=== 4.3.3 / 2010-06-17

* 2 minor enhancements:

  * Added options and removed pattern from Autotest::RCov
  * update_rubygems now deletes cached rubygems installs

=== 4.3.2 / 2010-06-02

* 1 minor enhancement:

  * Removed support for rbx builds.

* 2 bug fixes:

  * Removed 'preview' from version filter so I can test with 1.9.2
  * Put PATH tweaks at front of PATH

=== 4.3.1 / 2010-03-30

* 1 bug fix:

  * Fixed autotest output on 1.8. That's what I get for not having
    tests for dots.

=== 4.3.0 / 2010-03-27

* 1 minor enhancement:

  * Added gemcutter rubyforge and hoe to the_usual setup

* 4 bug fixes:

  * 1.9 compat: don't use putc anymore. (fistfvck (hah!))
  * Added note that included articles are out of date
  * Fixed rcov plugin so multiple all_good hooks can coexist
  * Fixed typo in doco

=== 4.2.1 / 2009-12-09

* 1 minor enhancement:

  * Added GEM_HOME/GEM_PATH setting to multiruby.

* 1 bug fix:

  * Fixed multiruby refactoring bug from previous release.

=== 4.2.0 / 2009-12-08

* 3 minor enhancements:

  * Added 'multiruby -1 $version' for easier execution (idea from flori)
  * Set up and tear down PATH in multiruby (luis)
  * died hook now gets passed the exception (amikula)

* 3 bug fixes:

  * Deal with windoze getc returning nil (undees)
  * Fix unit_diff for multiline miniunit results.
  * Fix warning for 1.8.8+

=== 4.1.4 / 2009-08-07

* 2 minor enhancements:

  * Added ability to prepend file mappings in autotest. (irohiroki)
  * Switched autodiscover to use Gem.find_files.

* 2 bug fixes:

  * Updated doco for API changes. (David Ruan)
  * Updated git URL for Rubinius. jbarnette

=== 4.1.3 / 2009-06-23

* 1 bug fix:

  * Fixed rakefile to include seattlerb plugin. release was flubbed

=== 4.1.2 / 2009-06-23

* 1 minor enhancement:

  * multiruby configure now passes --enable-shared to support wilson and friends.

* 2 bug fixes:

  * Delete RUBYOPT in multiruby_setup to avoid catastrophe. dbalatero
  * Fixed version number munging for tarballs.

=== 4.1.1 / 2009-06-03

* 1 bug fix:

  * some calls to Multiruby.run didn't have logging. fixed (jcoglan)

=== 4.1.0 / 2009-06-03

* 1 major enhancement:

  * Removed all plugins I don't want to maintain anymore. (gem inst autotest-rails)

* 4 minor enhancements:

  * Added #blur to focus.rb to nuke all other test classes
  * Clear RUBYOPT before installs (balatero)
  * Removed test/unit include in zentest so we can focus on miniunit
  * sort versions for builds. (Jens Wille)

* 6 bug fixes:

  * Fixed a stupid bug when running on some versions of bash >= 3.2.x and using '&>' in a system call. (Jens Wille)
  * Fixed inconsistent test commands in autotest. (jbarnette)
  * Fixed unit_diff's usage generation when installed as gem. (borior)
  * Fixed zentest to deal with unnamed classes. (Bill Dortch)
  * Removed buggy/unused -l support in unit_diff. (borior)
  * make twice to make it more resilient to makefile parallel bugs

=== 4.0.0 / 2009-03-02

* 2 minor enhancements:

  * Deleted autotest/screen - releasing as a separate gem soon.
  * Deleted test-rails and rails_test_audit.

* 8 minor enhancements:

  * Added "tags" command to multiruby_setup.
  * Added "the_usual" as a recipe for multiruby_setup. Motivated by Dr. Nic.
  * Added :died hook to Autotest (yoshuki).
  * Added focus.rb, helping you ignore extra tests while you focus on something.
  * Added multigem command line tool!
  * Cleaned up multiruby to make it easier to tweak.
  * Parameterized testlib so you can override test/unit in autotest. Thanks JB!
  * Switched tests and rakefile to minitest. 20% faster!

