/* * Copyright 2016-2019 Uber Technologies, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** @file h3api.h * @brief Primary H3 core library entry points. * * This file defines the public API of the H3 library. Incompatible changes to * these functions require the library's major version be increased. */ #ifndef H3API_H #define H3API_H /* * Preprocessor code to support renaming (prefixing) the public API. * All public functions should be wrapped in H3_EXPORT so they can be * renamed. */ #ifdef H3_PREFIX #define XTJOIN(a, b) a##b #define TJOIN(a, b) XTJOIN(a, b) /* export joins the user provided prefix with our exported function name */ #define H3_EXPORT(name) TJOIN(H3_PREFIX, name) #else #define H3_EXPORT(name) name #endif /* For uint64_t */ #include <stdint.h> /* For size_t */ #include <stdlib.h> /* * H3 is compiled as C, not C++ code. `extern "C"` is needed for C++ code * to be able to use the library. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** @brief the H3Index fits within a 64-bit unsigned integer */ typedef uint64_t H3Index; /* library version numbers generated from VERSION file */ // clang-format off #define H3_VERSION_MAJOR @H3_VERSION_MAJOR@ #define H3_VERSION_MINOR @H3_VERSION_MINOR@ #define H3_VERSION_PATCH @H3_VERSION_PATCH@ // clang-format on /** Maximum number of cell boundary vertices; worst case is pentagon: * 5 original verts + 5 edge crossings */ #define MAX_CELL_BNDRY_VERTS 10 /** @struct GeoCoord @brief latitude/longitude in radians */ typedef struct { double lat; ///< latitude in radians double lon; ///< longitude in radians } GeoCoord; /** @struct GeoBoundary @brief cell boundary in latitude/longitude */ typedef struct { int numVerts; ///< number of vertices GeoCoord verts[MAX_CELL_BNDRY_VERTS]; ///< vertices in ccw order } GeoBoundary; /** @struct Geofence * @brief similar to GeoBoundary, but requires more alloc work */ typedef struct { int numVerts; GeoCoord *verts; } Geofence; /** @struct GeoPolygon * @brief Simplified core of GeoJSON Polygon coordinates definition */ typedef struct { Geofence geofence; ///< exterior boundary of the polygon int numHoles; ///< number of elements in the array pointed to by holes Geofence *holes; ///< interior boundaries (holes) in the polygon } GeoPolygon; /** @struct GeoMultiPolygon * @brief Simplified core of GeoJSON MultiPolygon coordinates definition */ typedef struct { int numPolygons; GeoPolygon *polygons; } GeoMultiPolygon; /** @struct LinkedGeoCoord * @brief A coordinate node in a linked geo structure, part of a linked list */ typedef struct LinkedGeoCoord LinkedGeoCoord; struct LinkedGeoCoord { GeoCoord vertex; LinkedGeoCoord *next; }; /** @struct LinkedGeoLoop * @brief A loop node in a linked geo structure, part of a linked list */ typedef struct LinkedGeoLoop LinkedGeoLoop; struct LinkedGeoLoop { LinkedGeoCoord *first; LinkedGeoCoord *last; LinkedGeoLoop *next; }; /** @struct LinkedGeoPolygon * @brief A polygon node in a linked geo structure, part of a linked list. */ typedef struct LinkedGeoPolygon LinkedGeoPolygon; struct LinkedGeoPolygon { LinkedGeoLoop *first; LinkedGeoLoop *last; LinkedGeoPolygon *next; }; /** @struct CoordIJ * @brief IJ hexagon coordinates * * Each axis is spaced 120 degrees apart. */ typedef struct { int i; ///< i component int j; ///< j component } CoordIJ; /** @defgroup geoToH3 geoToH3 * Functions for geoToH3 * @{ */ /** @brief find the H3 index of the resolution res cell containing the lat/lon g */ H3Index H3_EXPORT(geoToH3)(const GeoCoord *g, int res); /** @} */ /** @defgroup h3ToGeo h3ToGeo * Functions for h3ToGeo * @{ */ /** @brief find the lat/lon center point g of the cell h3 */ void H3_EXPORT(h3ToGeo)(H3Index h3, GeoCoord *g); /** @} */ /** @defgroup h3ToGeoBoundary h3ToGeoBoundary * Functions for h3ToGeoBoundary * @{ */ /** @brief give the cell boundary in lat/lon coordinates for the cell h3 */ void H3_EXPORT(h3ToGeoBoundary)(H3Index h3, GeoBoundary *gp); /** @} */ /** @defgroup kRing kRing * Functions for kRing * @{ */ /** @brief maximum number of hexagons in k-ring */ int H3_EXPORT(maxKringSize)(int k); /** @brief hexagons neighbors in all directions, assuming no pentagons */ int H3_EXPORT(hexRange)(H3Index origin, int k, H3Index *out); /** @} */ /** @brief hexagons neighbors in all directions, assuming no pentagons, * reporting * distance from origin */ int H3_EXPORT(hexRangeDistances)(H3Index origin, int k, H3Index *out, int *distances); /** @brief collection of hex rings sorted by ring for all given hexagons */ int H3_EXPORT(hexRanges)(H3Index *h3Set, int length, int k, H3Index *out); /** @brief hexagon neighbors in all directions */ void H3_EXPORT(kRing)(H3Index origin, int k, H3Index *out); /** @} */ /** @defgroup kRingDistances kRingDistances * Functions for kRingDistances * @{ */ /** @brief hexagon neighbors in all directions, reporting distance from origin */ void H3_EXPORT(kRingDistances)(H3Index origin, int k, H3Index *out, int *distances); /** @} */ /** @defgroup hexRing hexRing * Functions for hexRing * @{ */ /** @brief hollow hexagon ring at some origin */ int H3_EXPORT(hexRing)(H3Index origin, int k, H3Index *out); /** @} */ /** @defgroup polyfill polyfill * Functions for polyfill * @{ */ /** @brief maximum number of hexagons in the geofence */ int H3_EXPORT(maxPolyfillSize)(const GeoPolygon *geoPolygon, int res); /** @brief hexagons within the given geofence */ void H3_EXPORT(polyfill)(const GeoPolygon *geoPolygon, int res, H3Index *out); /** @} */ /** @defgroup h3SetToMultiPolygon h3SetToMultiPolygon * Functions for h3SetToMultiPolygon (currently a binding-only concept) * @{ */ /** @brief Create a LinkedGeoPolygon from a set of contiguous hexagons */ void H3_EXPORT(h3SetToLinkedGeo)(const H3Index *h3Set, const int numHexes, LinkedGeoPolygon *out); /** @brief Free all memory created for a LinkedGeoPolygon */ void H3_EXPORT(destroyLinkedPolygon)(LinkedGeoPolygon *polygon); /** @} */ /** @defgroup degsToRads degsToRads * Functions for degsToRads * @{ */ /** @brief converts degrees to radians */ double H3_EXPORT(degsToRads)(double degrees); /** @} */ /** @defgroup radsToDegs radsToDegs * Functions for radsToDegs * @{ */ /** @brief converts radians to degrees */ double H3_EXPORT(radsToDegs)(double radians); /** @} */ /** @defgroup hexArea hexArea * Functions for hexArea * @{ */ /** @brief hexagon area in square kilometers */ double H3_EXPORT(hexAreaKm2)(int res); /** @brief hexagon area in square meters */ double H3_EXPORT(hexAreaM2)(int res); /** @} */ /** @defgroup edgeLength edgeLength * Functions for edgeLength * @{ */ /** @brief hexagon edge length in kilometers */ double H3_EXPORT(edgeLengthKm)(int res); /** @brief hexagon edge length in meters */ double H3_EXPORT(edgeLengthM)(int res); /** @} */ /** @defgroup numHexagons numHexagons * Functions for numHexagons * @{ */ /** @brief number of hexagons for a given resolution */ int64_t H3_EXPORT(numHexagons)(int res); /** @} */ /** @defgroup getRes0Indexes getRes0Indexes * Functions for getRes0Indexes * @{ */ /** @brief returns the number of resolution 0 indexes */ int H3_EXPORT(res0IndexCount)(); /** @brief provides all base cells */ void H3_EXPORT(getRes0Indexes)(H3Index *out); /** @} */ /** @defgroup getPentagonIndexes getPentagonIndexes * Functions for getPentagonIndexes * @{ */ /** @brief returns the number of pentagons per resolution */ int H3_EXPORT(pentagonIndexCount)(); /** @brief generates all pentagons at the specified resolution */ void H3_EXPORT(getPentagonIndexes)(int res, H3Index *out); /** @} */ /** @defgroup h3GetResolution h3GetResolution * Functions for h3GetResolution * @{ */ /** @brief returns the resolution of the provided hexagon */ int H3_EXPORT(h3GetResolution)(H3Index h); /** @} */ /** @defgroup h3GetBaseCell h3GetBaseCell * Functions for h3GetBaseCell * @{ */ /** @brief returns the base cell of the provided hexagon */ int H3_EXPORT(h3GetBaseCell)(H3Index h); /** @} */ /** @defgroup stringToH3 stringToH3 * Functions for stringToH3 * @{ */ /** @brief converts the canonical string format to H3Index format */ H3Index H3_EXPORT(stringToH3)(const char *str); /** @} */ /** @defgroup h3ToString h3ToString * Functions for h3ToString * @{ */ /** @brief converts an H3Index to a canonical string */ void H3_EXPORT(h3ToString)(H3Index h, char *str, size_t sz); /** @} */ /** @defgroup h3IsValid h3IsValid * Functions for h3IsValid * @{ */ /** @brief confirms if an H3Index is valid */ int H3_EXPORT(h3IsValid)(H3Index h); /** @} */ /** @defgroup h3ToParent h3ToParent * Functions for h3ToParent * @{ */ /** @brief returns the parent (or grandparent, etc) hexagon of the given hexagon */ H3Index H3_EXPORT(h3ToParent)(H3Index h, int parentRes); /** @} */ /** @defgroup h3ToChildren h3ToChildren * Functions for h3ToChildren * @{ */ /** @brief determines the maximum number of children (or grandchildren, etc) * that * could be returned for the given hexagon */ int H3_EXPORT(maxH3ToChildrenSize)(H3Index h, int childRes); /** @brief provides the children (or grandchildren, etc) of the given hexagon */ void H3_EXPORT(h3ToChildren)(H3Index h, int childRes, H3Index *children); /** @} */ /** @defgroup h3ToCenterChild h3ToCenterChild * Functions for h3ToCenterChild * @{ */ /** @brief returns the center child of the given hexagon at the specified * resolution */ H3Index H3_EXPORT(h3ToCenterChild)(H3Index h, int childRes); /** @} */ /** @defgroup compact compact * Functions for compact * @{ */ /** @brief compacts the given set of hexagons as best as possible */ int H3_EXPORT(compact)(const H3Index *h3Set, H3Index *compactedSet, const int numHexes); /** @} */ /** @defgroup uncompact uncompact * Functions for uncompact * @{ */ /** @brief determines the maximum number of hexagons that could be uncompacted * from the compacted set */ int H3_EXPORT(maxUncompactSize)(const H3Index *compactedSet, const int numHexes, const int res); /** @brief uncompacts the compacted hexagon set */ int H3_EXPORT(uncompact)(const H3Index *compactedSet, const int numHexes, H3Index *h3Set, const int maxHexes, const int res); /** @} */ /** @defgroup h3IsResClassIII h3IsResClassIII * Functions for h3IsResClassIII * @{ */ /** @brief determines if a hexagon is Class III (or Class II) */ int H3_EXPORT(h3IsResClassIII)(H3Index h); /** @} */ /** @defgroup h3IsPentagon h3IsPentagon * Functions for h3IsPentagon * @{ */ /** @brief determines if a hexagon is actually a pentagon */ int H3_EXPORT(h3IsPentagon)(H3Index h); /** @} */ /** @defgroup h3GetFaces h3GetFaces * Functions for h3GetFaces * @{ */ /** @brief Max number of icosahedron faces intersected by an index */ int H3_EXPORT(maxFaceCount)(H3Index h3); /** @brief Find all icosahedron faces intersected by a given H3 index */ void H3_EXPORT(h3GetFaces)(H3Index h3, int *out); /** @} */ /** @defgroup