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If not, see . ## Overview Ohloh SCM is an abstraction layer for source control management systems, allowing an application to interoperate with various SCMs using a single interface. It was originally developed at OpenHub, and is used to generate the reports at www.openhub.net. ## System Requirements One could use the bundled Dockerfile to test Ohloh SCM in a container and skip this section entirely. See [docker](https://github.com/blackducksoftware/ohloh_scm/#using-docker). Ohloh SCM is developed on Mac OS X 10.13.6(High Sierra) and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Other Linux environments should also work, but your mileage may vary. Ohloh SCM does not support Windows. Ohloh SCM targets Ruby 2.3 and Rake 12.3. Ohloh SCM interfaces with CVSNT, Subversion, Git and Mercurial through the shell. In order to pass the unit tests, all three systems must be installed and on your path. Ohloh is currently tested on the following versions: cvsnt 2.5.03 svn 1.9.7 git 2.17.1 hg 4.5.3 bzr 2.8.0 If you are using CVS instead of CVSNT, you can potentially try creating a shell alias or symlink mapping 'cvsnt' to 'cvs'. Ohloh SCM uses [posix-spawn](https://github.com/rtomayko/posix-spawn) to execute commands so ensure *posix-spawn* gem is installed ``gem install posix-spawn`` ## Usage with Bundler ``` gem 'ohloh_scm', git: 'https://github.com/blackducksw/ohloh_scm/', require: 'scm' gem 'posix-spawn' ``` ## Running Ensure that cvsnt, svn, svnadmin, svnsync, git, and hg are all on your path. You'll also need to ensure that you have the xmloutput plugin installed for bazaar. ### Installing The XmlOutput Plugin $ cd ~ $ mkdir .bazaar $ cd .bazaar $ mkdir plugins $ cd plugins Now checkout the latest version of the xmloutput plugin (0.8.8 as of 11/21/2011). $ bzr branch lp:~amujumdar/bzr-xmloutput/emit_authors The default checkout directory is poorly named and bazaar will complain about this unless it is renamed. $ mv emit_authors xmloutput Now you just need to install the xmloutput plugin $ cd xmloutput $ python setup.py build_ext -i Verify that the plugin was installed correctly $ bzr plugins You should see some text like "xmloutput 0.8.8" Then you can run the unit tests: $ rake You can load the library into your own Ruby application by requiring lib/ohloh_scm.rb. ## Using Docker One may use Docker to run Ohloh SCM and test changes. ```sh $ git clone https://github.com/blackducksoftware/ohloh_scm $ cd ohloh_scm # To run all tests, we need to start the ssh server and set UTF-8 locale for encoding tests. $ cmd='/etc/init.d/ssh start; LANG=en_US.UTF-8 rake test 2> /dev/null' $ docker run -P -w /home/app/ohloh_scm -v $(pwd):/home/app/ohloh_scm -ti notalex/ohloh_scm:ubuntu18 /bin/sh -c "$cmd" # This mounts the current folder into the docker container; # hence any edits made in ohloh_scm on the host machine would reflect in the container. # One may also edit the Dockerfile & build the image locally for other distros. $ docker build -t ohloh_scm:custom . $ docker run -ti ohloh_scm:custom -v $(pwd):/home/app/ohloh_scm /bin/bash ``` # Functionality For each tracked repository, OpenHub uses the SCM library to maintain a private local mirror. The SCM library hides the differences between source control systems. The SCM library manages all required updates to a mirror, and reports the contents of the mirror in standardized ways. Each mirror is assigned a dedicated directory, and the SCM library adapter may store any content it desires in that directory. Usually, it's a direct clone of the original repository, but in the case of CVS or some Subversion servers, it is a conversion of the original repository to Git. The main OpenHub application orchestrates the scheduling of all updates and backups. On demand, the SCM library adapter then performs the following basic tasks on the local mirror: 1. Pull changes -- From a remote repository URL, pull any changes to the local mirror. This step may involve conversion from one system to another. 2. Push changes -- From the local mirror, push any changes to another OpenHub server. This is required to create backup copies and perform load balancing on the OpenHub cluster, and typically occurs over ssh. 3. Commit log -- Given the last known commit, report the list of new commits, if any, including their diffs. 4. Cat file or parent -- Given a commit, return either the contents of a single file, or that file's previous contents. 5. Export tree -- Given a commit, export the entire contents of the source tree to a specified temp directory. The adapter must also implement validation routines used to filter user inputs and confirm the presence of the remote server. # Contact OpenHub You can reach OpenHub via email at: [info@openhub.net](mailto:info@openhub.net)