# Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Ruby-GNOME2 Project Team # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA require "English" module GObjectIntrospection class Loader class << self def load(namespace, base_module, options={}) loader = new(base_module) loader.version = options[:version] loader.load(namespace) end end attr_accessor :version def initialize(base_module) @base_module = base_module @version = nil end def load(namespace) repository = Repository.default repository.require(namespace, @version) pre_load(repository, namespace) repository.each(namespace) do |info| load_info(info) if info.is_a?(InterfaceInfo) end repository.each(namespace) do |info| load_info(info) unless info.is_a?(InterfaceInfo) end post_load(repository, namespace) end private def pre_load(repository, namespace) end def post_load(repository, namespace) end def load_info(info) case info when FunctionInfo load_function_info(info) when StructInfo load_struct_info(info) when BoxedInfo load_boxed_info(info) when FlagsInfo load_flags_info(info) when EnumInfo load_enum_info(info) when ObjectInfo load_object_info(info) when InterfaceInfo load_interface_info(info) when ConstantInfo load_constant_info(info) when UnionInfo load_union_info(info) end end def load_function_info(info) name = rubyish_method_name(info) define_singleton_method(@base_module, name, info) end def define_module_function(target_module, name, function_info) function_info.unlock_gvl = should_unlock_gvl?(function_info, target_module) full_method_name = "#{target_module}\#.#{name}" invoker = Invoker.new(function_info, name, full_method_name) target_module.module_eval do define_method(name) do |*arguments, &block| invoker.invoke(nil, arguments, block) end module_function(name) end end def define_singleton_method(klass, name, info) info.unlock_gvl = should_unlock_gvl?(info, klass) invoker = Invoker.new(info, name, "#{klass}.#{name}") klass.singleton_class.__send__(:define_method, name) do |*arguments, &block| invoker.invoke(nil, arguments, block) end end def define_struct(info, options={}) name = rubyish_class_name(info) if info.gtype == GLib::Type::NONE klass = self.class.define_struct(info.size, name, @base_module, :parent => options[:parent]) else size = info.size size = nil if size.zero? klass = self.class.define_class(info.gtype, name, @base_module, :parent => options[:parent], :size => size) end load_fields(info, klass) load_methods(info, klass) end def load_struct_info(info) case info.name when /Class\z/ base_class_name = rubyish_class_name(info) method_infos = info.methods.find_all do |method_info| method_info.is_a?(MethodInfo) end unless method_infos.empty? base_class = @base_module.const_get(base_class_name) load_method_infos(method_infos, base_class.singleton_class) end else return if info.gtype_struct? define_struct(info) end end def define_boxed(info) return if info.gtype == GLib::Type::NONE klass = self.class.define_class(info.gtype, info.name, @base_module) _ = klass # TODO: Remove me. It is just for suppressing a warning. # TODO # load_fields(info, klass) # load_methods(info, klass) end def load_boxed_info(info) define_boxed(info) end def load_enum_value(value_info, enum_module) enum_module.const_set(value_info.name.upcase, value_info.value) end def define_enum(info) # TODO: Can we do the same things for flags on NONE GType? return if info.gtype == GLib::Type::NONE self.class.define_class(info.gtype, rubyish_class_name(info), @base_module) end def define_error(info) self.class.define_error(info.error_domain, rubyish_class_name(info), @base_module, :parent => error_parent_class(info), :gtype => info.gtype) end def error_parent_class(info) nil end def load_enum_info(info) if info.gtype == GLib::Type::NONE enum_module = Module.new info.values.each do |value_info| load_enum_value(value_info, enum_module) end @base_module.const_set(rubyish_class_name(info), enum_module) else if info.error_domain define_error(info) else define_enum(info) end end end def load_flag_value(value_info, flags_module) flags_module.const_set(value_info.name.upcase, value_info.value) end def load_flags_info(info) if info.gtype == GLib::Type::NONE flags_module = Module.new info.values.each do |value_info| load_flag_value(value_info, flags_module) end @base_module.const_set(rubyish_class_name(info), flags_module) else self.class.define_class(info.gtype, flags_class_name(info), @base_module) end end def flags_class_name(info) info.name end def load_object_info(info) return if info.gtype == GLib::Type::NONE klass = self.class.define_class(info.gtype, rubyish_class_name(info), @base_module) load_fields(info, klass) load_methods(info, klass) end def load_fields(info, klass) info.n_fields.times do |i| field_info = info.get_field(i) load_field(info, i, field_info, klass) end end def field_name(field_info, klass) field_info.name end def load_field(info, i, field_info, klass, options={}) name = field_name(field_info, klass) flags = field_info.flags readable = options[:readable] readable = flags.readable? if readable.nil? if readable reader_method_name = rubyish_field_reader_name(field_info, name) load_field_reader(info, i, field_info, klass, name, reader_method_name) end writable = options[:writable] writable = flags.writable? if writable.nil? if writable load_field_writer(info, i, field_info, klass, name, "#{name}=") end end def load_field_reader(info, i, field_info, klass, name, method_name) remove_existing_method(klass, method_name) need_number_to_bool_convert = false if name.start_with?