# frozen_string_literal: true ## # This file is part of WhatWeb and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the WhatWeb # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://www.morningstarsecurity.com/research/whatweb ## # Version 0.2 # removed :certainty=>100 & :name # Version 0.3 # Uses :version=>// WhatWeb::Plugin.define "VSNSLemon" do @author = "Andrew Horton" @version = "0.3" @description = "VSNS is a Very Simple News System written in PHP. VSNS Lemon vulnerabilities: http://evuln.com/vulns/106/summary.html" # Matches # @matches = [ # http://johnny.ihackstuff.com/ghdb?function=detail&id=1840 { ghdb: '"Powered by Vsns Lemon" intitle:"Vsns Lemon"' }, { text: '
Powered by ' },
{ regexp: /]+title="Blog powered by VSNS Lemon">/ },
{ certainty: 50, regexp: / Powered by VSNS<\/abbr> (Lemon) ([0-9.a-z]*) by Tachyon<\/a>/, offset: 1, name: "powered by link" }
]+alt="VSNS Lemon"[^>]+title="Blog powered by VSNS Lemon"/ },
{ version: /