* 7 bug fixes:

  * Fix Autotest::Screen to distinguish between errors and failures. (khalsah)
  * Fixed some hook commands from overriding others.
  * Hopefully fixed growl support on 10.5.x?
  * Supposedly adding -w to growlnotify will fix autotest/growl.
  * Updated missing entries in Autotest::ALL_HOOKS.
  * Updated rubygems download location. (carletti)
    * Still not automated :(
  * ruby 1.9.1 fixes.

=== 3.11.1 / 2009-01-20

* 1 minor enhancement:

  * Parameterized test_lib so you can override test/unit. Thanks JB!

* 1 bug fix:

  * Fixed growl autotest plugin hooks to not return true, preempting other plugins.

=== 3.11.0 / 2008-10-22

* 19 minor enhancements:

  * Added :updated hook, gets list of updated files before running tests.
  * Added autotest/restart.rb - restarts autotest if .autotest updated.
  * Added better help to multiruby.
  * Added dummy build command to multiruby_setup.
  * Added git support.
  * Added rbx:ln:$dir and rbx:git:current.
  * Added rubygems:merge as a nice little hack to share rubygems setups.
  * Added svn tag updating (eg will svn sw from mri 1.8.6 222 to 1.8.6 231).
  * Autotest hooks now take *args as well as instance of autotest.
  * Made it possible to have manually specified tags.
  * Made multiruby a little more self-repairing wrt symlinks and build dirs.
  * Refactored into mri_latest_tag(v).
  * Refactored unit_diff to make it a bit easier to use as a library.
  * Refactored zentest mapping main methods into munge/unmunge.
  * Removed rubinius specific symlink hacks, now fully supported.
  * mri:svn:releases figures out all the latest patch levels.
  * multiruby_setup clean now checks for rakefile first, since rbx has both. :(
  * multiruby_setup help now exits instead of building.
  * multiruby_setup list and clean now exit

* 2 bug fixes:

  * ZenTestMapping converts operator prefixes to operators only when an _ follows.
  * Apparently Tempfile.open doesn't return it's last value. fixed.

* 2 bug fixes:

  * Fixed bug in mri:svn:branch:xxx with svn dir name.
  * multiruby_setup rm now smarter about tarballs.

=== 3.10.0 / 2008-06-17

* 1 major enhancement:

  * Added multiruby_setup to help manage multiruby installed versions.

* 3 minor enhancements:

  * Added autotest/once plugin to help plugin developers.
  * Heavily refactored multiruby.
  * Switched rubinius from shotgun/rubinius to bin/rbx, finally.

* 2 bug fixes:

  * Refactored zentest_mapping test to avoid zentest altogether.
  * zentest tests bail gracefully for rubinius.

=== 3.9.3 / 2008-06-09

* 12 minor enhancements:

  * Added $RUBY env support to autotest so you can swap what ruby to run.
  * Added ALL_HOOKS array to autotest for hook devs.
  * Added EXCLUDED_VERSIONS to multiruby. Integrated with hoe.
  * Added miniunit compatibility to unit_diff's output.
  * Multiruby now determines the latest versions 1.8/1.9 automatically.
  * Removed deprecated :run hook.
  * Fixed zentest_assertions to be compatible with miniunit. Will phase out.
  * Minor autotest plugin cleanup / fixes.
  * Moved assert_callback to test/rails/test_case.rb
  * Reversed assert_includes' arguments.
  * Updated requirements info for other ruby impls.
  * util_capture now returns strings, not iostrings.

* 1 bug fixes:

  * (add|remove)_(mappings|exceptions) now all return nil to help fix autotest hooks.

=== 3.9.2 / 2008-03-20

* 4 minor enhancements:

  * Added compatibility with miniunit differences.
  * Added email_notify, jabber_notify, and rcov autotest plugins.
  * Updated rakefile to include examples automatically in example_dot_autotest.
  * multiruby now outputs each command so you can grab it easily.