("is_") and field_info.type.tag == TypeTag::UINT32 need_number_to_bool_convert = true end klass.__send__(:define_method, method_name) do || value = info.get_field_value(self, i) if need_number_to_bool_convert value != 0 else value end end end def load_field_writer(info, i, field_info, klass, name, method_name) klass.__send__(:define_method, method_name) do |value| info.set_field_value(self, i, value) end end def load_methods(info, klass) grouped_methods = info.methods.group_by do |method_info| method_info.class end grouped_methods.each do |method_info_class, method_infos| next if method_infos.empty? case method_infos.first when ConstructorInfo load_constructor_infos(method_infos, klass) when MethodInfo load_method_infos(method_infos, klass) when FunctionInfo load_function_infos(method_infos, klass) else raise "TODO: #{method_info_class}" end end if klass.method_defined?(:each) and klass.instance_method(:each).owner == klass klass.include(Enumerable) end end def load_constructor_infos(infos, klass) return if infos.empty? call_initialize_post = lambda do |object| initialize_post(object) end infos.each do |info| name = "initialize_#{info.name}" info.unlock_gvl = should_unlock_gvl?(info, klass) invoker = Invoker.new(info, name, "#{klass}\##{name}") klass.__send__(:define_method, name) do |*arguments, &block| invoker.invoke(self, arguments, block) call_initialize_post.call(self) end klass.__send__(:private, name) end find_info = lambda do |arguments| find_suitable_callable_info(infos, arguments) end klass.__send__(:define_method, "initialize") do |*arguments, &block| info = find_info.call(arguments, &block) __send__("initialize_#{info.name}", *arguments, &block) end end def initialize_post(object) end def find_suitable_callable_info(infos, arguments) min_n_args = nil max_n_args = nil candidate_infos = [] infos.each do |info| n_in_args = info.n_in_args n_required_in_args = info.n_required_in_args if (n_required_in_args..n_in_args).cover?(arguments.size) candidate_infos << info end min_n_args = [min_n_args || n_required_in_args, n_required_in_args].min max_n_args = [max_n_args || n_in_args, n_in_args].max end if candidate_infos.size == 1 return candidate_infos.first elsif candidate_infos.size > 1 candidate_info = candidate_infos.find do |info| in_arg_infos = info.in_args arguments.each.with_index.all? do |argument, i| match_argument?(in_arg_infos[i], argument) end end return candidate_info || candidate_infos.first end detail = "#{arguments.size} for #{min_n_args}" if min_n_args < max_n_args detail << "..#{max_n_args}" end raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (#{detail})" end def match_argument?(arg_info, argument) return true if argument.nil? and arg_info.may_be_null? arg_info.type.match?(argument) end def rubyish_method_name(function_info, options={}) name = function_info.name if options[:prefix] name = name.gsub(/\A#{Regexp.escape(options[:prefix])}/, "") end if name == "initialize" name += "_raw" end n_in_args = function_info.n_in_args if options[:n_in_args_offset] n_in_args += options[:n_in_args_offset] end return_type = function_info.return_type return_type_tag = return_type.tag if return_type_tag == TypeTag::VOID out_arg_tags = function_info.out_args.collect {|arg| arg.type.tag} if out_arg_tags == [TypeTag::ARRAY, TypeTag::INT32] return_type_tag = TypeTag::ARRAY end end case return_type_tag when TypeTag::BOOLEAN case name when "equal" if n_in_args == 1 "==" else name end when "not_equal" if n_in_args == 1 "!=" else name end when "less_than" if n_in_args == 1 "<" else name end when "less_than_or_equal" if n_in_args == 1 "<=" else name end when "greater_than" if n_in_args == 1 ">" else name end when "greater_than_or_equal" if n_in_args == 1 ">=" else name end when /\A(?:is|get_is|can_be)_/ "#{$POSTMATCH}?" when /\Aget_/ if n_in_args.zero? if function_info.n_out_args.zero? "#{$POSTMATCH}?" else $POSTMATCH end else name end when /\A(?:has|use|can|in|on|.*_is)_/ "#{name}?" when "exists" "exist?" else name end when TypeTag::GLIST, TypeTag::GSLIST, TypeTag::ARRAY case name when /\A(?:list|get)_/ if n_in_args.zero? $POSTMATCH else name end else name end else case name when /\Aget_/ if n_in_args.zero? $POSTMATCH else name end when "to_string" "to_s" when "to_integer" "to_i" when "foreach" "each" else name end end end def rubyish_field_reader_name(field_info, name) case field_info.type.tag when TypeTag::BOOLEAN name.gsub(/\Ais_/, "") + "?" when TypeTag::UINT32 if /\Ais_/ =~ name "#{$POSTMATCH}?" else name end else name end end def rubyish_class_name(info) name = info.name case info when StructInfo case name when /Class\z/ $PREMATCH else name end else name end end def should_unlock_gvl?