# Ruby's Yahoo Finance Wrapper A dead simple wrapper for yahoo finance quotes end-point. ## Installation: Just add it to your `Gemfile`: `gem 'yahoo-finance'` ## Usage: ### Getting latest quotes for a set of symbols Pass an array of valid symbols (stock names, indexes, exchange rates) and a list of fields you want: ```ruby yahoo_client = YahooFinance::Client.new data = yahoo_client.quotes(["BVSP", "NATU3.SA", "USDJPY=X"], [:ask, :bid, :last_trade_date]) ``` Data is now an array of results. You now have accessor methods to retrieve the data, with the return results being strings: ```ruby puts data[0].symbol + " value is: " + data[0].ask ``` Passing `raw: false` will return numerical values ```ruby yahoo_client = YahooFinance::Client.new data = yahoo_client.quotes(["BVSP", "NATU3.SA", "USDJPY=X"], [:ask, :bid, :last_trade_date], { raw: false } ) data[0].ask # This is now a float ``` The full list of fields follows: ```ruby :after_hours_change_real_time :annualized_gain :ask :ask_real_time :ask_size :average_daily_volume :bid :bid_real_time :bid_size :book_value :change :change_and_percent_change :change_from_200_day_moving_average :change_from_50_day_moving_average :change_from_52_week_high :change_From_52_week_low :change_in_percent :change_percent_realtime :change_real_time :close :comission :day_value_change :day_value_change_realtime :days_range :days_range_realtime :dividend_pay_date :dividend_per_share :dividend_yield :earnings_per_share :ebitda :eps_estimate_current_year :eps_estimate_next_quarter :eps_estimate_next_year :error_indicator :ex_dividend_date :float_shares :high :high_52_weeks :high_limit :holdings_gain :holdings_gain_percent :holdings_gain_percent_realtime :holdings_gain_realtime :holdings_value :holdings_value_realtime :last_trade_date :last_trade_price :last_trade_realtime_withtime :last_trade_size :last_trade_time :last_trade_with_time :low :low_52_weeks :low_limit :market_cap_realtime :market_capitalization :more_info :moving_average_200_day :moving_average_50_day :name :notes :one_year_target_price :open :order_book :pe_ratio :pe_ratio_realtime :peg_ratio :percent_change_from_200_day_moving_average :percent_change_from_50_day_moving_average :percent_change_from_52_week_high :percent_change_from_52_week_low :previous_close :price_eps_estimate_current_year :price_eps_Estimate_next_year :price_paid :price_per_book :price_per_sales :revenue :shares_outstanding :shares_owned :short_ratio :stock_exchange :symbol :ticker_trend :trade_date :trade_links :volume :weeks_range_52 ``` ### Getting symbols by stock market (beta) Create a YahooFinance::Client instance ```ruby yahoo_client = YahooFinance::Client.new ``` Calling symbols_by_market method (symbols_by_market(country, stock_market)) Note: Can only be called with US Stock Markets for now. *Important: This data comes directly from NASDAQ's CSV endpoints, NOT Yahoo Finance*. It might be extracted into a different Gem in the future. ```ruby yahoo_client.symbols_by_market('us', 'nyse') # Only US Stock Markets For Now ``` This method returns an array of symbols that can be used with the quotes method ```ruby data = yahoo_client.quotes(yahoo_client.symbols_by_market('us', 'nyse'), [:ask, :bid, :last_trade_date]) ``` ### Getting historical quotes Here you can specify a date range and a symbol, and retrieve historical data for it. The last parameter (options) can include, besides the "raw" option, a "period" option. The period can be specified as :daily, :monthly, :weekly or :dividends_only ```ruby yahoo_client = YahooFinance::Client.new data = yahoo_client.historical_quotes("AAPL") # entire historical data ``` or ```ruby yahoo_client = YahooFinance::Client.new data = yahoo_client.historical_quotes("AAPL", { start_date: Time::now-(24*60*60*10), end_date: Time::now }) # 10 days worth of data ``` or ``` ruby yahoo_client = YahooFinance::Client.new data = yahoo_client.historical_quotes("AAPL", { raw: false, period: :monthly }) ``` ### Getting splits You can also retrieve split data. ```ruby yahoo_client = YahooFinance::Client.new data = yahoo_client.splits('AAPL', :start_date => Date.today - 10*365) data[0].date # Date<2014-06-09> data[0].before # 1 data[0].after # 7 ``` Enjoy! :-) - Herval (hervalfreire@gmail.com) - Eric D. Santos Sosa (eric.santos@cometa.works)