* 5 bug fixes:

  * Ensure tests are run after reset.
  * Fixed all test/rails tests to run in any combo.
  * Fixed up growl.rb a bit... still buggy (growlnotify, not growl.rb).
  * Fixes for -f (fast start) and last_mtime in general.
  * Fixes for 1.9 and rubinius

=== 3.9.1 / 2008-01-31

* 1 bug fix:

  * OMG I'm so dumb... fixed memory leak.

=== 3.9.0 / 2008-01-30

* 15 minor enhancements:

  * Added Wilson's patch to allow unit_diff to work with mspec. Adding rspec next.
  * Minor overhaul for autotest:
    * Added -f flag to start up without testing.
    * Added -q flag to autotest to make it extra quiet. Patch by Aaron Patterson.
    * Added ability to set test execution order, defaults to :random. EVIL!
    * Added completed_re and failed_results_re to help subclasses like rspec.
    * Added deprecation warnings for hooks. Deprecated :run.
    * Added find_directories accessor, defaults to ['.']
    * Added sleep accessor, defaults to 1 second.
    * Changed find_files to order files in the same order as find_directories.
    * Changed how autodiscover works with $:, added lib to the front.
    * Cleaned out nearly every @ and use accessor methods instead. You should too.
    * Made test_mappings ordered.
    * Removed @files, adding @find_order and @known_files.
    * Renamed tests_for_file to test_files_for.
    * test_files_for now only returns known files.

=== 3.8.0 / 2008-01-12

* 10 minor enhancements:

  * Added basic support for rubinius in multiruby.
  * Changed Dunno! message to only output on -v
  * Added Getting Started with Autotest by Philippe Hanrigou (with permission)
  * Updated example_dot_autotest.rb for newer plugins.
  * Cleaned up rdoc.
  * Worked with David Chelimsky to make Autotest more uber for subclasses.
  * Removed exceptions and test_mappings accessors and replaced with add/remove/clear methods. Updating .autotest should be very straightforward.
  * Moved :initialize hook to beginning of run method
  * Changed load/customization order to be:
    * Autotest
    * AutotestSubClass
    * ~/.autotest
    * ./.autotest (yes, both .autotest files).
  * Moved away from using instance variables to encourage subclasses to use accessors.

=== 3.7.2 / 2008-01-09

* 2 minor enhancements:

  * Extended file map for tests to include subdirs correctly.
  * Added debugging output on bad maps if -v set.

=== 3.7.1 / 2007-12-27

* 2 minor enhancements:

  * multiruby now downloads 1.8.6 and 1.9 on virgin run.
  * Improved output for the downloads.

=== 3.7.0 / 2007-12-21

* 8 minor enhancements:

  * Added add_mapping to make file mappings cleaner.
  * Added assert_callback thanks to Aaron Patterson.
  * Added autotest/cctray.
  * Added extra_files and extra_class_map, allowing .autotest files to be awesome.
  * Added url for lettuce principal thanks to Hugh Sasse.
  * Added zentest.rb refactorings thanks to Hugh Sasse.
  * Exceptions are now an array of regexps, built after :initialize hook.
  * Removed ruby_fork and ruby_fork_client. Eric got a faster laptop. :P

* 6 bug fixes:

  * Fixed all my annoyances with @exceptions.
  * Fixed crasher in autotest/redgreen for non-matches.
  * Fixed everything to work with ruby 1.9.
  * Fixed rubygem requires causing strangeness in tests.
  * Fixed zentest mapping so ruby2ruby and test_ruby2ruby work.
  * Removed stupid YAML methods from TrueClass during
    testing. (Infected by Test::Rails' use of rubygems)

=== 3.6.1 / 2007-07-23

* 4 minor enhancements:

  * Test::Rails::ViewTestCase now uses assert_select.
    * assert_form and friends now work with blocks like assert_select
  * Allow path_parameters in view tests to be ammended, making working
    with routes easier.
  * New version of autotest/notify.rb uses notify-send.
  * Fixed rdoc formatting on autotest and a couple plugins.

=== 3.6.0 / 2007-05-25

* 4 major enhancements:

  * New auto-discovery mechanism to make rspec and friends work independently!
  * Moved and restructured camping and rails as plugins.
  * Removed rspec - now packaged with rspec and/or as plugin.
  * Changed the way FTM tests are named. Allows multiple matricies.

