require 'spec_helper' describe Kuhsaft::Brick do let :brick do end describe '#valid?' do it 'sets a default locale' do brick.should_receive(:set_locale) brick.valid? end it 'sets a default position' do brick.should_receive(:set_position) brick.valid? end end describe '#set_position' do context 'witout a position' do it 'sets a default' do brick.set_position brick.position.should be(1) end end context 'with a position' do it 'does not change' do brick.position = 3 expect { brick.set_position }.to_not change(brick, :position) end end end describe '#set_locale' do context 'witout a locale' do it 'sets a default' do brick.set_locale brick.locale.should == I18n.locale end end context 'with a locale' do it 'does not change' do brick.locale = 'de' expect { brick.set_locale }.to_not change(brick, :locale) end end end describe '#brick_list_type' do it 'returns Kuhsaft::Brick' do brick.brick_list_type.should == 'Kuhsaft::Brick' end end describe '#parents' do it 'returns the chain of parents' do item1, item2, item3 = mock, mock, item2.stub(:brick_list).and_return(item1) item3.stub(:brick_list).and_return(item2) item3.parents.should == [item1, item2] end end describe '#to_edit_partial_path' do it 'returns the path to the form partial' do == 'kuhsaft/text_bricks/text_brick/edit' end end describe '#has_siblings?' do it 'returns false if the brick has no siblings' do brick = brick.has_siblings?.should be_false end it 'returns true if the brick has siblings' do item1, item2, item3 = mock, mock, item1.stub(:bricks).and_return([item2, item3]) item2.stub(:brick_list).and_return(item1) item3.stub(:brick_list).and_return(item1) item3.has_siblings?.should be_true end end describe '#to_edit_childs_partial_path' do it 'returns the path to the form partial' do == 'kuhsaft/text_bricks/text_brick/childs' end end describe '#bricks' do it 'can not have childs by default' do brick.should_not respond_to(:bricks) end end describe '#to_style_class' do it 'returns a css classname' do == 'kuhsaft-text-brick' end end describe '#to_style_id' do it 'returns a unique DOM id' do brick = brick.stub(:id).and_return(104) brick.to_style_id.should == 'kuhsaft-text-brick-104' end end describe '#backend_label' do it 'returns the name of the brick' do brick = brick.backend_label.should == 'Text' end context 'with the parenthesis option given' do brick = brick.backend_label(:parenthesis => true).should == '(Text)' end end describe '#uploader?' do it 'returns false' do brick.uploader?.should be_false end end end