#!/usr/bin/env rake require_relative 'lib/concurrent/version' require_relative 'lib/concurrent/utility/engine' if Concurrent.ruby_version :<, 2, 0, 0 # @!visibility private module Kernel def __dir__ File.dirname __FILE__ end end end core_gemspec = Gem::Specification.load File.join(__dir__, 'concurrent-ruby.gemspec') ext_gemspec = Gem::Specification.load File.join(__dir__, 'concurrent-ruby-ext.gemspec') edge_gemspec = Gem::Specification.load File.join(__dir__, 'concurrent-ruby-edge.gemspec') require 'rake/javaextensiontask' class ConcurrentRubyJavaExtensionTask < Rake::JavaExtensionTask def java_classpath_arg(*args) jruby_cpath = nil if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ begin cpath = Java::java.lang.System.getProperty('java.class.path').split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) cpath += Java::java.lang.System.getProperty('sun.boot.class.path').split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) jruby_cpath = cpath.compact.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) rescue => e end unless jruby_cpath libdir = RbConfig::CONFIG['libdir'] if libdir.start_with? "classpath:" raise 'Cannot build with jruby-complete' end jruby_cpath = File.join(libdir, "jruby.jar") end end unless jruby_cpath jruby_home = ENV['JRUBY_HOME'] if jruby_home candidate = File.join(jruby_home, 'lib', 'jruby.jar') jruby_cpath = candidate if File.exist? candidate end end raise "jruby.jar path not found" unless jruby_cpath jruby_cpath += File::PATH_SEPARATOR + args.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) unless args.empty? jruby_cpath ? "-cp \"#{jruby_cpath}\"" : "" end end ConcurrentRubyJavaExtensionTask.new('concurrent_ruby', core_gemspec) do |ext| ext.ext_dir = 'ext/concurrent-ruby' ext.lib_dir = 'lib/concurrent' end unless Concurrent.on_jruby? require 'rake/extensiontask' Rake::ExtensionTask.new('concurrent_ruby_ext', ext_gemspec) do |ext| ext.ext_dir = 'ext/concurrent-ruby-ext' ext.lib_dir = 'lib/concurrent' ext.source_pattern = '*.{c,h}' ext.cross_compile = true ext.cross_platform = ['x86-mingw32', 'x64-mingw32'] end end require 'rake_compiler_dock' namespace :repackage do desc '* with Windows fat distributions' task :all do Dir.chdir(__dir__) do # store gems in vendor cache for docker sh 'bundle package' # needed only if the jar is built outside of docker Rake::Task['lib/concurrent/concurrent_ruby.jar'].invoke RakeCompilerDock.exec 'support/cross_building.sh' end end end require 'rubygems' require 'rubygems/package_task' Gem::PackageTask.new(core_gemspec) {} if core_gemspec Gem::PackageTask.new(ext_gemspec) {} if ext_gemspec && !Concurrent.on_jruby? Gem::PackageTask.new(edge_gemspec) {} if edge_gemspec CLEAN.include('lib/concurrent/2.*', 'lib/concurrent/*.jar') begin require 'rspec' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:spec) options = %w[ --color --backtrace --seed 1 --format documentation --tag ~notravis ] namespace :spec do desc '* Configured for ci' RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:ci) do |t| t.rspec_opts = [*options].join(' ') end desc '* test packaged and installed gems instead of local files' task :installed do Dir.chdir(__dir__) do sh "gem install pkg/concurrent-ruby-#{Concurrent::VERSION}.gem" sh "gem install pkg/concurrent-ruby-ext-#{Concurrent::VERSION}.gem" if Concurrent.on_cruby? sh "gem install pkg/concurrent-ruby-edge-#{Concurrent::EDGE_VERSION}.gem" ENV['NO_PATH'] = 'true' sh 'bundle update' sh 'bundle exec rake spec:ci' end end end desc 'executed in CI' task :ci => [:compile, 'spec:ci'] task :default => [:clobber, :compile, :spec] rescue LoadError => e puts 'RSpec is not installed, skipping test task definitions: ' + e.message end current_yard_version_name = [*Concurrent::VERSION.split('.')[0..1], 'x'].join('.') begin require 'yard' require 'md_ruby_eval' require_relative 'support/yard_full_types' common_yard_options = ['--no-yardopts', '--no-document', '--no-private', '--embed-mixins', '--markup', 'markdown', '--title', 'Concurrent Ruby', '--template', 'default', '--template-path', 'yard-template', '--default-return', 'undocumented'] desc 'Generate YARD Documentation (signpost, master)' task :yard => ['yard:signpost', 'yard:master'] namespace :yard do desc '* eval markdown files' task :eval_md do Dir.chdir File.join(__dir__, 'docs-source') do sh 'bundle exec md-ruby-eval --auto' end end task :update_readme do Dir.chdir __dir__ do content = File.read(File.join('README.md')). gsub(/\[([\w ]+)\]\(http:\/\/ruby-concurrency\.github\.io\/concurrent-ruby\/master\/.