(function_info, klass) false end def load_method_infos(infos, klass) infos.each do |info| method_name = rubyish_method_name(info) load_method_info(info, klass, method_name) end end def load_method_info(info, klass, method_name) define_method(info, klass, method_name) define_equal_style_setter(info, klass, method_name) define_inspect(info, klass, method_name) end def remove_existing_method(klass, method_name) return unless klass.method_defined?(method_name) return unless klass.instance_method(method_name).owner == klass klass.__send__(:remove_method, method_name) end def define_method(info, klass, method_name) info.unlock_gvl = should_unlock_gvl?(info, klass) remove_existing_method(klass, method_name) invoker = Invoker.new(info, method_name, "#{klass}\##{method_name}") klass.__send__(:define_method, method_name) do |*arguments, &block| invoker.invoke(self, arguments, block) end end def define_equal_style_setter(info, klass, method_name) if /\Aset_/ =~ method_name and info.n_in_args == 1 setter_method_name = "#{$POSTMATCH}=" remove_existing_method(klass, setter_method_name) klass.__send__(:alias_method, setter_method_name, method_name) end end def define_inspect(info, klass, method_name) if method_name == "to_s" and info.n_args.zero? klass.__send__(:define_method, "inspect") do || super().gsub(/\>\z/) {" #{to_s}>"} end end end def load_function_infos(infos, klass) infos.each do |info| name = rubyish_method_name(info) next if name == "new" next if name == "alloc" define_singleton_method(klass, name, info) end end def load_interface_info(info) return if info.gtype == GLib::Type::NONE interface_module = self.class.define_interface(info.gtype, rubyish_class_name(info), @base_module) load_methods(info, interface_module) end def load_constant_info(info) define_constant(info.name, info) end def define_constant(name, info) @base_module.const_set(name, info.value) end def load_union_info(info) return if info.gtype == GLib::Type::NONE klass = self.class.define_class(info.gtype, info.name, @base_module) load_fields(info, klass) load_methods(info, klass) end class Invoker def initialize(info, method_name, full_method_name) @info = info @method_name = method_name @full_method_name = full_method_name @prepared = false end def invoke(receiver, arguments, block) ensure_prepared if receiver and @function_info_p arguments.unshift(receiver) end arguments, block = build(receiver, arguments, block) unless valid?(arguments) if @on_invalid == :fallback return @value_on_invalid else raise ArgumentError, invalid_error_message(arguments) end end if block.nil? and @require_callback_p receiver.to_enum(@method_name, *arguments) else if @function_info_p return_value = @info.invoke(arguments, &block) else return_value = @info.invoke(receiver, arguments, &block) end if @have_return_value_p return_value else receiver end end end private def ensure_prepared return if @prepared @in_args = @info.in_args @n_in_args = @in_args.size @n_required_in_args = @info.n_required_in_args @last_in_arg = @in_args.last if @last_in_arg @last_in_arg_is_gclosure = @last_in_arg.gclosure? else @last_in_arg_is_gclosure = false end @valid_n_args_range = (@n_required_in_args..@n_in_args) @in_arg_types = [] @in_arg_nil_indexes = [] @in_args.each_with_index do |arg, i| @in_arg_types << arg.type @in_arg_nil_indexes << i if arg.may_be_null? end @function_info_p = (@info.class == FunctionInfo) @have_return_value_p = @info.have_return_value? @require_callback_p = @info.require_callback? prepare_on_invalid @prepared = true end def prepare_on_invalid case @method_name when "==" @value_on_invalid = false @on_invalid = :fallback when "!=" @value_on_invalid = true @on_invalid = :fallback else @on_invalid = :raise end end def build(receiver, arguments, block) if block and @last_in_arg_is_gclosure arguments << block block = nil end n_missing_arguments = @n_in_args - arguments.size if 0 < n_missing_arguments @in_arg_nil_indexes.each_with_index do |nil_index, i| next if i <= n_missing_arguments arguments.insert(nil_index, nil) end end return arguments, block end def valid?(arguments) return false unless @valid_n_args_range.cover?(arguments.size) if @on_invalid == :fallback arguments.zip(@in_arg_types) do |argument, type| return false unless type.match?(argument) end end true end def invalid_error_message(arguments) detail = "#{arguments.size} for " if @n_in_args == @n_required_in_args detail << "#{@n_in_args}" else detail << "#{@n_required_in_args}..#{@n_in_args}" end "#{@full_method_name}: wrong number of arguments (#{detail})" end end end end