* 3 minor enhancements:

  * Added :OK special result value to FTM.
  * Hugh Sasse is awesome. Rdoc happiness.
  * Parameterized emacs client command.

* 3 bug fixes:

  * Dup load path because I'm dum.
  * Fixed a lame syntax error in emacs.rb.
  * autotest now builds command separator with '&' on windoze. ARGH! Why is this the first I've heard of this?!?

=== 3.5.2 / 2007-04-30

* 4 bug fixes:

  * Patch up Rails fixture defaults for Test::Rails::TestCase.
  * Session now properly hooked up to controllers.
  * ruby 1.8.6 has a bug on 'raise Interrupt' with no args. Fixed on both sides.
  * Fixed redgreen to work with new getc/putc-based output. (from Finn Smith)

=== 3.5.1 / 2007-04-17

* 4 bug fixes:

  * Fixed gem name to be camel-case again. Fixed on rubyforge too.
  * Fixed rdoc for hooks.
  * Fixed redgreen, results changed to an array.
  * Patch up Rails fixture defaults, since they're not inheriting properly.

=== 3.5.0 / 2007-04-12

* 4 major enhancements:

  * Now requires RubyGems 0.9.1 or newer.
  * Autotest and unit_diff are both unbuffered. Results are more live.
  * Refactored and redesigned how files map to test from Sean Carley. See fixtures plugin as an example.
  * Generalize how autotest handler is instantiated and invoked, allowing for many more autotest types, including combos.

* 23 minor enhancements:

  * Added all_good hook if initial run was all_good as well.
  * Added assert_in_epsilon to ZentestAssertions.
  * Added autotest plugin to auto-update source ala tinderbox/cruisecontrol.
  * Added autotest plugin to update ichat/adium IM status with code stats.
  * Added autotest plugin to update the GNU screen statusbar from Yuichi Tateno.
  * Added autotest syntax error handling from Ryan Platte.
  * Added autotest/emacs emacs integration plugin!!! YAY!
  * Added autotest/migrate.rb.
  * Added camping support from Geoffrey Grossenbach.
  * Added changed file reporting to autotest via -v flag.
  * Added informative summary and filtering via ENV['VERSIONS'] to multiruby.
  * Added libnotify support from Kazuo Saito.
  * Added lots of rdoc patches from Hugh Sasse.
  * Added rjs files to view_test_case.
  * Added rspec_autotest "stolen" from caldersphere.net
  * Added run_command hook to trigger the start of a test run.
  * Added tmp to rails' exceptions list.
  * Added unit_diff command variable to autotest for customizing flags and such.
  * Added zentest_mapping.rb and test.
  * Allow session to work in Test::Rails view tests.
  * Improved autotest/growl.rb output from imajes.
  * Improved autotest/timestamp output from Josh Susser.
  * Test::Rails works with Rails 1.2.

* 2 bug fixes:

  * Accelerated Test::Rails unit tests via sensible defaults.
  * Better assertion messages for ZentestAssertions.

=== 3.4.3 / 2006-12-19

* 2 minor enhancements:

  * Add assert_title and assert_h (for header).

* 2 bug fixes:

  * Rereleased against latest version of hoe to fix load path problems.
  * Fix case ViewTestCase for case-sensitive file systems.

=== 3.4.2 / 2006-11-09

* 2 minor enhancements:

  * Add TextHelper for pluralize.
  * Add deny_nil to Test::Rails.

* 7 bug fixes:

  * Fixed test_help's Flash. It's is a module. Oops...
  * Don't run util_audit_assert_assigned if tests didn't pass, results will be bogus.
  * Fixed AssertionsTest names to match what autotest expects.
  * Fixed bug where deny_includes failed for Symbol keys.
  * Switched autotest to use require instead of load... Why??? I don't know!!
  * Fixed a minor but annoying whitespace difference in unit_diff.
  * Switched argument order of assert_includes and deny_includes to match Test::Unit convention.

=== 3.4.1 / 2006-10-13

* 3 minor enhancements:

  * FUNDAMENTALLY changed the way failures map back to tests. This REQUIRES users of autotest to ensure that their tests and impls map 1:1 at every scoping level. I'll blog more details.
  * Hoe'd rakefile
  * Added support for render :collection to RenderTree.

