lei, PNNL # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] the thermal zone # @return [Boolean] flag of whether thermal zone in user model is required to have DCV def user_model_zone_demand_control_ventilation_required?(thermal_zone) dcv_zone_user_exception = thermal_zone.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsBoolean('zone user specified DCV exception').get return false if dcv_zone_user_exception # check the following conditions at zone level # zone > 500 sqft AND design occ > 25 ppl/ksqft area_served_m2 = 0 num_people = 0 thermal_zone.spaces.each do |space| area_served_m2 += space.floorArea num_people += space.numberOfPeople end area_served_ft2 = OpenStudio.convert(area_served_m2, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get occ_per_1000_ft2 = num_people / area_served_ft2 * 1000 return true if (area_served_ft2 > 500) && (occ_per_1000_ft2 > 25) return false end # Check if the air loop in baseline model needs to have DCV # # @author Xuechen (Jerry) Lei, PNNL # @param air_loop_hvac [OpenStudio::Model::AirLoopHVAC] air loop # @return [Boolean] flag of whether the air loop in baseline is required to have DCV def baseline_air_loop_hvac_demand_control_ventilation_required?(air_loop_hvac) any_zone_req_dcv = false air_loop_hvac.thermalZones.each do |zone| if baseline_thermal_zone_demand_control_ventilation_required?(zone) any_zone_req_dcv = true end end return any_zone_req_dcv # baseline airloop needs dcv if any zone it serves needs dcv end # Check if the thermal zone in baseline model needs to have DCV # # @author Xuechen (Jerry) Lei, PNNL # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] the thermal zone # @return [Boolean] flag of whether thermal zone in baseline is required to have DCV def baseline_thermal_zone_demand_control_ventilation_required?(thermal_zone) # zone needs dcv if user model has dcv and baseline does not meet apxg exception if thermal_zone.additionalProperties.hasFeature('apxg no need to have DCV') # meaning it was served by an airloop in the user model, does not mean much here, conditional as a safeguard # in case it was not served by an airloop in the user model if !thermal_zone.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsBoolean('apxg no need to have DCV').get && # does not meet apxg exception (need to have dcv if user model has it thermal_zone.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsBoolean('zone DCV implemented in user model').get return true end end return false end # Get the air loop HVAC design outdoor air flow rate by reading Standard 62.1 Summary from the sizing sql # @author Xuechen (Jerry) Lei, PNNL # @param air_loop_hvac [OpenStudio::Model::AirLoopHVAC] air loop # @return [Float] Design outdoor air flow rate (m^3/s) def get_airloop_hvac_design_oa_from_sql(air_loop_hvac) return false unless air_loop_hvac.airLoopHVACOutdoorAirSystem.is_initialized cooling_oa = air_loop_hvac.model.sqlFile.get.execAndReturnFirstDouble( "SELECT Value FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='Standard62.1Summary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName = 'System Ventilation Requirements for Cooling' AND ColumnName LIKE 'Outdoor Air Intake Flow%Vot' AND RowName='#{}'" ) heating_oa = air_loop_hvac.model.sqlFile.get.execAndReturnFirstDouble( "SELECT Value FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='Standard62.1Summary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName = 'System Ventilation Requirements for Heating' AND ColumnName LIKE 'Outdoor Air Intake Flow%Vot' AND RowName='#{}'" ) return [cooling_oa.to_f, heating_oa.to_f].max end # Set the minimum VAV damper positions. # # @param air_loop_hvac [OpenStudio::Model::AirLoopHVAC] air loop # @param has_ddc [Bool] if true, will assume that there is DDC control of vav terminals. # If false, assumes otherwise. # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def air_loop_hvac_apply_minimum_vav_damper_positions(air_loop_hvac, has_ddc = true) air_loop_hvac.thermalZones.each do |zone| do |equip| if equip.to_AirTerminalSingleDuctVAVReheat.is_initialized zone_oa = thermal_zone_outdoor_airflow_rate(zone) vav_terminal = equip.to_AirTerminalSingleDuctVAVReheat.get air_terminal_single_duct_vav_reheat_apply_minimum_damper_position(vav_terminal, zone_oa, has_ddc) elsif equip.to_AirTerminalSingleDuctParallelPIUReheat.is_initialized zone_oa = thermal_zone_outdoor_airflow_rate(zone) fp_vav_terminal = equip.to_AirTerminalSingleDuctParallelPIUReheat.get air_terminal_single_duct_parallel_piu_reheat_apply_minimum_primary_airflow_fraction(fp_vav_terminal, zone_oa) end