module CmAdmin module ViewHelpers Dir[File.expand_path('view_helpers', __dir__) + '/*.rb'].each { |f| require f } include ActionDropdownHelper include FieldDisplayHelper include FilterHelper include FormHelper include ManageColumnPopupHelper include NavigationHelper include PageInfoHelper # Included Rails view helper include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper def exportable(_klass, html_class: []) tag.a 'Export as excel', class: html_class.append('filter-btn modal-btn me-2'), data: { toggle: 'modal', target: '#exportmodal' } do concat tag.i class: 'fa fa-download' concat tag.span ' Export' end end def column_pop_up(klass, required_filters = nil) tag.div class: 'modal fade form-modal', id: 'exportmodal', role: 'dialog', aria: { labelledby: 'exportModal' } do tag.div class: 'modal-dialog modal-lg', role: 'document' do tag.div class: 'modal-content' do concat pop_ups(klass, required_filters) end end end end def pop_ups(klass, required_filters) tag.div do concat pop_up_header concat pop_up_body(klass, required_filters) end end def pop_up_header tag.div class: 'modal-header' do tag.button type: 'button', class: 'close', data: { dismiss: 'modal' }, aria: { label: 'Close' } do tag.span 'X', aria: { hidden: 'true' } end tag.h4 'Select columns to export', class: 'modal-title', id: 'exportModal' end end def pop_up_body(klass, _required_filters) tag.div class: 'modal-body' do form_tag cm_admin.send('export_to_file_path'), id: 'export-to-file-form', style: 'width: 100%;', class: 'cm-admin-csv-export-form' do concat(content_tag(:div, class: 'column export-select-container') do concat check_box_tag('select_all', '1', false, data: { behaviour: 'export-select-all' }) concat 'All' end) concat hidden_field_tag 'class_name',, id: 'export-to-file-klass' concat checkbox_row(klass) concat # TODO: export-to-file-btn class is used for JS functionality, Have to remove concat submit_tag 'Export', class: 'btn-primary export-to-file-btn' end end end def checkbox_row(klass) tag.div class: 'row' do CmAdmin::Models::Export.exportable_columns(klass).each do |column| concat create_checkbox(column) end end end def create_checkbox(column) tag.div class: 'col-md-4' do concat check_box_tag('columns[]', column.field_name, false, id: column.field_name.to_s.gsub('/', '-'), data: { behaviour: 'export-checkbox' }) concat " #{column.header.to_s.gsub('/', '_').humanize}" end end def humanized_ar_collection_count(count, model_name) table_name = count == 1 ? model_name.singularize : model_name.pluralize "#{count} #{table_name.humanize.downcase} found" end def toast_message(message, toast_type) tag.div class: 'cm-toast-container' do tag.div class: "toast #{toast_type == 'alert' ? 'text-white bg-danger' : ''}", role: 'alert', 'aria-live': 'assertive', 'aria-atomic': 'true', data: { behaviour: 'toast' } do tag.div class: 'd-flex' do concat tag.div message.html_safe, class: 'toast-body' concat tag.button '', type: 'button', class: "btn-close me-2 m-auto #{toast_type == 'alert' ? 'btn-close-white' : ''}", data: { 'bs-dismiss': 'toast' }, 'aria-label': 'Close' end end end end def project_name_with_env return CmAdmin.config.project_name if Rails.env.production? env = if Rails.env.development? 'DEV' elsif Rails.env.staging? 'STG' else Rails.env end "[#{env}] #{CmAdmin.config.project_name}" end end end