describe TransfersController, type: :controller do describe "without a signed in user" do describe "#index" do it "redirects to sign in" do get :index expect(flash[:alert]).to eq "You need to sign in or sign up before continuing." expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.new_user_session_path end end end describe "with a signed in user" do let(:another_user) { create(:user) } let(:user) { create(:user) } before do sign_in user end describe "#index" do let!(:incoming_work) do ['incoming title']) do |w| w.apply_depositor_metadata(another_user.user_key)! w.request_transfer_to(user) end end let!(:outgoing_work) do ['outgoing title']) do |w| w.apply_depositor_metadata(user.user_key)! w.request_transfer_to(another_user) end end it "is successful" do get :index expect(response).to be_success expect(assigns[:incoming].first).to be_kind_of ProxyDepositRequest expect(assigns[:incoming].first.work_id).to eq( expect(assigns[:outgoing].first).to be_kind_of ProxyDepositRequest expect(assigns[:outgoing].first.work_id).to eq( end describe "When the incoming request is for a deleted work" do before do incoming_work.destroy end it "does not show that work" do get :index expect(response).to be_success expect(assigns[:incoming]).to be_empty end end end describe "#new" do let(:work) do GenericWork.create!(title: ['a work']) do |w| w.apply_depositor_metadata(user.user_key) end end context 'when user is the depositor' do it "is successful" do sign_in user get :new, id: expect(response).to be_success expect(assigns[:generic_work]).to eq(work) expect(assigns[:proxy_deposit_request]).to be_kind_of ProxyDepositRequest expect(assigns[:proxy_deposit_request].work_id).to eq( end end end describe "#create" do let(:work) do GenericWork.create!(title: ['a work']) do |w| w.apply_depositor_metadata(user.user_key) end end it "is successful" do allow_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:display_name).and_return("Jill Z. User") expect { post :create, id:, proxy_deposit_request: { transfer_to: another_user.user_key } }.to change(ProxyDepositRequest, :count).by(1) expect(response).to redirect_to @routes.url_helpers.transfers_path expect(flash[:notice]).to eq('Transfer request created') proxy_request = another_user.proxy_deposit_requests.first expect(proxy_request.work_id).to eq( expect(proxy_request.sending_user).to eq(user) # AND A NOTIFICATION SHOULD HAVE BEEN CREATED notification = another_user.reload.mailbox.inbox[0].messages[0] expect(notification.subject).to eq("Ownership Change Request") expect(notification.body).to eq("#{} wants to transfer a work to you. Review all transfer requests") end it "gives an error if the user is not found" do expect { post :create, id:, proxy_deposit_request: { transfer_to: 'foo' } }.not_to change(ProxyDepositRequest, :count) expect(assigns[:proxy_deposit_request].errors[:transfer_to]).to eq(['must be an existing user']) expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path) end end describe "#accept" do context "when I am the receiver" do let!(:incoming_work) do ['incoming']) do |w| w.apply_depositor_metadata(another_user.user_key)! w.request_transfer_to(user) end end it "is successful when retaining access rights" do put :accept, id: user.proxy_deposit_requests.first expect(response).to redirect_to @routes.url_helpers.transfers_path expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Transfer complete") expect(assigns[:proxy_deposit_request].status).to eq('accepted') expect(incoming_work.reload.edit_users).to eq([another_user.user_key, user.user_key]) end it "is successful when resetting access rights" do put :accept, id: user.proxy_deposit_requests.first, reset: true expect(response).to redirect_to @routes.url_helpers.transfers_path expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Transfer complete") expect(assigns[:proxy_deposit_request].status).to eq('accepted') expect(incoming_work.reload.edit_users).to eq([user.user_key]) end it "handles sticky requests" do put :accept, id: user.proxy_deposit_requests.first, sticky: true expect(response).to redirect_to @routes.url_helpers.transfers_path expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Transfer complete") expect(assigns[:proxy_deposit_request].status).to eq('accepted') expect(user.can_receive_deposits_from).to include(another_user) end end context "accepting one that isn't mine" do let!(:incoming_work) do ['incoming']) do |w| w.apply_depositor_metadata(user.user_key)! w.request_transfer_to(another_user) end end it "does not allow me" do put :accept, id: another_user.proxy_deposit_requests.first expect(response).to redirect_to root_path expect(flash[:alert]).to eq("You are not authorized to access this page.") end end end describe "#reject" do context "when I am the receiver" do let!(:incoming_work) do ['incoming']) do |w| w.apply_depositor_metadata(another_user.user_key)! w.request_transfer_to(user) end end it "is successful" do put :reject, id: user.proxy_deposit_requests.first expect(response).to redirect_to @routes.url_helpers.transfers_path expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Transfer rejected") expect(assigns[:proxy_deposit_request].status).to eq('rejected') end end context "accepting one that isn't mine" do let!(:incoming_work) do ['incoming']) do |w| w.apply_depositor_metadata(user.user_key)! w.request_transfer_to(another_user) end end it "does not allow me" do put :reject, id: another_user.proxy_deposit_requests.first expect(response).to redirect_to root_path expect(flash[:alert]).to eq("You are not authorized to access this page.") end end end describe "#destroy" do context "when I am the sender" do let!(:incoming_work) do ['incoming']) do |w| w.apply_depositor_metadata(user.user_key)! w.request_transfer_to(another_user) end end it "is successful" do delete :destroy, id: another_user.proxy_deposit_requests.first expect(response).to redirect_to @routes.url_helpers.transfers_path expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Transfer canceled") end end context "accepting one that isn't mine" do let!(:incoming_work) do ['incoming']) do |w| w.apply_depositor_metadata(another_user.user_key)! w.request_transfer_to(user) end end it "does not allow me" do delete :destroy, id: user.proxy_deposit_requests.first expect(response).to redirect_to root_path expect(flash[:alert]).to eq("You are not authorized to access this page.") end end end end end