=begin Camaleon CMS is a content management system Copyright (C) 2015 by Owen Peredo Diaz Email: owenperedo@gmail.com This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License (GPLv3) for more details. =end module SiteHelper # return current site or assign a site as a current site def current_site(site = nil) @current_site = site.decorate if site.present? return $current_site if defined?($current_site) return @current_site if defined?(@current_site) all_sites = Site.all if all_sites.size == 1 site = all_sites.first.decorate else host = request.original_url.to_s.parse_domain if host == PluginRoutes.system_info["base_domain"] site = Site.first.decorate rescue nil else s = [host] s << request.subdomain if request.subdomain.present? site = Site.where(slug: s).first.decorate rescue nil end end puts "============================ Please define the $current_site = Site.first.decorate " unless site.present? @current_site = site end # initialize ability for current user def current_ability @current_ability ||= Ability.new(current_user, current_site) end # check if current site exist, if not, this will be redirected to main domain def site_check_existence() if !current_site.present? if (site = Site.first).present? base_domain = PluginRoutes.system_info["base_domain"] redirect_to root_url(host: base_domain.split(":").first, port: (base_domain.split(":")[1] rescue nil)) else redirect_to admin_installers_path end end end # return current theme model for current site def current_theme @_current_theme ||= current_site.get_theme.decorate end # get list templates files of current theme def get_list_template_files contained_files = [] Dir[File.join(current_theme.settings["path"], "views", '*.html.erb')].each do |path| f_name = File.basename(path) contained_files << f_name.split(".").first if f_name.include?('template_') end contained_files end # get list layouts files of current theme # return an array of layouts for current theme def get_list_layouts_files contained_files = [] Dir[File.join(current_theme.settings["path"], "views", "layouts", '*')].each do |path| f_name = File.basename(path) contained_files << f_name.split(".").first unless f_name.start_with?('_') end contained_files end # get locale language def current_locale I18n.locale.to_s end #***************** administration HELPERS *********************** # do common actions after site installation # theme_key: theme slug of the theme for site def site_after_install(site, theme_key = nil) theme_key ||= site.get_theme_slug _s = current_site current_site(site) PluginRoutes.system_info[:default_plugins].each{|p| plugin_install(p) } # auto install plugins site_install_theme(theme_key) current_site(_s) end # install theme for current site def site_install_theme(key) #uninstall previous theme site_uninstall_theme() # new theme current_site.set_option('_theme', key) theme = PluginRoutes.theme_info(key) current_site.themes.update_all(status: "inactive") theme_model = current_site.themes.where(slug: key).first_or_create!{|t| t.name = theme[:name]; } theme_model.update(status: nil) hook_run(theme, "on_active", theme_model) PluginRoutes.reload end # uninstall current theme form current site def site_uninstall_theme() key = current_site.get_theme_slug theme = PluginRoutes.theme_info(key) theme_model = current_site.get_theme(key) hook_run(theme, "on_inactive", theme_model) if theme_model.present? # theme_model.destroy end # load all custom models customized by plugins or templates in custom_models.rb def site_load_custom_models(site) PluginRoutes.enabled_apps(site).each{ |app| next unless app["path"].present? s = File.join(app["path"], "config", "custom_models.rb") eval(File.read(s)) if File.exist?(s) } end #################### ONLY FOR CONSOLE #################### # switch console sessions and redefine current for the console session # site: Site model used as current site # return nil def site_console_switch(site = nil) $current_site = site site_load_custom_models($current_site) end end