# encoding: UTF-8 require 'active_support' require 'active_support/inflector/transliterate' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/multibyte' module ICU class Name # Revert to the default sets of alternative names. def self.reset_alternatives @@alts = Hash.new @@cmps = Hash.new end # Perform a reset when the class is first loaded. self.reset_alternatives # Construct a new name from one or two strings or any objects that have a to_s method. def initialize(name1='', name2='') @name1 = Util.to_utf8(name1.to_s) @name2 = Util.to_utf8(name2.to_s) originalize canonicalize @first.freeze @last.freeze @original.freeze end # Original text getter. def original(opts={}) return transliterate(@original, opts[:chars]) if opts[:chars] @original.dup end # First name getter. def first(opts={}) return transliterate(@first, opts[:chars]) if opts[:chars] @first.dup end # Last name getter. def last(opts={}) return transliterate(@last, opts[:chars]) if opts[:chars] @last.dup end # Return a complete name, first name first, no comma. def name(opts={}) name = '' name << first(opts) name << ' ' if @first.length > 0 && @last.length > 0 name << last(opts) name end # Return a reversed complete name, first name last after a comma. def rname(opts={}) name = '' name << last(opts) name << ', ' if @first.length > 0 && @last.length > 0 name << first(opts) name end # Convert to a string (same as rname). def to_s(opts={}) rname(opts) end # Match another name to this object, returning true or false. def match(name1='', name2='', opts={}) other = Name.new(name1, name2) match_first(first(opts), other.first(opts)) && match_last(last(opts), other.last(opts)) end # Load a set of first or last name alternatives. If the YAML file name is absent, # the default set is loaded. type should be :first or :last. def self.load_alternatives(type, file=nil) compile_alts(check_type(type), file, true) end # Show first name or last name alternatives. def alternatives(type) get_alts(check_type(type)) end # :stopdoc: private # Save the original inputs without any cleanup other than whitespace. def originalize @original = @name2 == '' ? @name1.clone : "#{@name2.strip}, #{@name1.strip}" @original.strip! @original.gsub!(/\s+/, ' ') end # Transliterate characters to ASCII or Latin1. def transliterate(str, chars='US-ASCII') case chars when /^(US-?)?ASCII/i ActiveSupport::Inflector.transliterate(str) when /^(Windows|CP)-?1252|ISO-?8859-?1|Latin(-?1)?$/i str.gsub(/./) { |m| m.ord < 256 ? m : ActiveSupport::Inflector.transliterate(m) } else str.dup end end # Canonicalise the first and last names. def canonicalize first, last = partition @first = finish_first(first) @last = finish_last(last) end # Split one complete name into first and last parts. def partition if @name2.length == 0 # Only one input so we must split it into first and last. parts = @name1.split(/,/) if parts.size > 1 last = clean(parts.shift || '') first = clean(parts.join(' ')) else parts = clean(@name1).split(/ /) last = parts.pop || '' last = "#{parts.pop}'#{last}" if parts.size > 1 && parts.last.match(/^O$/i) && !last.match(/^O'/i) # "O", "Reilly" => "O'Reilly" first = parts.join(' ') end else # Two inputs, so we are given first and last. first = clean(@name1) last = clean(@name2) end [first, last] end # Clean up characters in any name keeping only letters (including accented), hyphens, and single quotes. def clean(name) name.gsub!(/[`‘’′‛]/, "'") name.gsub!(/./) do |m| if m.ord < 256 # Keep Latin1 accented letters. m.match(/^[-a-zA-Z\u{c0}-\u{d6}\u{d8}-\u{f6}\u{f8}-\u{ff}.'\s]$/) ? m : '' else # Keep ASCII characters with diacritics (e.g. Polish ł and Ś). transliterate(m) == '?' ? '' : m end end name.gsub!(/\./, ' ') name.gsub!(/\s*-\s*/, '-') name.gsub!(/'+/, "'") name.strip.mb_chars.downcase.split(/\s+/).map do |n| n.sub!(/^-+/, '') n.sub!(/-+$/, '') n.split(/-/).map do |p| p.capitalize! end.join('-') end.join(' ').to_s end # Apply final touches to finish canonicalising a first name mb_chars object, returning a normal string. def finish_first(names) names.gsub(/([A-Z\u{c0}-\u{de}])\b/, '\1.') end # Apply final touches to finish canonicalising a last name mb_chars object, returning a normal string. def finish_last(names) names.gsub!(/\b([A-Z\u{c0}-\u{de}]')([a-z\u{e0}-\u{ff}])/) { |m| $1 << $2.mb_chars.upcase.to_s } names.gsub!(/\b(Mc)([a-z\u{e0}-\u{ff}])/) { |m| $1 << $2.mb_chars.upcase.to_s } names.gsub!