$: << File.expand_path("..", __FILE__) module JRails @@config = { :google => false, :jquery_version => "1.7.2", :jqueryui_version => "1.9.1", :compressed => true } JQUERY_VAR = 'jQuery' def self.load_config config_file = File.join("./", "config", "jrails.yml") if File.exist? config_file loaded_config = YAML.load_file(config_file) if loaded_config and loaded_config.key? Rails.env @@config.merge!(loaded_config[Rails.env].symbolize_keys) if google? @@jquery_path = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/#{@@config[:jquery_version]}/jquery#{".min" if compressed?}.js" @@jqueryui_path = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/#{@@config[:jqueryui_version]}/jquery-ui#{".min" if compressed?}.js" @@jqueryui_i18n_path = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/#{@@config[:jqueryui_version]}/i18n/jquery-ui-i18n#{".min" if compressed?}.js" end else raise Exception.new "Failed finding '#{Rails.env}' environment in config. check your 'config/jrails.yml' or delete that file " end end end def self.config ; @@config ; end def self.google? ; @@config[:google] ; end def self.compressed? ; @@config[:compressed] ; end def self.jquery_path ; @@jquery_path ; end def self.jqueryui_path ; @@jqueryui_path ; end def self.jqueryui_i18n_path ; @@jqueryui_i18n_path ; end end require 'jrails/engine' require 'jrails/jquery_selector_assertions' if Rails.env.test?