end end return true end # Determine the limits for the type of economizer present on the AirLoopHVAC, if any. # # @param air_loop_hvac [OpenStudio::Model::AirLoopHVAC] air loop # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @return [Array] [drybulb_limit_f, enthalpy_limit_btu_per_lb, dewpoint_limit_f] def air_loop_hvac_economizer_limits(air_loop_hvac, climate_zone) drybulb_limit_f = nil enthalpy_limit_btu_per_lb = nil dewpoint_limit_f = nil # Get the OA system and OA controller oa_sys = air_loop_hvac.airLoopHVACOutdoorAirSystem return [nil, nil, nil] unless oa_sys.is_initialized oa_sys = oa_sys.get oa_control = oa_sys.getControllerOutdoorAir economizer_type = oa_control.getEconomizerControlType case economizer_type when 'NoEconomizer' return [nil, nil, nil] when 'FixedDryBulb' climate_zone_code = climate_zone.split('-')[-1] climate_zone_code = 7 if ['7A', '7B'].include? climate_zone_code climate_zone_code = 8 if ['8A', '8B'].include? climate_zone_code search_criteria = { 'template' => template, 'climate_id' => climate_zone_code } econ_limits = model_find_object(standards_data['prm_economizers'], search_criteria) drybulb_limit_f = econ_limits['high_limit_shutoff'] when 'FixedEnthalpy' enthalpy_limit_btu_per_lb = 28 when 'FixedDewPointAndDryBulb' drybulb_limit_f = 75 dewpoint_limit_f = 55 end return [drybulb_limit_f, enthalpy_limit_btu_per_lb, dewpoint_limit_f] end # Determine the fan power limitation pressure drop adjustment # Per Table (90.1-2019) # # @param air_loop_hvac [OpenStudio::Model::AirLoopHVAC] air loop # @return [Double] fan power limitation pressure drop adjustment, in units of horsepower def air_loop_hvac_fan_power_limitation_pressure_drop_adjustment_brake_horsepower(air_loop_hvac) # Calculate Fan Power Limitation Pressure Drop Adjustment fan_pwr_adjustment_bhp = 0 # Retrieve climate zone climate_zone = air_loop_hvac.model.getClimateZones.getClimateZone(0) # Check if energy recovery is required is_energy_recovery_required = air_loop_hvac_energy_recovery_ventilator_required?(air_loop_hvac, climate_zone) system_type = '' # Get baseline system type if applicable if air_loop_hvac.additionalProperties.hasFeature('baseline_system_type') system_type = air_loop_hvac.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsString('baseline_system_type').to_s end air_loop_hvac.thermalZones.each do |zone| # Take fan power deductions into account; # Deductions are calculated based on the # baseline model design. # The only deduction that's applicable # is the "System with central electric # resistance heat" for system 6 and 8 if system_type == 'PVAV_PFP_Boxes' || system_type == 'VAV_PFP_Boxes' if zone.additionalProperties.hasFeature('has_fan_power_deduction_system_with_central_electric_resistance_heat') current_value = zone.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsDouble('has_fan_power_deduction_system_with_central_electric_resistance_heat') zone.additionalProperties.setFeature('has_fan_power_deduction_system_with_central_electric_resistance_heat', current_value + 1.0) else zone.additionalProperties.setFeature('has_fan_power_deduction_system_with_central_electric_resistance_heat', 1.0) end end # Determine fan power adjustment fan_pwr_adjustment_bhp += thermal_zone_get_fan_power_limitations(zone, is_energy_recovery_required) end return fan_pwr_adjustment_bhp end # Set effectiveness value of an ERV's heat exchanger # # @param erv [OpenStudio::Model::HeatExchangerAirToAirSensibleAndLatent] ERV to apply efficiency values # @param erv_type [String] ERV type: ERV or HRV # @param heat_exchanger_type [String] Heat exchanger type: Rotary or Plate # @return [OpenStudio::Model::HeatExchangerAirToAirSensibleAndLatent] ERV to apply efficiency values def air_loop_hvac_apply_energy_recovery_ventilator_efficiency(erv, erv_type: 'ERV', heat_exchanger_type: 'Rotary') heat_exchanger_air_to_air_sensible_and_latent_apply_effectiveness(erv) return erv end # Determine the airflow limits that govern whether or not an ERV is required. # Based on climate zone and % OA. # # @param air_loop_hvac [OpenStudio::Model::AirLoopHVAC] air loop # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @param pct_oa [Double] percentage of outdoor air # @return [Double] the flow rate above which an ERV is required. if nil, ERV is never required. def air_loop_hvac_energy_recovery_ventilator_flow_limit(air_loop_hvac, climate_zone, pct_oa) if pct_oa < 0.7 erv_cfm = nil else # Heating thermostat setpoint threshold temp_c = OpenStudio.convert(60, 