//= require "shader" Jax.ShaderChain = (function() { function sanitizeName(name) { return name.replace(/-/, '_'); } function preprocessFunctions(self, prefix, suffix, source) { /* TODO mangle all function and structure names to prevent conflicts -- right now we only mangle main() */ return source.replace(/void\s*main\s*\(/g, 'void '+sanitizeName(prefix)+'_main_'+sanitizeName(suffix)+'('); } function preprocessorOptions(self) { return { ignore_es_precision: true, export_prefix: self.getName(), exports: self.gatherExports(), skip_export_definitions: true, skip_global_definitions: [] // array containing definitions so they aren't accidentally redefined }; } function preventRedefinition(imap, options) { for (var j in imap) options.skip_global_definitions.push(imap[j].full_name); } return Jax.Class.create(Jax.Shader.Program, { initialize: function($super, name) { $super(); this.name = name; this.shaders.push(this.getMasterShader()); this.phases = []; }, getMasterShader: function() { return this.master_shader = this.master_shader || new Jax.Shader({}); }, addShader: function(shader) { if (typeof(shader) == "string") if (Jax.shaders[shader]) shader = Jax.shaders[shader]; else throw new Error("Shader is not defined: "+shader); this.phases.push(shader); this.invalidate(); return sanitizeName(shader.getName()+(this.phases.length - 1)+"_"); }, getShaderNames: function() { var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.phases.length; i++) result[i] = this.phases[i].getName(); return result; }, removeAllShaders: function() { while (this.phases.length > 0) this.phases.pop(); }, link: function($super, context, material) { var program = this.getGLProgram(context); if (!program.linked) { var master = this.getMasterShader(); var numVaryings = this.countVaryings(material), numUniforms = this.countUniforms(material), numAttributes = this.countAttributes(material); if (numVaryings > Jax.Shader.max_varyings) throw new RangeError("Varyings ("+numVaryings+") exceed maximum number of varyings ("+Jax.Shader.max_varyings+") supported by GPU! Try using a shorter chain."); if (numUniforms > Jax.Shader.max_uniforms) throw new RangeError("Uniforms ("+numUniforms+") exceed maximum number of uniforms ("+Jax.Shader.max_uniforms+") supported by GPU! Try using a shorter chain."); if (numAttributes > Jax.Shader.max_attributes) throw new RangeError("Attributes ("+numAttributes+") exceed maximum number of attributes ("+Jax.Shader.max_attributes+") supported by GPU! Try using a shorter chain."); master.setVertexSource(this.getVertexSource(material)); master.setFragmentSource(this.getFragmentSource(material)); program = $super(context, material); } return program; }, getFragmentSource: function(options) { options = Jax.Util.normalizeOptions(options, preprocessorOptions(this)); var source = ""; source += this.getExportDefinitions(options); for (var i = 0; i < this.phases.length; i++) { options.local_prefix = this.phases[i].getName()+i; source += "\n/**** Shader chain index "+i+": "+this.phases[i].getName()+" ****/\n"; source += preprocessFunctions(this, this.phases[i].getName()+i, 'f', this.phases[i].getFragmentSource(options)); source += "\n\n"; preventRedefinition(this.phases[i].getInputMap(options), options); } return source + this.getFragmentMain(options); }, getVertexSource: function(options) { options = Jax.Util.normalizeOptions(options, preprocessorOptions(this)); var source = ""; source += this.getExportDefinitions(options); for (var i = 0; i < this.phases.length; i++) { options.local_prefix = this.phases[i].getName()+i; source += "\n/**** Shader chain index "+i+": "+this.phases[i].getName()+" ****/\n"; source += preprocessFunctions(this, this.phases[i].getName()+i, 'v', this.phases[i].getVertexSource(options)); source += "\n\n"; preventRedefinition(this.phases[i].getInputMap(options), options); } return source + this.getVertexMain(options); }, getVertexMain: function(options) { var functionCalls = ""; for (var i = 0; i < this.phases.length; i++) { var args = ""; if (this.phases[i].getVertexArgumentCount() > 0) args = "gl_Position"; functionCalls += " "+sanitizeName(this.phases[i].getName())+i+"_main_v("+args+");\n"; } return "/**** Shader