* 7 bug fixes:

  * Fixed autotest tests for custom ruby names.
  * Fixed some documentation errors in ControllerTestCase.
  * Fixed setup in FunctionalTestCase.
  * Allowed @assigns_ignored to contain either Symbols or Strings, bug 5233.
  * Using Object.path2class to look up classes in helper test cases, bug 5493.
  * Added assert_text_area, bug 5452.
  * Renamed assert_select to assert_select_tag. Stupid rails. We were here first.

=== 3.4.0 / 2006-09-12

* 13 minor enhancements:

  * Broke out example_dot_autotest into multiple files in lib.
  * Enhanced hook system so it can return true if event handled.
  * Sleep is now 1 second by default because life is too short.
  * Hooked interrupt with new hook system. First handler wins.
  * Hooked test results before output
  * Accurate test counts for Test::Rails.
  * Added snarl autotest plugin, thanks to Patrick Hurley.
  * Added timestamp autotest plugin, thanks to Joe Goldberg.
  * Added redgreen, thanks to Pat Eyler, Sean Carley, and Rob Sanheim.
  * Added kdenotify autotest plugin, thanks to Geir Freysson.
  * Added markaby support for Test::Rails.
  * Added hack to display a tree of render calls.
  * Added hook to perform extra setup for 

* 5 bug fixes:

    - Extended zentest to deal with rails a bit better... ugh.
    - Fixed @libs for windoze.
    - Fixed inner class/test identification in autotest.
    - Namespaced all plugins... eric is anal.
    - No longer freak out if rubygems tarball not in multiruby/versions.

=== 3.3.0 / 2006-07-28

* 1 major enhancement:

  * autotest has been rewritten to be much cleaner, now has a plugin system.

* 5 minor enhancements:

  * test/rails adds helper tests, "stolen" from Geoff's work, (which was "stolen" from ryan's work. :P)
  * autotest turnaround is now faster.
  * Added more prune dirs to autotest.
  * test/rails rewinds IOs containing captured output. Added assert_empty.
  * Document that autotest doesn't run the db:test:prepare rake task when in Rails mode.
  * Added ruby_fork, but haven't fully plugged into autotest yet.

* 7 bug fixes:

  * Add SIGINT handler to unit_diff to give a more graceful exit.
  * Don't strip <> from tempfiles, parse_diff does it for us.
  * Fixed autotest problems on windoze. Ugh.
  * Fixed broken pipe bug and newline bug in unit_diff.
  * Make request_method in ControllerTestCase a String.
  * multitest installs rubygems if tarball found in versions dir.
  * multitest only configures when makefile is missing. Rebuilds much faster now.
  * ruby_fork exits without backtrace and allows redirection of output.

=== 3.2.0 / 2006-04-10

* 1 major enhancement:

  * Added Test::Rails.

* 1 minor enhancement:

  * Extended autotest for Test::Rails.

* 4 bug fixes:

  * Autotest now detects changes in rhtml.
  * Improved autotest's file mapping and choice of ruby.
  * We've got RDoc, yes we do!
  * Removed redundancies in rakefile. Using gem spec for most stuff now.

=== 3.1.0 / 2006-03-29

* 2 major enhancements:

  * Added multiruby! YAY!
  * Massive improvements to autotest: speed, reliability, reporting, etc.

* 10 minor enhancements:

  * multiruby builds in a centralized location. YAY!
  * multiruby now allows reinstalls quickly and easily (can even skip config).
  * multiruby exits with total sum of exit codes.
  * autotest file search is muuuuch faster.
  * autotest automatically detects rails mode.
  * autotest deals with rails dependencies much better.
  * autotest reruns a full suite after you go green to ensure full coverage.
  * autotest always runs with unit_diff -u.
  * autotest can now run cvs/svn/p4 up periodically to be a mini-tinderbox.
  * autotest now has real help.

* 4 bug fixes:

  * ZenTest is now zentest. Yay for consistency! (do a rake uninstall to clean)
  * ZenTest excludes pretty_print methods.
  * Fixed unary operator issues (they were backwards... oops!) for ZenTest.
  * unit_diff now runs diff.exe on Windoze. dunno if that will work.

