require 'spec_helper' require 'pact_broker/client/tasks/publication_task' require 'pact_broker/client/publish_pacts' module PactBroker::Client describe PublicationTask do before do @consumer_version = "1.2.3" end let(:publish_pacts) { instance_double("PactBroker::ClientSupport::PublishPacts")} let(:pact_file_list) { ['spec/pact/consumer-provider.json'] } before do allow(PactBroker::Client::PublishPacts).to receive(:new).and_return(publish_pacts) allow(FileList).to receive(:[]).with(pattern).and_return(pact_file_list) end let(:pattern) { "spec/pacts/*.json" } describe "default task" do before :all do do | task | task.consumer_version = '1.2.3' end end context "when pacts are succesfully published" do it "invokes PublishPacts with the default values" do expect(PactBroker::Client::PublishPacts).to receive(:new).with('http://pact-broker', pact_file_list, '1.2.3', [], {}).and_return(publish_pacts) expect(publish_pacts).to receive(:call).and_return(true) Rake::Task['pact:publish'].execute end end context "when a pact fails to be published" do it "raises an error" do expect(publish_pacts).to receive(:call).and_return(false) expect { Rake::Task['pact:publish'].execute }.to raise_error("One or more pacts failed to be published") end end end describe "merge method configuration" do before :all do do | task | task.consumer_version = '1.2.3' task.write_method = :merge end end it "invokes PublishPacts with the write method set" do expect(PactBroker::Client::PublishPacts).to receive(:new).with('http://pact-broker', pact_file_list, '1.2.3', [], {write: :merge}).and_return(publish_pacts) expect(publish_pacts).to receive(:call).and_return(true) Rake::Task['pact:publish:merge'].execute end end describe "custom task" do before :all do @pact_broker_base_url = "http://some-host" @pattern = "pact/*.json" @pact_broker_basic_auth = { username: 'user', password: 'pass'} @tag = "dev" do | task | task.consumer_version = '1.2.3' task.tag = @tag task.pact_broker_base_url = @pact_broker_base_url task.pattern = @pattern task.pact_broker_basic_auth = @pact_broker_basic_auth end end let(:pattern) { @pattern } it "invokes PublishPacts with the customised values" do expect(PactBroker::Client::PublishPacts).to receive(:new).with(@pact_broker_base_url, pact_file_list, '1.2.3', [@tag], {basic_auth: @pact_broker_basic_auth}) expect(publish_pacts).to receive(:call).and_return(true) Rake::Task['pact:publish:custom'].execute end end describe "timing of block execution" do before :all do do | task | raise 'A contrived exception' end end it "does not execute the block passed to the publication task until the task is called" do expect{ Rake::Task['pact:publish:exception'].execute }.to raise_error 'A contrived exception' end end end end