class Microformats::Vcard include Microformats::FormattingHelpers # You can directly initialize and runthis class, but it's easier # to use the Microformats::Helpers#vcard helper method. def initialize(template) @template = template @default_tag = :span end # You can directly initialize and runthis class, but it's easier # to use the Microformats::Helpers#vcard helper method. # # OPTIONS: # * :tag - The HTML wrapper element (defaults to :div) # * Any other passed options will be treated as HTML attributes. # def run(opts = {}, &block) opts[:class] = combine_class_names('vcard', opts[:class]) opts[:itemscope] = 'itemscope' opts[:itemtype] = '' opts[:tag] ||= :div concat_tag(opts) do end end # Marks up a person's name. # # OPTIONS: # * :tag - The HTML wrapper element (defaults to :span) # * Any other passed options will be treated as HTML attributes. # def name(str, opts = {}) content_tag(str, merge_html_attrs({:class => 'fn', :itemprop => 'name'}, opts)) end # Marks up a company name. If this vCard represents a company # rather than an individual person that works at a company, set # the :is_company option to true. # # OPTIONS: # * :is_company - Boolean, true if this is a company vCard (defaults to false) # * :tag - The HTML wrapper element (defaults to :span) # * Any other passed options will be treated as HTML attributes. # def company(str, opts = {}) classes = opts.delete(:is_company) ? 'fn org' : 'org' content_tag(str, merge_html_attrs({:class => classes, :itemprop => 'affiliation'}, opts)) end alias_method :organization, :company # Marks up the person's URL. By default, it will output an tag using # the passed in string as both the href and the text. If the :href option # is passed, then the string argument is treated as text. # # OPTIONS: # * :href - If passed, the string argument will be treated as the text node. # * :tag - The HTML wrapper element (defaults to :span) # * Any other passed options will be treated as HTML attributes. # # EXAMPLES: # card.url('') #=> # card.url('Google', :href => '') #=> # card.url('', :tag => :span) #=> # def url(str, opts = {}) if opts[:href] content_tag(str, merge_html_attrs({:tag => :a, :class => 'url', :itemprop => 'url'}, opts)) elsif opts[:tag] content_tag(str, merge_html_attrs({:class => 'url', :itemprop => 'url'}, opts)) else content_tag(str, merge_html_attrs({:tag => :a, :class => 'url', :href => str, :itemprop => 'url'}, opts)) end end # Marks up the vCard photo as an tag. Takes the image URL as the first argument. # # OPTIONS # * :size - Pass a string with WIDTHxHEIGHT like "200x100" in lieu of the :width and :height options. # * Any other passed options will be treated as HTML attributes. # def photo(str, opts = {}) if size = opts.delete(:size) opts[:width], opts[:height] = size.split('x') end content_tag(nil, merge_html_attrs({:tag => :img, :class => 'photo', :itemprop => 'photo', :src => str}, opts)) end # Marks up a phone number, takes the phone number as a string. # # OPTIONS # * :type - A string that specifies the type of phone number ('home', 'work', etc) # * :tag - The HTML wrapper element (defaults to :span) # * Any other passed options will be treated as HTML attributes. # def phone(str, opts = {}) type = if opts[:type].to_s != '' type_inner_span = content_tag('', :class => 'value-title', :title => opts.delete(:type)) content_tag(type_inner_span, :class => 'type') else '' end content_tag(type + str, merge_html_attrs({:class => 'tel'}, opts)) end # Marks up an email address, takes the email as a string. # # OPTIONS # * :type - A string that specifies the type of phone number ('home', 'work', etc) # * :tag - The HTML wrapper element (defaults to :a) # * Any other passed options will be treated as HTML attributes. # def email(str, opts = {}) opts[:tag] ||= :a type = if opts[:type].to_s != '' type_inner_span = content_tag('', :class => 'value-title', :title => opts.delete(:type)) content_tag(type_inner_span, :class => 'type') else '' end if opts[:tag] == :a content_tag(type + str, merge_html_attrs({:class => 'email', :href => "mailto:#{str}"}, opts)) else content_tag(type + str, merge_html_attrs({:class => 'email'}, opts)) end end # Accepts latitude and longitude as arguments. It will only output a # visible text node if you provide the :text option. # # OPTIONS # * :text - String, the text will be be displayed inside the 'geo' wrapper # def coordinates(lat, lng, opts = {}) lat_meta = content_tag('', :tag => :meta, :itemprop => 'latitude', :content => lat) lng_meta = content_tag('', :tag => :meta, :itemprop => 'longitude', :content => lng) lat_span = content_tag(content_tag('', :class => 'value-title', :title => lat), :class => 'latitude') lng_span = content_tag(content_tag('', :class => 'value-title', :title => lng), :class => 'longitude') text = opts[:text] || '' content_tag(lat_meta + lng_meta + lat_span + lng_span + text, :class => 'geo', :itemprop => 'geo', :itemscope => 'itemscope', :itemtype => '') end # Outputs a link to that will let the user download the vcard # at the passed URL. # # OPTIONS # * :text - The link text (default is "Download vCard") # * Any other passed options will be treated as HTML attributes. # # EXAMPLE # <%# In Rails, request.request_uri returns the URL of this page %> # <%= card.download_link request.request_uri %> # def download_link(url, opts = {}) str = opts.delete(:text) || "Download vCard" new_url = "" + url.gsub("http://", '') content_tag(str, merge_html_attrs({:tag => :a, :href => new_url, :type => 'text/directory'}, opts)) end # Opens a new block for a nested vAddress. # # OPTIONS: # * :type - A string that specifies the type of address('home', 'work', etc) # * :tag - The HTML wrapper element (defaults to :div) # * Any other passed options will be treated as HTML attributes. # # EXAMPLE: # <% card.address :type => 'work', :id => 'my_adr' do |adr| %> # I live at <%= adr.street "123 Main St" %>. # <% end %> # def address(opts = {}, &block) adr =, &block) end end