=== 3.0.0 / 2006-03-06

* 2 major enhancements:

  * Added autotest and rails_autotest. YAY for continous testing!
  * Repackaged and gemified. YAY for gemification!

* 3 minor enhancements:

  * Added non-mappable tests starting with test_integration_.
  * Lots of code and test refactoring and cleanup.
  * Massive improvement on unit tests.

* 3 bug fixes:

  * Cleaned up class method inheritence. Esp relevant for rails testing.
  * Finally fixed the unit_diff parse bug!
  * Fixed improper counting of errors if a class was missing, should be 1 + missing methods.

=== 2.4.0 / 2005-03-21

* 3 minor enhancements:

  * Able to audit standard class library (so now we can audit rubicon!).
  * Able to map against class methods (self.blah <=> test_class_blah).
  * Added -I=rubypath support 

* 4 bug fixes:

  * bug:1151 Fixed stupid problem w/ unit_diff.
  * bug:1454 code generation correctly matches class/module for nested classes.
  * bug:1455 Updated method mapping to work on all operators listed in my quickref.
  * Realized I'm a moron and did NOT release in March like I thought...

=== 2.3.0 / 2004-11-18

* 6 minor enhancements:

  * Massively expanded the method name mappings.
  * Added -r flag to reverse map names, for Rails style testing.
  * Added -e to auto eval tests generated.
  * Added -b & -c flags in unit_diff (passed to diff)
  * Added install and uninstall rules to Makefile.
  * Added some more doco to README.txt

* 7 bug fixes:

  * Cleaned up and refactored tests.
  * Changed the way files are generated, to accomodate new flags.
  * Added some more tests.
  * Added $ZENTEST=true
  * Fixed the one-liner diff bug.
  * Cleaned up multi-line string diffs by unescaping \n
  * Cleaned result for flunks.

=== 2.2.0 / 2004-10-18

* 4 minor enhancements:

  * Added LinuxJournalArticle.txt! WOOT!
  * Added unit_diff.rb - a very cool filter for test output!
  * Extended ZenTest to work with standard input
  * Added "ZenTest FULL" to force ZenTest to analyze inherited methods, for subclasses of the standard library.

* 3 bug fixes:

  * Extended makefile to be more dynamic and stop diffing versions. ugh.
  * Expanded the method rename map to handle <<, *, +, and ==. 
  * Added more test cases.

=== 2.1.2 / 2004-03-08

* 4 bug fixes:

  * Fixed yet another 1.8ism, results will be the same in 1.8 and 1.6.
  * Fixed code responsible for method name conversion.
  * I am a moron... didn't run tests after updating version.
  * Need to convert my diff-based tests to unit tests.

=== 2.1.1 / 2004-03-06

* 3 bug fixes:

  * Fixed a 1.8ism.
  * Removed zentestrunner. Older ruby users will just have to suffer.
  * Updated history to ZenWeb format.

=== 2.1.0 / 2003-01-07

* 3 major enhancements:

  * Output is runnable as-is thanks to zentestrunner.rb.
  * Wrapped up all running functionality into ZenTest.fix
  * Added simple statistic output... Thanks Dave & Andy!!!

* 2 minor enhancements:

  * Added zentestrunner.rb until Nathaniel accepts my changes!
  * Added a clean rule to Makefile

* 3 bug fixes:

  * Removed at_exit override and avoided test/unit altogether.
  * Extended README.txt to include some of the rules.
  * Fixed several tests and added assertions for new stats

=== 2.0.0 / 2002-10-29

* 2 major enhancements:

  * Rewrite of ZenTest.rb into actual OO design.
  * Added unit tests, finally...

=== 1.0.1 / 2002-09-28

* 1 minor enhancement:

  * Only loads when a class is detected, allows some scripts to be skipped.

* 3 bug fixes:

  * Cleaned up output. Verbose when $DEBUG is true.
  * Added an error count that is output at end.
  * Better filtering or conversion on some method names.

=== 1.0.0 / 2002-09-24

* 1 major enhancement:

  * Birthday!