chain generated #main ****/\n" + "void main(void) {\n" + functionCalls + "}\n"; }, getFragmentMain: function(options) { var functionCalls = ""; var lastTookArguments = false; for (var i = 0; i < this.phases.length; i++) { var args = ""; if (this.phases[i].getFragmentArgumentCount() > 0) { lastTookArguments = true; args = "ambient, diffuse, specular"; } else lastTookArguments = false; functionCalls += " "+sanitizeName(this.phases[i].getName())+i+"_main_f("+args+");\n"; } var colors = "#ifdef PASS_TYPE\n" + " if (PASS_TYPE == "+Jax.Scene.ILLUMINATION_PASS+") gl_FragColor = ambient + diffuse + specular;\n" + " else gl_FragColor = ambient;\n" + "#else\n" + " gl_FragColor = ambient + diffuse + specular;\n" + "#endif\n"; return "/**** Shader chain generated #main ****/\n" + "void main(void) {\n" + "vec4 ambient = vec4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0), diffuse = vec4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0), specular = vec4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);\n" + functionCalls + (lastTookArguments ? colors : "") + "}\n"; }, getExportDefinitions: function(options) { var source = "\n/** Exported shader chain variables **/\n"; var skip = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.phases.length; i++) { source += this.phases[i].getExportDefinitions(options.export_prefix, skip); for (var j in this.phases[i].options.exports) skip.push(j); } return source; }, getGlobalDefinitions: function(options, isVertex) { var source = "\n/** Shared uniforms, attributes and varyings **/\n"; var map = this.getInputMap(options); for (var name in map) { if (map[name].scope == "attribute" && !isVertex) continue; source += map[name].scope+" "+map[name].type+" "+map[name].full_name+";\n"; } return source; }, getPerShaderInputMap: function(options) { options = Jax.Util.normalizeOptions(options, {local_prefix:""}); var map = {}; var tracking_map = {}; var name; for (var i = 0; i < this.phases.length; i++) { name = this.phases[i].getName(); var entry = (map[name] = map[name] || { uniforms: [], attributes: [], varyings: [] }); options.local_prefix = this.phases[i].getName()+i; var _map = this.phases[i].getInputMap(options); for (name in _map) { var variable = _map[name]; // ignore anything that's already been defined, as it's primarily required by a shader with // higher priority (implied that the fact that it came first in the list of phases) if (!tracking_map[variable.full_name]) { if (variable.scope == 'uniform') entry.uniforms.push(variable); else if (variable.scope == 'attribute') entry.attributes.push(variable); else if (variable.scope == 'varying') entry.varyings.push(variable); else throw new Error("unhandled variable scope: "+JSON.stringify(variable)); tracking_map[variable.full_name] = 1; } } } return map; }, getInputMap: function(options) { options = Jax.Util.normalizeOptions(options, {local_prefix:""}); var map = {}; for (var i = 0; i < this.phases.length; i++) { options.local_prefix = this.phases[i].getName()+i; var _map = this.phases[i].getInputMap(options); for (var name in _map) { var variable = _map[name]; if (map[variable.full_name]) { if (map[name].type != variable.type) throw new Error("Conflicting types for variable '"+name+"' ("+map[name].type+" and "+variable.type+")!"); if (map[name].scope != variable.scope) throw new Error("Conflicting scopes for variable '"+name+"' ("+map[name].scope+" and "+variable.scope+")!"); } else map[variable.full_name] = variable; } } return map; }, countVariables: function(scope, options) { var map = this.getInputMap(options); var count = 0; for (var i in map) { if (map[i].scope == scope) count++; } return count; }, countVaryings: function(options) { return this.countVariables("varying", options); }, countAttributes: function(options) { return this.countVariables("attribute", options); }, countUniforms: function(options) { return this.countVariables("uniform", options); }, gatherExports: function() { var result = {}; for (var i = 0; i < this.phases.length; i++) { if (this.phases[i].options.exports) { Jax.Util.merge(this.phases[i].options.exports, result); } } return result; }, getName: function() { return this.name; } }); })();