#encoding: UTF-8 require 'spec_helper' require 'helper/account' require 'ruby-box' require 'webmock/rspec' describe RubyBox, :skip => true do before do WebMock.allow_net_connect! @session = RubyBox::Session.new({ api_key: ACCOUNT['api_key'], auth_token: ACCOUNT['auth_token'] }) @client = RubyBox::Client.new(@session) # Create a file with a UTF-8 name for testing. # This is not checked in, as UTF-8 causes issues with # Windows (lame). f = File.new('./spec/fixtures/遠志教授.jpg', 'w') f.puts('Hello World!') f.close() end after do File.delete('./spec/fixtures/遠志教授.jpg') end it "raises an AuthError if not client auth fails" do session = RubyBox::Session.new({ api_key: 'bad-key', auth_token: 'bad-token' }) @bad_client = RubyBox::Client.new(session) lambda {@bad_client.root_folder}.should raise_error( RubyBox::AuthError ) end it "raises a RequestError if a badly formed request detected by the server" do stub_request(:get, "https://api.box.com/2.0/folders/0").to_return(:status => 401, :body => '{"type": "error", "status": 401, "message": "baddd req"}', :headers => {}) lambda {@client.root_folder}.should raise_error( RubyBox::AuthError ) # make sure status and body is # set on error object. begin @client.root_folder rescue Exception => e e.body.should == '{"type": "error", "status": 401, "message": "baddd req"}' e.status.should == 401 end end it "raises a ServerError if the server raises a 500 error" do stub_request(:get, "https://api.box.com/2.0/folders/0").to_return(:status => 503, :body => '{"type": "error", "status": 503, "message": "We messed up! - Box.com"}', :headers => {}) lambda {@client.root_folder}.should raise_error( RubyBox::ServerError ) # make sure status and body is # set on error object. begin @client.root_folder rescue Exception => e e.body.should == '{"type": "error", "status": 503, "message": "We messed up! - Box.com"}' e.status.should == 503 end end describe RubyBox::Folder do describe '#root_folder' do it "#items returns a lits of items in the root folder" do items = @client.root_folder.items.to_a items.count.should == 6 items.any? do |item| item.type == "folder" && item.id == "318810303" && item.name == "ruby-box_gem_testing" end.should == true end it "returns list of items in the folder id passed in" do folder = RubyBox::Folder.new(@session, {'id' => '318810303'}) items = folder.items.to_a items.count.should == 2 items.any? do |item| item.type == "file" && item.id == "2550686921" && item.name == "2513582219_03fb9b67db_b.jpg" end.should == true end end describe '#file' do it "finds the id of a file" do folder = RubyBox::Folder.new(@session, {'id' => '318810303'}) file = folder.files( '2513582219_03fb9b67db_b.jpg' ).first file.id.should == "2550686921" end end describe '#files' do it "allows additional fields to be requested in file listing" do folder = RubyBox::Folder.new(@session, {'id' => '318810303'}) file = folder.files({fields: [:name, :size]}).first file.id.should == "2550686921" file.name.should == "2513582219_03fb9b67db_b.jpg" file.size.should == 593978 end end describe '#create' do it "creates a folder" do folder = @client.folder('/ruby-box_gem_testing') subfolder = folder.create_subfolder( 'new_folder_created' ) subfolder.id.should_not == nil subfolder.delete end it "creates a folder with special chars in the name" do folder = @client.folder('/ruby-box_gem_testing') subfolder = folder.create_subfolder( '!@#$%^&$$()' ) subfolder.id.should_not == nil subfolder.delete end end end describe RubyBox::Client do describe RubyBox::Client do describe '#item' do it "item method can lookup generic items, e.g., files or folders" do file = @client.item( '/ruby-box_gem_testing/cool stuff/кузнецкий_105_а_№2.test' ) file.size.should == 14 file.name.should == 'кузнецкий_105_а_№2.test' folder = @client.item( 'ruby-box_gem_testing' ) folder.name.should == 'ruby-box_gem_testing' end end end describe '#put_data' do it "should update an existing file" do utf8_file_name = '遠志教授.jpg' fdata = File.open( 'spec/fixtures/' + utf8_file_name, 'rb' ) response = @client.upload_data('/ruby-box_gem_testing/cool stuff/遠志教授.jpg', fdata) fdata = File.open( 'spec/fixtures/' + utf8_file_name, 'rb' ) file = @client.upload_data('/ruby-box_gem_testing/cool stuff/遠志教授.jpg', fdata) file.name.should == '遠志教授.jpg' file.delete end it 'should raise an exception if files collide and overwrite is false' do fdata = File.open( 'spec/fixtures/遠志教授.jpg', 'rb' ) file = @client.upload_data('/ruby-box_gem_testing/cool stuff/遠志教授.jpg', fdata) fdata = File.open( 'spec/fixtures/遠志教授.jpg', 'rb' ) expect{ @client.upload_data('/ruby-box_gem_testing/cool stuff/遠志教授.jpg', fdata, false) }.to raise_error(RubyBox::ItemNameInUse) file.delete end it "should upload a new file" do utf8_file_name = '遠志教授.jpg' file = @client.upload_file('spec/fixtures/' + utf8_file_name, '/ruby-box_gem_testing/cool stuff/') file.name.should == '遠志教授.jpg' file.delete end end describe '#create_folder' do it "creates a path that doesnt exist" do folder = @client.create_folder('/ruby-box_gem_testing/cool stuff/екузц/path1/path2') folder.id.should_not == nil folder.delete if folder end end describe '#delete folder' do it "should be able to recursively delete the