*\)/) do |_| case $1 when 'LockFreeLinkedSet' "{Concurrent::Edge::#{$1} #{$1}}" when '.dataflow' '{Concurrent.dataflow Concurrent.dataflow}' when 'thread pool' '{file:thread_pools.md thread pool}' else "{Concurrent::#{$1} #{$1}}" end end FileUtils.mkpath 'tmp' File.write 'tmp/README.md', content end end define_yard_task = -> name do desc "* of #{name} into subdir #{name}" YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new(name) do |yard| yard.options.push( '--output-dir', "docs/#{name}", '--main', 'tmp/README.md', *common_yard_options) yard.files = ['./lib/**/*.rb', './lib-edge/**/*.rb', './ext/concurrent_ruby_ext/**/*.c', '-', 'docs-source/thread_pools.md', 'docs-source/promises.out.md', 'LICENSE.md', 'CHANGELOG.md'] end Rake::Task[name].prerequisites.push 'yard:eval_md', 'yard:update_readme' end define_yard_task.call current_yard_version_name define_yard_task.call 'master' desc "* signpost for versions" YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new(:signpost) do |yard| yard.options.push( '--output-dir', 'docs', '--main', 'docs-source/signpost.md', *common_yard_options) yard.files = ['no-lib'] end define_uptodate_task = -> name do namespace name do desc "** ensure that #{name} generated documentation is matching the source code" task :uptodate do Dir.chdir(__dir__) do begin FileUtils.cp_r 'docs', 'docs-copy', verbose: true Rake::Task["yard:#{name}"].invoke sh 'diff -r docs/ docs-copy/' ensure FileUtils.rm_rf 'docs-copy', verbose: true end end end end end define_uptodate_task.call current_yard_version_name define_uptodate_task.call 'master' end rescue LoadError => e puts 'YARD is not installed, skipping documentation task definitions: ' + e.message end desc 'build, test, and publish the gem' task :release => ['release:checks', 'release:build', 'release:test', 'release:publish'] namespace :release do # Depends on environment of @pitr-ch mri_version = '2.5.1' jruby_version = 'jruby-' task :checks => "yard:#{current_yard_version_name}:uptodate" do Dir.chdir(__dir__) do sh 'test -z "$(git status --porcelain)"' do |ok, res| unless ok begin STDOUT.puts 'Command failed. Continue? (y/n)' input = STDIN.gets.strip.downcase end until %w(y n).include?(input) exit 1 if input == 'n' end end sh 'git fetch' sh 'test $(git show-ref --verify --hash refs/heads/master) = ' + '$(git show-ref --verify --hash refs/remotes/origin/master)' do |ok, res| unless ok begin STDOUT.puts 'Command failed. Continue? (y/n)' input = STDIN.gets.strip.downcase end until %w(y n).include?(input) exit 1 if input == 'n' end end end end desc '* build all *.gem files necessary for release' task :build => 'repackage:all' desc '* test actual installed gems instead of cloned repository on MRI and JRuby' task :test do Dir.chdir(__dir__) do old = ENV['RBENV_VERSION'] ENV['RBENV_VERSION'] = mri_version sh 'rbenv version' sh 'bundle exec rake spec:installed' ENV['RBENV_VERSION'] = jruby_version sh 'rbenv version' sh 'bundle exec rake spec:installed' puts 'Windows build is untested' ENV['RBENV_VERSION'] = old end end desc '* do all nested steps' task :publish => ['publish:ask', 'publish:tag', 'publish:rubygems', 'publish:post_steps'] namespace :publish do publish_edge = false task :ask do begin STDOUT.puts 'Do you want to publish anything? (y/n)' input = STDIN.gets.strip.downcase end until %w(y n).include?(input) exit 1 if input == 'n' begin STDOUT.puts 'Do you want to publish edge? (y/n)' input = STDIN.gets.strip.downcase end until %w(y n).include?(input) publish_edge = input == 'y' end desc '** tag HEAD with current version and push to github' task :tag do Dir.chdir(__dir__) do sh "git tag v#{Concurrent::VERSION}" sh "git push origin v#{Concurrent::VERSION}" sh "git tag edge-v#{Concurrent::EDGE_VERSION}" if publish_edge sh "git push origin edge-v#{Concurrent::EDGE_VERSION}" if publish_edge end end desc '** push all *.gem files to rubygems' task :rubygems do Dir.chdir(__dir__) do sh "gem push pkg/concurrent-ruby-#{Concurrent::VERSION}.gem" sh "gem push pkg/concurrent-ruby-edge-#{Concurrent::EDGE_VERSION}.gem" if publish_edge sh "gem push pkg/concurrent-ruby-ext-#{Concurrent::VERSION}.gem" sh "gem push pkg/concurrent-ruby-ext-#{Concurrent::VERSION}-x64-mingw32.gem" sh "gem push pkg/concurrent-ruby-ext-#{Concurrent::VERSION}-x86-mingw32.gem" end end desc '** print post release steps' task :post_steps do puts 'Manually: create a release on GitHub with relevant changelog part' puts 'Manually: send email same as release with relevant changelog part' puts 'Manually: tweet' end end end