h3IndexesAreNeighbors h3IndexesAreNeighbors * Functions for h3IndexesAreNeighbors * @{ */ /** @brief returns whether or not the provided hexagons border */ int H3_EXPORT(h3IndexesAreNeighbors)(H3Index origin, H3Index destination); /** @} */ /** @defgroup getH3UnidirectionalEdge getH3UnidirectionalEdge * Functions for getH3UnidirectionalEdge * @{ */ /** @brief returns the unidirectional edge H3Index for the specified origin and * destination */ H3Index H3_EXPORT(getH3UnidirectionalEdge)(H3Index origin, H3Index destination); /** @} */ /** @defgroup h3UnidirectionalEdgeIsValid h3UnidirectionalEdgeIsValid * Functions for h3UnidirectionalEdgeIsValid * @{ */ /** @brief returns whether the H3Index is a valid unidirectional edge */ int H3_EXPORT(h3UnidirectionalEdgeIsValid)(H3Index edge); /** @} */ /** @defgroup getOriginH3IndexFromUnidirectionalEdge \ * getOriginH3IndexFromUnidirectionalEdge * Functions for getOriginH3IndexFromUnidirectionalEdge * @{ */ /** @brief Returns the origin hexagon H3Index from the unidirectional edge * H3Index */ H3Index H3_EXPORT(getOriginH3IndexFromUnidirectionalEdge)(H3Index edge); /** @} */ /** @defgroup getDestinationH3IndexFromUnidirectionalEdge \ * getDestinationH3IndexFromUnidirectionalEdge * Functions for getDestinationH3IndexFromUnidirectionalEdge * @{ */ /** @brief Returns the destination hexagon H3Index from the unidirectional edge * H3Index */ H3Index H3_EXPORT(getDestinationH3IndexFromUnidirectionalEdge)(H3Index edge); /** @} */ /** @defgroup getH3IndexesFromUnidirectionalEdge \ * getH3IndexesFromUnidirectionalEdge * Functions for getH3IndexesFromUnidirectionalEdge * @{ */ /** @brief Returns the origin and destination hexagons from the unidirectional * edge H3Index */ void H3_EXPORT(getH3IndexesFromUnidirectionalEdge)(H3Index edge, H3Index *originDestination); /** @} */ /** @defgroup getH3UnidirectionalEdgesFromHexagon \ * getH3UnidirectionalEdgesFromHexagon * Functions for getH3UnidirectionalEdgesFromHexagon * @{ */ /** @brief Returns the 6 (or 5 for pentagons) edges associated with the H3Index */ void H3_EXPORT(getH3UnidirectionalEdgesFromHexagon)(H3Index origin, H3Index *edges); /** @} */ /** @defgroup getH3UnidirectionalEdgeBoundary getH3UnidirectionalEdgeBoundary * Functions for getH3UnidirectionalEdgeBoundary * @{ */ /** @brief Returns the GeoBoundary containing the coordinates of the edge */ void H3_EXPORT(getH3UnidirectionalEdgeBoundary)(H3Index edge, GeoBoundary *gb); /** @} */ /** @defgroup h3Distance h3Distance * Functions for h3Distance * @{ */ /** @brief Returns grid distance between two indexes */ int H3_EXPORT(h3Distance)(H3Index origin, H3Index h3); /** @} */ /** @defgroup h3Line h3Line * Functions for h3Line * @{ */ /** @brief Number of indexes in a line connecting two indexes */ int H3_EXPORT(h3LineSize)(H3Index start, H3Index end); /** @brief Line of h3 indexes connecting two indexes */ int H3_EXPORT(h3Line)(H3Index start, H3Index end, H3Index *out); /** @} */ /** @defgroup experimentalH3ToLocalIj experimentalH3ToLocalIj * Functions for experimentalH3ToLocalIj * @{ */ /** @brief Returns two dimensional coordinates for the given index */ int H3_EXPORT(experimentalH3ToLocalIj)(H3Index origin, H3Index h3, CoordIJ *out); /** @} */ /** @defgroup experimentalLocalIjToH3 experimentalLocalIjToH3 * Functions for experimentalLocalIjToH3 * @{ */ /** @brief Returns index for the given two dimensional coordinates */ int H3_EXPORT(experimentalLocalIjToH3)(H3Index origin, const CoordIJ *ij, H3Index *out); /** @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } // extern "C" #endif #endif