contents of a folder" do folder = @client.create_folder('/ruby-box_gem_testing/delete_test') @client.create_folder('/ruby-box_gem_testing/delete_test/subfolder') folder.delete(recursive: 'true') end end describe '#get_file_info' do it "returns meta information for a file" do file = @client.file( '/ruby-box_gem_testing/cool stuff/кузнецкий_105_а_№2.test' ) file.size.should == 14 end end describe '#stream' do it "should download file contents" do stream = @client.stream( '/ruby-box_gem_testing/cool stuff/кузнецкий_105_а_№2.test' ) stream.read.should eq "Test more data" end it "should execute content_length_proc lambda with filesize" do stream = @client.stream( '/ruby-box_gem_testing/cool stuff/кузнецкий_105_а_№2.test', :content_length_proc => lambda {|filesize| filesize.should == 14 } ) stream.read.should eq "Test more data" end end describe '#download' do it "finds the id of a file" do data = @client.download( '/ruby-box_gem_testing/cool stuff/кузнецкий_105_а_№2.test' ) data.should eq "Test more data" end it "returns nil for a nonexistent file" do data = @client.download( '/ruby-box_gem_testing/doesntexist' ) data.should eq nil end end describe '#collaborations' do it 'should be able to create and list collaborations on a folder' do folder = @client.create_folder('/ruby-box_gem_testing/collaboration_folder') folder.create_collaboration('bencoe@gmail.com') folder.create_collaboration('ben@attachments.me', 'editor') collaborations = folder.collaborations.to_a collaborations[0].role.should == 'viewer' collaborations[1].role.should == 'editor' collaborations.count.should == 2 folder.delete if folder end end describe '#shared_link' do it 'should allow a share link to be created for a folder' do folder = @client.create_folder('/ruby-box_gem_testing/shared_folder').create_shared_link # share link was successfully created. folder.shared_link.url.should match /https?:\/\/[\S]+/ folder.shared_link.is_a?(RubyBox::SharedLink).should == true # share link can be disabled. folder.disable_shared_link folder.shared_link.should == nil folder.delete if folder end it 'should allow a share link to be created for a file' do utf8_file_name = '遠志教授.jpg' file = @client.upload_file('spec/fixtures/' + utf8_file_name, '/ruby-box_gem_testing/cool stuff/').create_shared_link # share link was successfully created. file.shared_link.url.should match /https?:\/\/[\S]+/ # share link can be disabled. file.disable_shared_link file.shared_link.should == nil file.delete end end describe "#create_comment" do it "allows a comment to be created on a file" do file = @client.upload_file('spec/fixtures/遠志教授.jpg', '/ruby-box_gem_testing/cool stuff/') file.create_comment('Hello world!') file.comments.first.message.should == 'Hello world!' file.delete end end describe "#copy_to" do it "it copies a file to a folder when a folder id is passed in" do file = @client.upload_file('spec/fixtures/遠志教授.jpg', '/ruby-box_gem_testing/') folder = @client.folder('/ruby-box_gem_testing/cool stuff/') file.copy_to(folder.id) copied_file = @client.file('/ruby-box_gem_testing/cool stuff/遠志教授.jpg') copied_file.name.should == file.name copied_file.size.should == file.size file.delete copied_file.delete end it "it copies a file to a folder when a folder is passed in" do file = @client.upload_file('spec/fixtures/遠志教授.jpg', '/ruby-box_gem_testing/') folder = @client.folder('/ruby-box_gem_testing/cool stuff/') file.copy_to(folder) copied_file = @client.file('/ruby-box_gem_testing/cool stuff/遠志教授.jpg') copied_file.name.should == file.name copied_file.size.should == file.size file.delete copied_file.delete end it "allows file to be renamed when copied" do file = @client.upload_file('spec/fixtures/遠志教授.jpg', '/ruby-box_gem_testing/') folder = @client.folder('/ruby-box_gem_testing/cool stuff/') file.copy_to(folder, 'banana.jpg') copied_file = @client.file('/ruby-box_gem_testing/cool stuff/banana.jpg') copied_file.name.should == 'banana.jpg' copied_file.size.should == file.size file.delete copied_file.delete end end describe "#move_to" do it "it moves a file to a folder, the original no longer exists" do file = @client.upload_file('spec/fixtures/遠志教授.jpg', '/ruby-box_gem_testing/') folder = @client.folder('/ruby-box_gem_testing/cool stuff/') file.move_to(folder.id) original_file = @client.file('/ruby-box_gem_testing/遠志教授.jpg') original_file.should == nil # the original should no longer exist. moved_file = @client.file('/ruby-box_gem_testing/cool stuff/遠志教授.jpg') moved_file.name.should == file.name # the file should exist in the new location. moved_file.size.should == file.size moved_file.delete end it "allows file to be renamed when moved" do file = @client.upload_file('spec/fixtures/遠志教授.jpg', '/ruby-box_gem_testing/') folder = @client.folder('/ruby-box_gem_testing/cool stuff/') file.move_to(folder, 'banana.jpg') original_file = @client.file('/ruby-box_gem_testing/遠志教授.jpg') original_file.should == nil # the original should no longer exist. moved_file = @client.file('/ruby-box_gem_testing/cool stuff/banana.jpg') moved_file.name.should == 'banana.jpg' # the file should exist in the new location. moved_file.size.should == file.size moved_file.delete end end end end