require "uuidtools" require "asciimath" require "htmlentities" require "nokogiri" module Html2Doc def self.style_list(elem, level, liststyle, listnumber) return unless liststyle if elem["style"] elem["style"] += ";" else elem["style"] = "" end elem["style"] += "mso-list:#{liststyle} level#{level} lfo#{listnumber};" end def self.list_add1(elem, liststyles, listtype, level) if %i[ul ol].include? listtype list_add(elem.xpath(".//ul") - elem.xpath(".//ul//ul | .//ol//ul"), liststyles, :ul, level + 1) list_add(elem.xpath(".//ol") - elem.xpath(".//ul//ol | .//ol//ol"), liststyles, :ol, level + 1) else list_add(elem.xpath(".//ul") - elem.xpath(".//ul//ul | .//ol//ul"), liststyles, listtype, level + 1) list_add(elem.xpath(".//ol") - elem.xpath(".//ul//ol | .//ol//ol"), liststyles, listtype, level + 1) end end def self.list_add(xpath, liststyles, listtype, level) xpath.each_with_index do |l, _i| @listnumber += 1 if level == 1 l["seen"] = true if level == 1 l["id"] ||= UUIDTools::UUID.random_create (l.xpath(".//li") - l.xpath(".//ol//li | .//ul//li")).each do |li| style_list(li, level, liststyles[listtype], @listnumber) list_add1(li, liststyles, listtype, level) end l.xpath(".//ul[not(ancestor::li/ancestor::*/@id = '#{l['id']}')] | "\ ".//ol[not(ancestor::li/ancestor::*/@id = '#{l['id']}')]") .each do |li| list_add1(li.parent, liststyles, listtype, level - 1) end end end def self.list2para(list) return if list.xpath("./li").empty? list.xpath("./li").first["class"] ||= "MsoListParagraphCxSpFirst" list.xpath("./li").last["class"] ||= "MsoListParagraphCxSpLast" list.xpath("./li/p").each { |p| p["class"] ||= "MsoListParagraphCxSpMiddle" } list.xpath("./li").each do |l| = "p" l["class"] ||= "MsoListParagraphCxSpMiddle" l&.first_element_child&.name == "p" and l.first_element_child.replace(l.first_element_child.children) end list.replace(list.children) end TOPLIST = "[not(ancestor::ul) and not(ancestor::ol)]".freeze def self.lists1(docxml, liststyles, style) case style when :ul then list_add(docxml.xpath("//ul[not(@class)]#{TOPLIST}"), liststyles, :ul, 1) when :ol then list_add(docxml.xpath("//ol[not(@class)]#{TOPLIST}"), liststyles, :ol, 1) else list_add(docxml.xpath("//ol[@class = '#{style}']#{TOPLIST} | "\ "//ul[@class = '#{style}']#{TOPLIST}"), liststyles, style, 1) end end def self.lists_unstyled(docxml, liststyles) liststyles.has_key?(:ul) and list_add(docxml.xpath("//ul#{TOPLIST}[not(@seen)]"), liststyles, :ul, 1) liststyles.has_key?(:ol) and list_add(docxml.xpath("//ol#{TOPLIST}[not(@seen)]"), liststyles, :ul, 1) docxml.xpath("//ul[@seen] | //ol[@seen]").each do |l| l.delete("seen") end end def self.lists(docxml, liststyles) return if liststyles.nil? @listnumber = 0 liststyles.each_key { |k| lists1(docxml, liststyles, k) } lists_unstyled(docxml, liststyles) liststyles.has_key?(:ul) and docxml.xpath("//ul").each { |u| list2para(u) } liststyles.has_key?(:ol) and docxml.xpath("//ol").each { |u| list2para(u) } end end