# encoding: utf-8 module Mail class Ruby19 # Escapes any parenthesis in a string that are unescaped this uses # a Ruby 1.9.1 regexp feature of negative look behind def Ruby19.escape_paren( str ) re = /(?])/ # Only match unescaped brackets str.gsub(re) { |s| '\\' + s } end def Ruby19.bracket( str ) str = $1 if str =~ /^\<(.*)?\>$/ str = escape_bracket( str ) '<' + str + '>' end def Ruby19.decode_base64(str) str.unpack( 'm' ).first.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) end def Ruby19.encode_base64(str) [str].pack( 'm' ) end def Ruby19.has_constant?(klass, string) klass.constants.include?( string.to_sym ) end def Ruby19.get_constant(klass, string) klass.const_get( string.to_sym ) end def Ruby19.b_value_encode(str, encoding = nil) encoding = str.encoding.to_s [Ruby19.encode_base64(str), encoding] end def Ruby19.b_value_decode(str) match = str.match(/\=\?(.+)?\?[Bb]\?(.+)?\?\=/m) if match encoding = match[1] str = Ruby19.decode_base64(match[2]) str.force_encoding(encoding) end str end def Ruby19.q_value_encode(str, encoding = nil) encoding = str.encoding.to_s [Encodings::QuotedPrintable.encode(str), encoding] end def Ruby19.q_value_decode(str) match = str.match(/\=\?(.+)?\?[Qq]\?(.+)?\?\=/m) if match encoding = match[1] str = Encodings::QuotedPrintable.decode(match[2]) str.force_encoding(encoding) end str end def Ruby19.param_decode(str, encoding) string = URI.unescape(str) string.force_encoding(encoding) if encoding string end def Ruby19.param_encode(str) encoding = str.encoding.to_s.downcase language = Configuration.instance.param_encode_language "#{encoding}'#{language}'#{URI.escape(str)}" end end end