module OpenstudioStandards # The Geometry module provides methods to create, modify, and get information about model geometry module Geometry # Methods to group thermal zones # @!group Group # Group an array of zones into multiple arrays, one for each story in the building. # Zones with spaces on multiple stories will be assigned to only one of the stories. # Returns an empty array when the story doesn't contain any of the zones. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio Model object # @param thermal_zones [Array] An array of OpenStudio ThermalZone objects # @return [Array>] An array of arrays of OpenStudio ThermalZone objects def self.model_group_thermal_zones_by_building_story(model, thermal_zones) story_zone_lists = [] zones_already_assigned = [] model.getBuildingStorys.sort.each do |story| # Get all the spaces on this story spaces = story.spaces # Get all the thermal zones that serve these spaces all_zones_on_story = [] spaces.each do |space| if space.thermalZone.is_initialized all_zones_on_story << space.thermalZone.get else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Space #{} has no thermal zone, it is not included in the simulation.") end end # Find thermal zones in the list that are on this story zones_on_story = [] thermal_zones.each do |zone| if all_zones_on_story.include?(zone) # Skip thermal zones that were already assigned to a story. # This can happen if a zone has multiple spaces on multiple stories. # Stairwells and atriums are typical scenarios. next if zones_already_assigned.include?(zone) zones_on_story << zone zones_already_assigned << zone end end unless zones_on_story.empty? story_zone_lists << zones_on_story end end return story_zone_lists end # Split all zones in the model into groups that are big enough to justify their own HVAC system type. # Similar to the logic from 90.1 Appendix G, but without regard to the fuel type of the existing HVAC system (because the model may not have one). # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio Model object # @param min_area_m2 [Double] the minimum area required to justify a different system type, default 20,000 ft^2 # @return [Array] an array of hashes of area information, with keys area_ft2, type, stories, and zones (an array of zones) def self.model_group_thermal_zones_by_occupancy_type(model, min_area_m2: 1858.0608) min_area_ft2 = OpenStudio.convert(min_area_m2, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get # Get occupancy type, fuel type, and area information for all zones, excluding unconditioned zones. # Occupancy types are: # Residential # NonResidential # Use 90.1-2010 so that retail and publicassembly are not split out std ='90.1-2019') # delete once space methods refactored zones = std.model_zones_with_occ_and_fuel_type(model, nil) # Ensure that there is at least one conditioned zone if zones.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.prototype.Model', 'The building does not appear to have any conditioned zones. Make sure zones have thermostat with appropriate heating and cooling setpoint schedules.') return [] end # Group the zones by occupancy type type_to_area = { 0.0 } zones_grouped_by_occ = zones.group_by { |z| z['occ'] } # Determine the dominant occupancy type by area zones_grouped_by_occ.each do |occ_type, zns| zns.each do |zn| type_to_area[occ_type] += zn['area'] end end dom_occ = type_to_area.sort_by { |k, v| v }.reverse[0][0] # Get the dominant occupancy type group dom_occ_group = zones_grouped_by_occ[dom_occ] # Check the non-dominant occupancy type groups to see if they are big enough to trigger the occupancy exception. # If they are, leave the group standing alone. # If they are not, add the zones in that group back to the dominant occupancy type group. occ_groups = [] zones_grouped_by_occ.each do |occ_type, zns| # Skip the dominant occupancy type next if occ_type == dom_occ # Add up the floor area of the group area_m2 = 0 zns.each do |zn| area_m2 += zn['area'] end area_ft2 = OpenStudio.convert(area_m2, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get # If the non-dominant group is big enough, preserve that group. if area_ft2 > min_area_ft2 occ_groups << [occ_type, zns] OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "The portion of the building with an occupancy type of #{occ_type} is bigger than the minimum area of #{min_area_ft2.round} ft2. It will be assigned a separate HVAC system type.") # Otherwise, add the zones back to the dominant group. else dom_occ_group += zns end end # Add the dominant occupancy group to the list occ_groups << [dom_occ, dom_occ_group] # Calculate the area for each of the final groups # and replace the zone hashes with an array of zone objects final_groups = [] occ_groups.each do |occ_type, zns| # Sum the area and put all zones into an array area_m2 = 0.0 gp_zns = [] zns.each do |zn| area_m2 += zn['area'] gp_zns << zn['zone'] end area_ft2 = OpenStudio.convert(area_m2, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get # Determine the number of stories this group spans num_stories = OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.thermal_zones_get_number_of_stories_spanned(gp_zns) # Create a hash representing this group group = {} group['area_ft2'] = area_ft2 group['type'] = occ_type group['stories'] = num_stories group['zones'] = gp_zns final_groups << group # Report out the final grouping OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Final system type group: occ = #{group['type']}, area = #{group['area_ft2'].round} ft2, num stories = #{group['stories']}, zones:") group['zones'].sort.each_slice(5) do |zone_list| zone_names = [] zone_list.each do |zone| zone_names << end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "--- #{zone_names.join(', ')}") end end return final_groups end # Split all zones in the model into groups that are big enough to justify their own HVAC system type. # Similar to the logic from 90.1 Appendix G, but without regard to the fuel type of the existing HVAC system (because the model may not have one). # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio Model object # @param min_area_m2 [Double] the minimum area required to justify a different system type, default 20,000 ft^2 # @return [Array] an array of hashes of area information, with keys area_ft2, type, stories, and zones (an array of zones) def self.model_group_thermal_zones_by_building_type(model, min_area_m2: 1858.0608) min_area_ft2 = OpenStudio.convert(min_area_m2, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get # Get occupancy type, building type, fuel type, and area information for all zones, excluding unconditioned zones std ='90.1-2019') # delete once space methods refactored zones = std.model_zones_with_occ_and_fuel_type(model, nil) # Ensure that there is at least one conditioned zone if zones.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.prototype.Model', 'The building does not appear to have any conditioned zones. Make sure zones have thermostat with appropriate heating and cooling setpoint schedules.') return [] end # Group the zones by building type type_to_area = { 0.0 } zones_grouped_by_bldg_type = zones.group_by { |z| z['bldg_type'] } # Determine the dominant building type by area zones_grouped_by_bldg_type.each do |bldg_type, zns| zns.each do |zn| type_to_area[bldg_type] += zn['area'] end end dom_bldg_type = type_to_area.sort_by { |k, v| v }.reverse[0][0] # Get the dominant building type group dom_bldg_type_group = zones_grouped_by_bldg_type[dom_bldg_type] # Check the non-dominant building type groups to see if they are big enough to trigger the building exception. # If they are, leave the group standing alone. # If they are not, add the zones in that group back to the dominant building type group. bldg_type_groups = [] zones_grouped_by_bldg_type.each do |bldg_type, zns| # Skip the dominant building type next if bldg_type == dom_bldg_type # Add up the floor area of the group area_m2 = 0 zns.each do |zn| area_m2 += zn['area'] end area_ft2 = OpenStudio.convert(area_m2, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get # If the non-dominant group is big enough, preserve that group. if area_ft2 > min_area_ft2 bldg_type_groups << [bldg_type, zns] OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "The portion of the building with a building type of #{bldg_type} is bigger than the minimum area of #{min_area_ft2.round} ft2. It will be assigned a separate HVAC system type.") # Otherwise, add the zones back to the dominant group. else dom_bldg_type_group += zns end end # Add the dominant building type group to the list bldg_type_groups << [dom_bldg_type, dom_bldg_type_group] # Calculate the area for each of the final groups # and replace the zone hashes with an array of zone objects final_groups = [] bldg_type_groups.each do |bldg_type, zns| # Sum the area and put all zones into an array area_m2 = 0.0 gp_zns = [] zns.each do |zn| area_m2 += zn['area'] gp_zns << zn['zone'] end area_ft2 = OpenStudio.convert(area_m2, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get # Determine the number of stories this group spans num_stories = OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.thermal_zones_get_number_of_stories_spanned(gp_zns) # Create a hash representing this group group = {} group['area_ft2'] = area_ft2 group['type'] = bldg_type group['stories'] = num_stories group['zones'] = gp_zns final_groups << group # Report out the final grouping OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Final system type group: bldg_type = #{group['type']}, area = #{group['area_ft2'].round} ft2, num stories = #{group['stories']}, zones:") group['zones'].sort.each_slice(5) do |zone_list| zone_names = [] zone_list.each do |zone| zone_names << end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "--- #{zone_names.join(', ')}") end end return final_groups end # @!endgroup Group end end