module Cms class Page < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name 'cms_pages' attr_accessible :name, :slug, :content, :layout_page_id, :published, :root, :updated_by NAME_REGEX = /^[^\/][a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+$/ belongs_to :layout_page, :class_name => self.to_s has_many :content_pages, :class_name => self.to_s, :foreign_key => 'layout_page_id', :dependent => :nullify, :order => 'name ASC' before_validation :clean_data before_save :verify_single_root validates_presence_of :content # validates_presence_of :slug, :message => "can't be blank for a published page", :if => proc{|page| page.published?} validates_format_of :name, :with => NAME_REGEX validates_uniqueness_of :name, :scope => (Cms.context_class ? :context_id : nil), :case_sensitive => false validates_uniqueness_of :slug, :scope => (Cms.context_class ? :context_id : nil), :case_sensitive => false, :allow_blank => true validates_each :slug do |record,attr,value| record.errors.add attr, "is reserved and can't be used for this page" if record.reserved_slug? end validates_each :slug, :published, :root do |record,attr,value| record.errors.add attr, "can't be set for a layout page" if value.present? && record.is_layout_page? end named_scope :published, :conditions => {:published => true} named_scope :unpublished, :conditions => {:published => false} named_scope :layouts, :conditions => {:is_layout_page => true} named_scope :ordered, :order => 'is_layout_page DESC, name ASC' def to_s name end def reserved_slug? return false if self.slug.blank? begin # reserved paths return true if self.slug =~ /\A\/(stylesheets|scripts|images)\b/ path_options = ActionController::Routing::Routes.recognize_path(slug, {:method => :get}) # if the :url option is nil, then one of the existing routes matched the slug return true if path_options[:url].nil? # if "root path" of any of the existing routes match the "root path" of requested url, then the slug is reserved ActionController::Routing::Routes.routes.any? do |r| r.segments.collect{|s| s.to_s}.reject{|s| s == '/'}.first == path_options[:url].first end rescue ActionController::RoutingError false end end def rendered_content(controller) render_options = {} #{:filters => [CmsFilters, AppFilters]} common_assigns = {'params' => || {}).except(:controller, :action)), 'site_url' => controller.request.protocol + controller.request.raw_host_with_port} context_obj = ? context : nil) # render the current page page = self template = Liquid::Template.parse(page.content) template.registers[:context] = context_obj template.registers[:controller] = controller content = template.render(common_assigns, render_options) common_assigns.update(template.instance_assigns) # and then render any layout files of the current page while page.layout_page do page = page.layout_page template = Liquid::Template.parse(page.content) template.registers[:context] = context_obj content = template.render({'content_for_layout' => content}.merge(common_assigns), render_options) common_assigns.update(template.instance_assigns) end return content end def content_type Cms::Editable.content_type name end def url case content_type when 'text/css' "/cms/stylesheets/#{name}" when 'text/javascript' "/cms/javascripts/#{name}" else slug = read_attribute(:slug) slug.present? ? slug : "/#{name}" end end def content=(text) write_attribute :content, text self.is_layout_page = !(text =~ /\{\{\s?content_for_layout\s?\}\}/).blank? end protected def clean_data if slug.present? # remove leading and trailing slashes (will catch multiple /'s on each end and remove them) self.slug.gsub!(/^\/*/,'').gsub!(/\/*$/,'') if self.slug.length > 1 # add a leading / self.slug = '/'+self.slug end end def verify_single_root # if this page is being set as root, remove root for an existing page if found if root? home = Cms.context_class ? context.pages.root : self.class.first(:conditions => {:root => true}) home.update_attribute :root, false if home && home != self end end end end