module JQueryCheats
require 'jquery_cheats/railtie' if defined?(Rails)
require 'jquery_cheats/engine' if defined?(Rails)
module HoverImage
#class used to do a quick Hover image
#class << self
def mouseoverimage(initimage,hoverimage)
cheats_image_tag =""
cheats_image_tag = ""
return cheats_image_tag.html_safe
def submitimage(imagepath,alt="Image Tag")
button_tag = "
button_tag += "".html_safe
return button_tag
def simplemolink(imagepath,link)
hover_arry = imagepath.split('.')
extension = hover_arry.pop
newpath = hover_arry.join
newlink = "#{self.mouseoverimage(imagepath,newpath+"-hover."+extension)}".html_safe
return newlink
def barchart(name,xmlurl)
#create a new barchar div tag, class of jqplot is used to simplify jquery binding
html = "