'F', 'C').get # Check for exceptions for each zone air_loop_hvac.thermalZones.each do |thermal_zone| # Get heating thermosat setpoint and comparing to heating thermostat setpoint threshold tstat = thermal_zone.thermostat.get if tstat.to_ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint tstat = tstat.to_ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.get htg_sch = tstat.getHeatingSchedule if htg_sch.is_initialized htg_sch = htg_sch.get if htg_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.is_initialized htg_sch = htg_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.get max_c = schedule_ruleset_annual_min_max_value(htg_sch)['max'] if max_c > temp_c htd = true end elsif htg_sch.to_ScheduleConstant.is_initialized htg_sch = htg_sch.to_ScheduleConstant.get max_c = schedule_constant_annual_min_max_value(htg_sch)['max'] if max_c > temp_c htd = true end elsif htg_sch.to_ScheduleCompact.is_initialized htg_sch = htg_sch.to_ScheduleCompact.get max_c = schedule_compact_annual_min_max_value(htg_sch)['max'] if max_c > temp_c htd = true end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'prm.log', "Zone #{} used an unknown schedule type for the heating setpoint; assuming heated.") htd = true end end elsif tstat.to_ZoneControlThermostatStagedDualSetpoint tstat = tstat.to_ZoneControlThermostatStagedDualSetpoint.get htg_sch = tstat.heatingTemperatureSetpointSchedule if htg_sch.is_initialized htg_sch = htg_sch.get if htg_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.is_initialized htg_sch = htg_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.get max_c = schedule_ruleset_annual_min_max_value(htg_sch)['max'] if max_c > temp_c htd = true end end end end # Exception 1 - Systems heated to less than 60F since all baseline system provide cooling if !htd return nil end # Exception 2 - System exhausting toxic fumes if thermal_zone.additionalProperties.hasFeature('exhaust_energy_recovery_exception_for_toxic_fumes_etc') if thermal_zone.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsString('exhaust_energy_recovery_exception_for_toxic_fumes_etc').get == 'yes' return nil end end # Exception 3 - Commercial kitchen hoods if thermal_zone.additionalProperties.hasFeature('exhaust_energy_recovery_exception_for_type1_kitchen_hoods') if thermal_zone.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsString('exhaust_energy_recovery_exception_for_type1_kitchen_hoods').get == 'yes' return nil end end # Exception 6 - Distributed exhaust if thermal_zone.additionalProperties.hasFeature('exhaust_energy_recovery_exception_for_type_distributed_exhaust') if thermal_zone.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsString('exhaust_energy_recovery_exception_for_type_distributed_exhaust').get == 'yes' return nil end end # Exception 7 - Dehumidification if thermal_zone.additionalProperties.hasFeature('exhaust_energy_recovery_exception_for_dehumidifcation_with_series_cooling_recovery') if thermal_zone.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsString('exhaust_energy_recovery_exception_for_dehumidifcation_with_series_cooling_recovery').get == 'yes' return nil end end end # Exception 4 - Heating systems in certain climate zones if ['ASHRAE 169-2006-0A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-0B', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-1A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-1B', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-2A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-2B', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-3A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-3B', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-3C', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-0A', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-0B', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-1A', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-1B', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-2A', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-2B', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-3A', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-3B', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-3C'].include?(climate_zone) if air_loop_hvac.additionalProperties.hasFeature('baseline_system_type') system_type = air_loop_hvac.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsString('baseline_system_type').get if system_type == 'Gas_Furnace' || system_type == 'Electric_Furnace' return nil end end end erv_cfm = 5000 end return erv_cfm end end