require_relative 'lane_manager_base.rb' module Fastlane class SwiftLaneManager < LaneManagerBase # @param lane_name The name of the lane to execute # @param parameters [Hash] The parameters passed from the command line to the lane # @param env Dot Env Information def self.cruise_lane(lane, parameters = nil, env = nil) UI.user_error!("lane must be a string") unless lane.kind_of?(String) or lane.nil? UI.user_error!("parameters must be a hash") unless parameters.kind_of?(Hash) or parameters.nil? # xcodeproj has a bug in certain versions that causes it to change directories # and not return to the original working directory # # Setting this environment variable causes xcodeproj to work around the problem ENV["FORK_XCODE_WRITING"] = "true" FastlaneCore.session.is_fastfile = true load_dot_env(env) started = e = nil begin self.ensure_runner_built! socket_thread = self.start_socket_thread sleep(0.250) while socket_thread[:ready].nil? # wait on socket_thread to be in ready state, then start the runner thread runner_thread = self.cruise_swift_lane_in_thread(lane, parameters) runner_thread.join socket_thread.join rescue Exception => ex # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException # We also catch Exception, since the implemented action might send a SystemExit signal # (or similar). We still want to catch that, since we want properly finish running fastlane # Tested with `xcake`, which throws a `Xcake::Informative` object print_lane_context UI.error ex.to_s if ex.kind_of?(StandardError) # we don't want to print things like 'system exit' e = ex end duration = (( - started) / 60.0).round finish_fastlane(nil, duration, e) end def self.display_lanes self.ensure_runner_built!{FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.swift_runner_path} lanes)) end def self.cruise_swift_lane_in_thread(lane, parameters = nil) if parameters.nil? parameters = {} end parameter_string = "" parameters.each do |key, value| parameter_string += " #{key} #{value}" end if FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose? parameter_string += " logMode verbose" end return do{FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.swift_runner_path} lane #{lane}#{parameter_string} > /dev/null)) end end def self.swap_paths_in_target(target: nil, file_refs_to_swap: nil, expected_path_to_replacement_path_tuples: nil) made_project_updates = false file_refs_to_swap.each do |file_ref| expected_path_to_replacement_path_tuples.each do |preinstalled_config_relative_path, user_config_relative_path| next unless file_ref.path == preinstalled_config_relative_path file_ref.path = user_config_relative_path made_project_updates = true end end return made_project_updates end # Find all the config files we care about (Deliverfile, Gymfile, etc), and build tuples of what file we'll look for # in the Xcode project, and what file paths we'll need to swap (since we have to inject the user's configs) # # Return a mapping of what file paths we're looking => new file pathes we'll need to inject def self.collect_tool_paths_for_replacement(all_user_tool_file_paths: nil, look_for_new_configs: nil) new_user_tool_file_paths = do |user_config, preinstalled_config_relative_path, user_config_relative_path| if look_for_new_configs File.exist?(user_config) else !File.exist?(user_config) end end # Now strip out the fastlane-relative path and leave us with xcodeproj relative paths new_user_tool_file_paths = do |user_config, preinstalled_config_relative_path, user_config_relative_path| if look_for_new_configs [preinstalled_config_relative_path, user_config_relative_path] else [user_config_relative_path, preinstalled_config_relative_path] end end return new_user_tool_file_paths end # open and return the swift project def self.runner_project runner_project_path = FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.swift_runner_project_path require 'xcodeproj' project = return project end # return the FastlaneRunner build target def self.target_for_fastlane_runner_project(runner_project: nil) fastlane_runner_array = do |target| == "FastlaneRunner" end # get runner target runner_target = fastlane_runner_array.first return runner_target end def self.target_source_file_refs(target: nil) return end def self.first_time_setup setup_message = ["fastlane is now configured to use a swift-based Fastfile (Fastfile.swift) 🦅"] setup_message << "To edit your new Fastfile.swift, type: `open #{FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.swift_runner_project_path}`" # Go through and link up whatever we generated during `fastlane init swift` so the user can edit them easily self.link_user_configs_to_project(updated_message: setup_message.join("\n")) end def self.link_user_configs_to_project(updated_message: nil) tool_files_folder = FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.path # All the tools that could have file.swift their paths, and where we expect to find the user's tool files. all_user_tool_file_paths = do |tool_name| [ File.join(tool_files_folder, "#{tool_name}.swift"), "../#{tool_name}.swift", "../../#{tool_name}.swift" ] end # Tool files the user now provides new_user_tool_file_paths = collect_tool_paths_for_replacement(all_user_tool_file_paths: all_user_tool_file_paths, look_for_new_configs: true) # Tool files we provide AND the user doesn't provide user_tool_files_possibly_removed = collect_tool_paths_for_replacement(all_user_tool_file_paths: all_user_tool_file_paths, look_for_new_configs: false) fastlane_runner_project = self.runner_project runner_target = target_for_fastlane_runner_project(runner_project: fastlane_runner_project) target_file_refs = target_source_file_refs(target: runner_target) # Swap in all new user supplied configs into the project project_modified = swap_paths_in_target( target: runner_target, file_refs_to_swap: target_file_refs, expected_path_to_replacement_path_tuples: new_user_tool_file_paths ) # Swap out any configs the user has removed, inserting fastlane defaults project_modified ||= swap_paths_in_target( target: runner_target, file_refs_to_swap: target_file_refs, expected_path_to_replacement_path_tuples: user_tool_files_possibly_removed ) if project_modified updated_message ||= "Updated #{FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.swift_runner_project_path}" UI.success(updated_message) else UI.success("FastlaneSwiftRunner project is up-to-date") end return project_modified end def self.start_socket_thread require 'fastlane/server/socket_server' require 'fastlane/server/socket_server_action_command_executor' return do command_executor = server = command_executor) server.start end end def self.ensure_runner_built! UI.verbose("Checking for new user-provided tool configuration files") # if self.link_user_configs_to_project returns true, that means we need to rebuild the runner runner_needs_building = self.link_user_configs_to_project if FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.swift_runner_built? runner_last_modified_age = File.mtime(FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.swift_runner_path).to_i fastfile_last_modified_age = File.mtime(FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.fastfile_path).to_i if runner_last_modified_age < fastfile_last_modified_age # It's older than the Fastfile, so build it again UI.verbose("Found changes to user's Fastfile.swift, setting re-build runner flag") runner_needs_building = true end else # Runner isn't built yet, so build it UI.verbose("No runner found, setting re-build runner flag") runner_needs_building = true end if runner_needs_building self.build_runner! end end def self.build_runner! UI.verbose("Building FastlaneSwiftRunner") require 'fastlane_core' require 'gym' require 'gym/generators/build_command_generator' project_options = { project: FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.swift_runner_project_path, skip_archive: true } Gym.config = FastlaneCore::Configuration.create(Gym::Options.available_options, project_options) build_command = Gym::BuildCommandGenerator.generate FastlaneCore::CommandExecutor.execute( command: build_command, print_all: false, print_command: !Gym.config[:silent], error: proc do |output| ErrorHandler.handle_build_error(output) end ) end end end