// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`CategoryAndTemplate rendering render with error 1`] = ` <Fragment> <Title headingLevel="h2" > Category and Template </Title> <Text component="p" > All fields are required. </Text> <Form> <SelectField fieldId="job_category" isDisabled={false} label="Job category" options={Array []} placeholderText="" setValue={[Function]} value={null} /> <GroupedSelectField fieldId="job_template" groups={Array []} isDisabled={true} label="Job template" placeholderText="Error" selected={null} setSelected={[MockFunction]} /> <Alert title="Errors:" variant="danger" > <span> Templates list failed with: I have an error </span> </Alert> </Form> </Fragment> `; exports[`CategoryAndTemplate rendering renders with props 1`] = ` <Fragment> <Title headingLevel="h2" > Category and Template </Title> <Text component="p" > All fields are required. </Text> <Form> <SelectField fieldId="job_category" isDisabled={false} label="Job category" options={ Array [ "Commands", "Ansible Playbook", "Ansible Galaxy", "Ansible Roles Installation", ] } placeholderText="" setValue={[Function]} value="I am a category" /> <GroupedSelectField fieldId="job_template" groups={ Array [ Object { "groupLabel": "SSH", "options": Array [ Object { "label": "ab Run Command - SSH Default clone", "value": 190, }, ], }, Object { "groupLabel": "Ansible", "options": Array [ Object { "label": "Ansible Roles - Ansible Default", "value": 168, }, Object { "label": "Ansible Roles - Install from git", "value": 170, }, ], }, ] } isDisabled={false} label="Job template" placeholderText="" selected="ab Run Command - SSH Default clone" setSelected={[MockFunction]} /> </Form> </Fragment> `;