(/\bMac([a-z\u{e0}-\u{ff}])/) do |m| letter = $1 # capitalize after "Mac" only if the original clearly indicates it upper = letter.mb_chars.upcase.to_s 'Mac'.concat(@original.match(/\bMac#{upper}/) ? upper : letter) end names.gsub!(/\bO ([A-Z\u{c0}-\u{de}])/) { |m| "O'" << $1 } names end # Check the type argument to the public methods. def check_type(type) self.class.instance_eval { check_type(type) }; end def self.check_type(type) type = type.to_s == "last" ? :last : :first; end # Match a complete first name. def match_first(first1, first2) # Is this one a walk in the park? return true if first1 == first2 # No easy ride. Begin by splitting into individual first names. first1 = split_first(first1) first2 = split_first(first2) # Get the long list and the short list. long, short = first1.size >= first2.size ? [first1, first2] : [first2, first1] # The short one must be a "subset" of the long one. An extra condition must also be satisfied: # either there has to be at least one match not involving initials or the first names must match. # For example "M. J." matches "Mark" but not "John". extra = false (0..long.size-1).each do |i| lword = long.shift score = match_first_name(lword, short.first) if score >= 0 short.shift extra = true if i == 0 || score == 0 end break if short.empty? || long.empty? end # There's a match if the following is true. short.empty? && extra end # Match a complete last name. def match_last(last1, last2) return true if last1 == last2 return true if match_alt(:last, last1, last2) [last1, last2].each do |last| last.downcase! # case insensitive last.gsub!(/\bmac/, 'mc') # MacDonaugh and McDonaugh last.tr!('-', ' ') # Lowry-O'Reilly and Lowry O'Reilly end last1 == last2 end # Split a complete first name for matching. def split_first(first) first.tr!('-', ' ') # J. K. and J.-K. first = first.split(/ /) # split on spaces first = [''] if first.size == 0 # in case input was empty string first end # Match individual first names or initials. # -1 = no match # 0 = full match # 1 = match involving 1 initial # 2 = match involving 2 initials def match_first_name(first1, first2) initials = 0 initials+= 1 if first1.match(/^[A-Z\u{c0}-\u{de}]\.?$/) initials+= 1 if first2.match(/^[A-Z\u{c0}-\u{de}]\.?$/) return initials if first1 == first2 # "W." and "W." or "William" and "William" return 0 if initials == 0 && match_alt(:first, first1, first2) # "William"" and "Bill" return -1 unless initials > 0 # "William" and "Patricia" return initials if first1[0] == first2[0] # "W." and "William" or "W." and "W" -1 end # Match two names that might be equivalent due to nicknames, misspellings, changed married names etc. def match_alt(type, nam1, nam2) self.class.compile_alts(type) return false unless nams = @@alts[type][nam1] return false unless cond = nams[nam2] return true if cond == true cond.match(type == :first ? @last : @first) end # Return an array of alternative first or second names (not including the original name). # Allow for double barrelled last names or multiple first names. def get_alts(type) self.class.compile_alts(type) name = self.send(type) names = name.split(/[- ]/) names.push(name) if names.length > 1 target = type == :first ? @last : @first alts = Array.new names.each do |n| next unless @@alts[type][n] @@alts[type][n].each_pair do |k, v| alts.push k if v == true || v.match(target) end end alts.concat(automatic_alts(names)) alts end # Add automatic alternatives - those not dependent on a compiled list. # Currently only provides alternative for apostrophes, as backticks are often used instead by FIDE. def automatic_alts(names) names.find_all{|n| n.index("'")}.map{|n| n.gsub!("'", "`")} end # Compile an alternative names hash (for either first names or last names) before matching is first attempted. def self.compile_alts(type, data=nil, force=false) return if @@alts[type] && !force unless data file = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../config/#{type}_alternatives.yaml") data = File.open(file) { |fd| YAML.load(fd) } end @@cmps[type] ||= 0 @@alts[type] = Hash.new code = 1 data.each do |alts| cond = true alts.reject! do |a| if a.instance_of?(Regexp) cond = a else false end end alts.each do |name| alts.each do |other| unless other == name @@alts[type][name] ||= Hash.new @@alts[type][name][other] = cond end end end code+= 1 end @@cmps[type] += 1 end # Return the number of YAML file compilations (for testing). def self.alt_compilations(type) @@cmps[check_type(type)] || 0 end end end