require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') require 'solrizer' require 'solrizer/xml' describe Solrizer::XML::TerminologyBasedSolrizer do before(:all) do OM::Samples::ModsArticle.send(:include, Solrizer::XML::TerminologyBasedSolrizer) end before(:each) do article_xml = fixture( File.join("mods_articles", "hydrangea_article1.xml") ) @mods_article = OM::Samples::ModsArticle.from_xml(article_xml) end describe ".to_solr" do # after(:all) do # # Revert to default mappings after running tests # ActiveFedora::SolrService.load_mappings # end it "should provide .to_solr and return a SolrDocument" do @mods_article.should respond_to(:to_solr) @mods_article.to_solr.should be_kind_of(Hash) end it "should optionally allow you to provide the Hash to add fields to and return that document when done" do doc = @mods_article.to_solr(doc).should equal(doc) end it "should iterate through the terminology terms, calling .solrize_term on each and passing in the solr doc" do # mock_terms = {:name1=>:term1, :name2=>:term2} # ActiveFedora::NokogiriDatastream.stubs(:accessors).returns(mock_accessors) solr_doc = @mods_article.field_mapper = OM::Samples::ModsArticle.terminology.terms.each_pair do |k,v| @mods_article.expects(:solrize_term).with(v, solr_doc, @mods_article.field_mapper) end @mods_article.to_solr(solr_doc) end it "should use Solr mappings to generate field names" do solr_doc = @mods_article.to_solr #should have these solr_doc["abstract"].should be_nil solr_doc["abstract_t"].should == ["ABSTRACT"] solr_doc["title_info_1_language_t"].should == ["finnish"] solr_doc["person_1_role_0_text_t"].should == ["teacher"] solr_doc["person_last_name_t"].sort.should == ["FAMILY NAME", "Gautama"] # This next line will fail until om > 1.0.2 is released # solr_doc["topic_tag_t"].sort.should == ["CONTROLLED TERM", "TOPIC1", "TOPIC2"] # These are a holdover from an old verison of OM # solr_doc[:finnish_title_info_language_t].should == "finnish" # solr_doc[:finnish_title_info_main_title_t].should == "Artikkelin otsikko Hydrangea artiklan 1" # solr_doc[:mydate_date].should == "fake-date" # # solr_doc[:publisher_t].should be_nil # solr_doc[:coverage_t].should be_nil # solr_doc[:creation_date_dt].should be_nil # solr_doc.should == "" end end describe ".solrize_term" do it "should add fields to a solr document for all nodes corresponding to the given term and its children" do solr_doc = result = @mods_article.solrize_term(OM::Samples::ModsArticle.terminology.retrieve_term(:title_info), solr_doc) result.should == solr_doc # @mods_article.solrize_term(:title_info, OM::Samples::ModsArticle.terminology.retrieve_term(:title_info), :solr_doc=>solr_doc).should == "" end it "should add multiple fields based on index_as" do fake_solr_doc = {} term = OM::Samples::ModsArticle.terminology.retrieve_term(:name) term.children[:namePart].index_as = [:displayable, :facetable] @mods_article.solrize_term(term, fake_solr_doc) expected_names = ["DR.", "FAMILY NAME", "GIVEN NAMES"] %w(_t _display _facet).each do |suffix| actual_names = fake_solr_doc["name_0_namePart#{suffix}"].sort {suffix => actual_names}.should == {suffix => expected_names} end end end describe ".solrize_node" do it "should optionally allow you to provide the Hash to add fields to and return that document when done" do doc = # @mods_article.solrize_node(node, term_pointer, term, solr_doc).should equal(doc) end it "should create a solr field containing node.text" it "should create hierarchical field entries if parents is not empty" it "should only create one node if parents is empty" end end